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Pack sale

reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
edited December 2016 in General Discussion (PC)
Can anyone fill me in on the current "Packs" sale that is on? I JUST purchased the Hero of the North Pack while this sale was on but it took a lot more zen than it should have...

Regular price is 20,000 Zen, I bought it and it said 16,000 Zen, but it was supposed to be 50% off according to our community managers post and only be 10,000 Zen.

Did I miss read the post or is there something wrong here? Even if they want to spin it to say it's the charge bonus + 20% off that makes it "50%" off that is incorrect too because the most charge bonus you can get was 25% and 20% off the pack...

Posted by nitocris83

"Hot Sales for Cold Days"

Hero of the North Pack 50% 199.99 $99.99
Post edited by reg1981 on


  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Frankly most are not worth anything anymore.. when those were originally out, some gave you direct AD.. (removed, but price never adjusted) the epic mounts , are not even BIS for classes anymore and you can buy epic mounts directly with all of those powers anyways account wide, this is what I did.

    I would say dragonborn (mostly for extra bag space on alts)
    and SW (pet is "ok")

    the rest I would save your money on and forget them, they should adjust the prices on those.

  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    I've been saving for a LONG time for this Hero of the North pack. I didn't quite have enough during the Black Friday sale so I was SUPER excited to see it for 50% off...

    This pack has another account wide bag, 3 character slots, a WEAPON enchant that is account wide, and more.

    The Feywild pack is good to for the account wide armor enchant and wanders fortune mount.
  • kanwulf#8762 kanwulf Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    that sale is for buying packs through arc , not in game zen market.
    scroll to the bottom and the downloadable content packs are what is 50% off
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Ok, that makes sense then... I miss read it. I didn't know you could buy packs right through Arc...
  • vandignescavandignesca Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    Yeah, the sale is larger for cash spenders because you can technically earn zen through the exchange. The zen store should always tell you the final price of any item you buy, so what you see is what you get mostly. So double check prices if you expect a discount :)
    Love yourself, and focus on the rest of the madness of life later.
  • saiuriefayesaiuriefaye Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    i wish we knew how long the sale threw arc would last. like i just bought the dragonborn one but i want the guardian one too and dont get paid again until the 1st i wish i knew if the sale would still be going on then and i agree this is miss leading to alot of people alot of people just seen the 20% off in game. so they spent way more then they should have had too. its a gimmic to get new players is what it is. because people thats already playing the game will just check and see the zen market its fast easy and right there why would they go to the webpage. while "new players" will start at the webpage. dont get me wrong im not complaining that i got the pack for $37 instead of $75 but i think a bit more clarity would be nice and some what loyalty for your existing player base aswell. why not make both the webpage and zen market 50% off seems like a way to make money (which i get making money) but do you always have to take it out on your loyal player base. i buy stuff all the time. it would be nice to be able to get a break for being a loyal buyer/player sometimes. instead of just worrying about your new people you might drag in.
  • samaka#2511 samaka Member Posts: 568 Arc User

    Frankly most are not worth anything anymore.. when those were originally out, some gave you direct AD.. (removed, but price never adjusted) the epic mounts , are not even BIS for classes anymore and you can buy epic mounts directly with all of those powers anyways account wide, this is what I did.

    I would say dragonborn (mostly for extra bag space on alts)
    and SW (pet is "ok")

    the rest I would save your money on and forget them, they should adjust the prices on those.

    The wiki states the Hero of the North pack comes with 2 million AD... it actually doesn't anymore? Why?!

  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    I was told once there were 2 packs that came with AD a long time ago...
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