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Starlight Parcel Coupons, or the Loss of....

ellodrithellodrith Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
So I'm revolving all my characters through my morning stuff, running the quests in the festival, and I decide to trade in a couple of coupons for the starlight parcel. I had 2 on this account, 1 from yesterday, and I had just received one from today's quest, and when I used the first to purchase the parcel, the parcel showed up, but both coupons were gone. Not only that, but upon future revolving, it turns out all the coupons I had received yesterday across all my characters had been deleted.

That is 25 coupons for starlight parcels that up and disappeared. Is this the new normal for dealing with those of us with multiple characters? Is this even supposed to be happening?

Do I stop playing the game because things will randomly disappear off my account at someone else's whim?

Can someone let me know whats going on please?



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    ellodrithellodrith Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
    Your right, I did not see the 24 hour limit, it is my mistake.

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    qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    I agree, the worst that can happen is they can say no. But this is the Winter Festival, it is supposed to be a whole lot of fun and it is nearly Christmas so maybe they will feel a little generous. One thing is for certain: if you don't ask, you definitely wont get anything :)
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