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Remove RAD daily from PvP (4.5k RAD given when you PvP, 2 times)

pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
Basicaly, it's been said in the past, i'll repeat it since well, soloQ shows that the devs are looking into PvP.

RAD daily in PvP is a bad idea. Many players, as it's been said in the past and even in these days, join PvP with no intention to "fight", but to just earn some fast RAD.

- Remove RAD daily reward from PvP
- Make PvP reward all PvP related. Gear, PvP overload enchants, rank 7 enchants. All for glory. All BoA. All given to those who perform better.
- Increase PvP rewards for wins and good performances. PvP rewards should "boost" the toon in PvP.

Removing RAD will get RID of those players who are not interested in PvP and are there only for some easy fast ADs. Which is one of the issues PvP has right now, together with premades, gear gap exc...



  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    pando83 said:

    Basicaly, it's been said in the past, i'll repeat it since well, soloQ shows that the devs are looking into PvP.

    RAD daily in PvP is a bad idea. Many players, as it's been said in the past and even in these days, join PvP with no intention to "fight", but to just earn some fast RAD.

    - Remove RAD daily reward from PvP
    - Make PvP reward all PvP related. Gear, PvP overload enchants, rank 7 enchants. All for glory. All BoA. All given to those who perform better.
    - Increase PvP rewards for wins and good performances. PvP rewards should "boost" the toon in PvP.

    Removing RAD will get RID of those players who are not interested in PvP and are there only for some easy fast ADs. Which is one of the issues PvP has right now, together with premades, gear gap exc...


    I Know players want to do pvp and nothing else. THEY are using alts to get more ad because that is their only source (they dislike to pve). BUT they are fighting !.
    REMoving ad you will hurt those pure pvpers( only pvp nothing else).

    Premade why is a problem? ARE 5 poeple gathered and queued together what is the issue here? ME you 5 new players 5 old players anyone can do that.

    GEAR gap yes is big and match making bad.
  • drewhayesdrewhayes Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Unfortunately, since PvP cannot supply enuff glory for new players to get the gear needed to compete in PvP, most are forced to turn to other sources. Right now, the main option is Warborn gear. Since the Zen/AD exchange is stuck @ 500 for the forseeable future, removing any source of RAD would be a disaster for any player that is still reaching for BIS.

    Matchmaking is why premades are a problem. If there was proper matchmaking, then premades would only be paired with groups of similar level. But there is no reason to believe that a "New premade" of 5 toons with 2.5k IL wouldn't be matched against a high lvl PvP Guild premade under the current system.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    pando83 said:

    Basicaly, it's been said in the past, i'll repeat it since well, soloQ shows that the devs are looking into PvP.

    RAD daily in PvP is a bad idea. Many players, as it's been said in the past and even in these days, join PvP with no intention to "fight", but to just earn some fast RAD.

    - Remove RAD daily reward from PvP
    - Make PvP reward all PvP related. Gear, PvP overload enchants, rank 7 enchants. All for glory. All BoA. All given to those who perform better.
    - Increase PvP rewards for wins and good performances. PvP rewards should "boost" the toon in PvP.

    Removing RAD will get RID of those players who are not interested in PvP and are there only for some easy fast ADs. Which is one of the issues PvP has right now, together with premades, gear gap exc...


    If they do that they will completely separate the two game modes and you will find yourself in a very small puddle swimming with the sharks ( EoA, FR, Synergy etc). You sure that's what you want? No fresh blood will go into PVP cause the minute they step in they will get floored. Right now its bad sure but at least not everyone in queue is in a troll premade. Personally I started pvp way back cause it was an easy way for me to get epic armor usable in pve and the AD didnt hurt either. Now I barely play it even tho my toon is quite capable. I need one more push to completely abandon it. You sure you want people leaving pvp instead of joining in?
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I have no problems on my main facing people from those guilds. My only problem is that on my main i'm most of the time in the "half premade" team which faces the undergeared pug. And it's no fun. I usually stop fighting and ask my team to just let the pug team cap.
    The reason why i propose to remove the daily is because i meet players who clearly state they are there to just grab the RAD. They are not interested in PvP and don't gear or even try to fight seriously. They rush to home node, cap, and hope to cap again to reach 600, or beg for cap trading.
    So, to be honest, these guys are not a loss for the PvP community.

    PvPers who want to make RAD through PvP can simply get some "salvage" stuff for glory. Which is a part of the increased rewards.
    Rank 7's can be not bound, like in NCL. So you can sell them.

    The point should be that the better you perform in a match, the better the reward is.

    Premades are another matter. I said it in other threads. Gear gap is not the only thing that separates a PvP premade from a pug team. Builds, experience, coordination. All matters and creates a gap. On my 2.6k HR i can beat unexperienced 3k+ players. Even got to beat a 3.8k guy. So iLvL does not mean all. It's important when a trained PvPer meets another trained PvPer.
    Only exception is probably GWFs, because the class gives less room for skill (no dodge) and is easier to target at low iLvLs.

    I've seen 2.5k+ alts from PvP guilds guys beat way more geared "pugs" due to better build and more experience.
    Basically, my opinion is that even if you even iLvLs, a premade of PvP players will still have an edge over a mixed pug team.
    And the fact that pug teams can include ppl who is in only for the RAD, increases this gap.

    Allow for more "gain" for those who really play, fight and try hard, and no "easy" RAD reward for those who are not interested, is the way.
    So PvPers can really gain RADs through PvP only, and the rest can build them through PvE only or a mix of PvP and PvE.

    Current RAD is a cheap and easy way to gain few AD through PvP.

    - gear that can be salvaged for 20k RAD, that costs 20k glory. The more PvP you play, the more RAD you get
    - glory gain from match increased a bit but linked to performance, including not just match score, but also time spent fighting on nodes/ contesting nodes, and a bit also damage dealt and received. The more you fight on a node, the more you attack, the more you tank, the more you cap, the more glory you get.
    Right now, the difference in glory gain between a trade cap match and a real match is not that big.

    In short, more rewards should be given to those who play PvP more and fight more, while taking away the cheap rewards people can get by just joining a match and trading caps.
    Would also push all PvP players to get real fights in PvP, because they would give more rewards than a stomping or a trade caps.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    "On my 2.6k HR i can beat inexperienced 3k+ players. Even got to beat a 3.8k guy"

    Yeah I wouldn't use that particular case as an example for anything right now.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    emilemo said:

    "On my 2.6k HR i can beat inexperienced 3k+ players. Even got to beat a 3.8k guy"

    Yeah I wouldn't use that particular case as an example for anything right now.

    I'm not combat but trapper (no piercing damage).
    It's to say that there's way more than just iLvL creating a gap in PvP.
    Btw, the matter of this topic is another. From my point of view, it's better to give better rewards you can get playing PvP a lot and fighting, and no rewards for just joining a match and capping 2 times. At least not an easy 4k RAD for begging 600 points in a match...
  • drewhayesdrewhayes Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    pando83 said:

    emilemo said:

    "On my 2.6k HR i can beat inexperienced 3k+ players. Even got to beat a 3.8k guy"

    Yeah I wouldn't use that particular case as an example for anything right now.

    I'm not combat but trapper (no piercing damage).
    It's to say that there's way more than just iLvL creating a gap in PvP.
    Btw, the matter of this topic is another. From my point of view, it's better to give better rewards you can get playing PvP a lot and fighting, and no rewards for just joining a match and capping 2 times. At least not an easy 4k RAD for begging 600 points in a match...
    I disagree. While you SHOULD have to fight in order to get rewards in PvP, the current situation (gear gap, bad match-making, etc,), makes this an impossible situation for most players. Rewarding only the winners is one possible solution, but it will not do anything to draw new players into PvP, and probably only make the current situation worse. And given the state of the game which requires AD for most character improvement, removing any further sources of AD would be bad for the game as a whole.

  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    I'm not saying you must reward only the winners, i'm saying the reward should increase in regards to:
    - number of caps scored
    - kills
    - time spent fighting on a node (contesting)
    - damage taken on node
    - exc...

    Now, the next step is to increase the rewards gradually. No blue stuff. Salvage stuff or enchants, scaling with performance.
    You get a reward, basically, only if you fought enough.
  • drewhayesdrewhayes Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    pando83 said:

    I'm not saying you must reward only the winners, i'm saying the reward should increase in regards to:
    - number of caps scored
    - kills
    - time spent fighting on a node (contesting)
    - damage taken on node
    - exc...

    Now, the next step is to increase the rewards gradually. No blue stuff. Salvage stuff or enchants, scaling with performance.
    You get a reward, basically, only if you fought enough.

    Number of caps scored --- goes to the winners.
    Kills --- like the current situation, only rewards pug stomping.
    Time spent fighting on the node--- goes to the stronger toons, weaker toons spend most of their time running bac & forth between re-spawn & node.
    Most damage taken --- that one I could manage, i guess 1 out of 4 ain't bad. Not good, but...

    I still don't see anything that would encourage new players to try PvP, let alone stick around long enuff to learn how to do it well. i would much rather see:
    equal rewards for most kills, most deaths & most assists.
    sliding scale rewards for time in combat
    penalty for non-moving state - warning after 45 seconds. auto-kick after 90 seconds (also helps combat bots)
    Much higher glory rewards across the board

  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    drewhayes said:

    Number of caps scored --- goes to the winners.
    Kills --- like the current situation, only rewards pug stomping.
    Time spent fighting on the node--- goes to the stronger toons, weaker toons spend most of their time running bac & forth between re-spawn & node.
    Most damage taken --- that one I could manage, i guess 1 out of 4 ain't bad. Not good, but...

    I still don't see anything that would encourage new players to try PvP, let alone stick around long enuff to learn how to do it well. i would much rather see:
    equal rewards for most kills, most deaths & most assists.
    sliding scale rewards for time in combat
    penalty for non-moving state - warning after 45 seconds. auto-kick after 90 seconds (also helps combat bots)
    Much higher glory rewards across the board

    Yeah, those were just examples.
    Your suggestions are very good. The base principle is to give more rewards for fighting and being active in a match, and less "cheap" rewards like the daily RAD for just getting to 450 (not 600) points in 2 dominations/ PvP matches.
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User


    The rewards for winning right now are pitiful. Removing RAD and adding seasonal rewards where every month is a season and base it off a functional leaderboard and we may be heading in the right direction. Also some sort of meaningful matchmaking + point system would be cool too.

    I would even go as far as waiting in Q for 30min + for dom if it meant the Q system was searching for a reasonably geared premade to play against.
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  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    We just need a pvp server.. separate from basic game
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I'd love to see better pvp rewards. RAD is nice but as said dis encourages players from even trying. Right now the best reward I've seen ever in pvp is a Opal off a Dragon Hoard Kill which is sad.
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  • killzone#4968 killzone Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    removing rad wont solve anything for people that like to pvp, for me thats just a tiny bonus.

    i like pvp (i say like but slowly hating it now) its all about balance there is none at all of any kind, you can buy all the gear you like from the AH and still get stomped by people with far greater gear then you, rewarding premades is a big no no in my book especially with the imbalances that are blatantly in your face, i can join a game where we've won on FAIR terms and been awarded 500+ honour and lost games and been awarded next to nothing or even NOTHING for trying vs these rofl stompers who think its just funny to slander over chat while doing so (and yes i have screenshots of these so called pro's.

    at the current time i see no point in pvp especially with the amount of premades in there now killing with little to no effort and getting rewarded for putting newer people or even older people off one big aspect of the game,i do join a game or two when im sick to death of running the same quests over and over 100's of times.

    how is anyone supposed to gear up when these premade facerollers are getting all there honour already has full gear and a ton of honour to boot(honour yeah right) for nothing and anyone that's new or even wants to start pvping gets none?
  • crowdsourced#3904 crowdsourced Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    I'll argue on behalf of the devs and say that it'll cause even less players to play PVP
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