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Dragon Flight 4 dragon kill.

Are any guilds/alliances doing 4 dragon's killed Dragon Flights? I am an trophy horder, and that is one of the ones, that I cant seem to find a guild that can pull off anymore than 2 kills -.-' I know the black and blue dragons are alot harder than the red and green, but... people dont even attempt it.

If anyone is doing them, I am a 2639 gs GWF... if anyone is selling the 4 kill, let me know your price.


  • umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Yes. I don't know how many, as I never bothered asking, but here's the thing. Even guilds/alliances that have done 4 dragon kills multiple times, can still fail. A number of things can go wrong. Look for guilds, with SH 9 or higher and try to get into those.

    Any guild/alliance that does 4 dragons, will not be interested in getting paid to let you in on account of trophy hoarding. If they do, I'd be wary in your shoes, the price will be steep. The dragons are not hard when the fight is properly organized, which is the key for success.

    Good luck mate.

    PS: as a GWF (melee) you should be up at Red and Blue. So make sure you are not sent to Green and Black.
  • ritosin#8429 ritosin Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    I am in a guild hall that has a R10 guild hall currently, its a nice guild... but nothing really happens though, but boons -shrugs-.

    I am quite aware the price will be pricey, which is just about anything in the game currently that is useful... so that doesnt concern me much...but I am aware that its possible for it to go catatonic, which happens the RGN gods, lags, and focus varys and can sometimes lead up to a bad run, it happens, no biggy.

    I know, I only done red dragon though, I have experence with black and green not exactly good experence, but I know the mechanics of those two dragons...not a fan of green his poison area is harsh.
  • umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Unrepentant Guide to dragon speed dating

    Great guide for info on the 4 dragon kill.

    Melee should stick to red and blue, with 2 clerics (or 1 dc, 1 pally heal) and 1-2 tanks and always let the tank engage blue first, preferably with AA protection from DC.

    Ranged should be at Green then black, and have with them at least one healer.

    Other than that, experience will help. Even 1 dragon fang is better than none when you are farming for the gear, so keep at it.
  • fizgigtiznalkie#4436 fizgigtiznalkie Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    My guild, the Filthy Casuals did it last week, maybe Wednesday night? Blue dragon is the only hard one, if the marked tank dies, everyone dies. Don't send any scrubs to black, anyone who dies turns into a soul puppet (think Valindra fight). We're not super high, getting Dragonflight this week, something like GH7, MP3?
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    There are a few that do the 4 dragon kills - I think our alliance is close, we have 3 down pat and the big boss man is experimenting to get us to 4. I don't know that anyone wants a guy who is just there to trophy hoard though - generally guilds like people who actually want to be part of the guild. Unless you have something amazing to offer I think you might have a rough time getting in, just to do a dragon flight.

    If that's all you really want - maybe go for a lowbie guild in a strong alliance and see if you can get into an alliance DF
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • thrilk#9892 thrilk Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    My guild kills all 4 dragons virtually every single time we do guild DragonFlight. When we do fail it is because we don't put on the brakes fast enough and accidentally kill one dragon too soon.

    We do Guild DF on Saturdays and Sundays. We also have random free DF and Alliance DF, but those are not always 4 kills.

    If you are interested look for the Somewhat Serious recruitment thread and contact the leaders there. I doubt they would want to rent a spot, but if you wanted to join the Guild or Alliance they would be the people to contact.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    Actually we did it Tuesday - the Blue Dragon went super fast - the nail biter was green.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • Green needs heals because of the poison. Control wizards, shield on mastery is great for the green dragon.
  • twintails70sw#8053 twintails70sw Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    Dismiss all companions for blue or you will get wiped. Our guild/alliance runs DragonFlight every 2 hours then the big 4 Heroics for influence/gear right afterwards. Only average 2 dragon kills though, but you can't beat running and gunning every 2 hrs for guaranteed fangs. Someone is always running ETOS for protectors seals too. My guild is one of the lesser ones down the line but Cobra is who you should contact since they are the ones who organize everything. Great bunch of guys and girls.
  • devlin#3775 devlin Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    Dismiss all companions for blue or you will get wiped. Our guild/alliance runs DragonFlight every 2 hours then the big 4 Heroics for influence/gear right afterwards. Only average 2 dragon kills though, but you can't beat running and gunning every 2 hrs for guaranteed fangs. Someone is always running ETOS for protectors seals too. My guild is one of the lesser ones down the line but Cobra is who you should contact since they are the ones who organize everything. Great bunch of guys and girls.

    Is this a thing? We've done 4 dragons on many occasions, and we always have our companions at blue? Unless I'm wrong, the wipe occurs when the dragon targets someone. If the person doesnt survive the incoming attack, a wave of lightning will go across the area (basically killing everyone). Assuming your tank doesnt lose agro, the "target" will always be the tank.

    I can see not wanting anyone running defender companions, but no companions at all? Not saying your wrong, maybe we've just been lucky and/or maybe I'm missing something, but not sure I'd agree with your "no companions at blue" statement.

    Side note: does the dragon apply the "target" to companions, even if the tank did lose agro?
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    Dismiss all companions for blue or you will get wiped. Our guild/alliance runs DragonFlight every 2 hours then the big 4 Heroics for influence/gear right afterwards. Only average 2 dragon kills though, but you can't beat running and gunning every 2 hrs for guaranteed fangs. Someone is always running ETOS for protectors seals too. My guild is one of the lesser ones down the line but Cobra is who you should contact since they are the ones who organize everything. Great bunch of guys and girls.

    Is this a thing? We've done 4 dragons on many occasions, and we always have our companions at blue? Unless I'm wrong, the wipe occurs when the dragon targets someone. If the person doesnt survive the incoming attack, a wave of lightning will go across the area (basically killing everyone). Assuming your tank doesnt lose agro, the "target" will always be the tank.

    I can see not wanting anyone running defender companions, but no companions at all? Not saying your wrong, maybe we've just been lucky and/or maybe I'm missing something, but not sure I'd agree with your "no companions at blue" statement.

    Side note: does the dragon apply the "target" to companions, even if the tank did lose agro?
    No companions at blue is a general rule that can be adjusted as ilvl of the guild increases and number participating. The tank may not hold threat. The blue dragon will target the highest threat, usually the tank or a DC, but it can and will target companions. Since companions do not dodge, it is a guaranteed death and a wipe of most everyone back to the campfire. Defenders are the worst, but leaders are also a concern. Once the members of the guild get to higher levels, it's ok to run strikers to keep DPS up, but no defenders and leaders are a maybe (experiment). At any player level, augments are fine.

    We still run no companions at blue. It's easier than trying to figure out which companion is causing the issue and we have enough DPS to kill blue without them. With more wipes, we might not get all four each time.
  • x30flokix30floki Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Dismissing the companion doesnt really work for the blue dragon. It's just a story some people tell!
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    x30floki said:

    Dismissing the companion doesnt really work for the blue dragon. It's just a story some people tell!

    I guess it depends on what you mean by "doesn't really work". Does it eliminate all wipes from the AOE? No. Does it reduce the number of wipes? In most cases, yes. Therefore, a higher chance at a 4 dragon kill for most guilds.

    There is research going back to before PS4 even started. Companions can draw the mark and since they never dodge it is certain death, triggering the AOE.


    And I can say that when we finally convinced our guildmates to dismiss companions at blue, they noticed fewer wipes and became very supportive of the policy. It works for us and many other guilds who use a no companions or a no companions except strikers and augments policy for blue dragon.
  • x30flokix30floki Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Sure an companion can draw the mark - but with no companions, one of the players will be marked.
    90% of the players don't survive the incoming attack, so the aoe wipes everyone else, just like it would happen with companions. So there is no big difference - except the missing stats of companions. Players are missing huge numbers of crit and power without companions, making the fight taking way longer. The longer u fight, the more players get marked.
    Some players are able to manage the marks, like gf, op or some clerics, maybe cws with shield, but thats it.

    So, some ideas for fighting the blue dragon:
    1. High geared players who know their class
    2. 2 or more DCs who spam AA, preferably having everyone close to the DCs

    Blue dragon is like black, u gotta know what u do and low gear is usually useless.
    Better to have 7-10 usefull players at black and blue, while 20 people fight red and green. One healadin can be extremely helpful at green.
    I have done hundreds of dragon fights, killing 4 dragons with my guild since last year on xbox.
    Killing all 4 isnt that hard, u just need to control what 20-40 player do.
    Maybe best way: 10 good players at black, 9 of them go to green when black is at 5%.10 other good players with 2 dcs at blue. The rest fights red.
  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    We have a no companion policy and we kill all four dragons just fine. Occasionally we will have someone with a stray companion out at blue and it ends up causing wipes. If we kill it 100% of the time with no companions I see no reason to change. Our Red/Blue team usually ends up waiting for our Green/Black team to catch up.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    x30floki said:

    Sure an companion can draw the mark - but with no companions, one of the players will be marked.

    90% of the players don't survive the incoming attack, so the aoe wipes everyone else, just like it would happen with companions. So there is no big difference - except the missing stats of companions. Players are missing huge numbers of crit and power without companions, making the fight taking way longer. The longer u fight, the more players get marked.

    Some players are able to manage the marks, like gf, op or some clerics, maybe cws with shield, but thats it.

    You realize everything you said supports what I have been saying? Even at 90% (your estimate and I think it is much lower. More like 60%), there would be 10% fewer wipes. IF you run melee at blue/red and ranged at green/black and just about everyone at blue is able to handle the mark, except the companions. It also makes it easier for the Dc to focus AA near the dragon. But, with all the damage, effects and chaos near the dragon, the mark will be missed by players sometimes and drawing a wipe anyway.

    As guilds get higher in player count, experience and ilvl, they can drop the policy of no companions or modify it. But, for the less experienced guilds, removing companions is a tool in the path to earning 4 dragon kills.
  • umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    The key for blue is to make sure no one has any companions that can pull aggro. So you want to make sure a good tank is at blue and they are the first to pull.. too many times i see dps run in, only to wipe everyone already in the area. Other than that, avoid his electric circles which can spawn right under him, damaging the melee... it becomes hard when the tank keeps dying.

    For green and black you want ranged, since they can keep the dps going, and have the clerics and op heal through the constant gas poison. Also, for black, get rid of companions, or at least the melee ones, since when they die they spawn a soul puppet.

    A word to the clerics on green, don't bother with AA as it will go away very fast, just stagger the Hallowed Grounds and try to cover as much ground as possible with 2 of them. And keep heeling. If you have 3-4 there, you can have them do their buff/debuff just make sure they are in a group with the DD's.

    Typically the 4 dragon kills are a challenge when not enough people go to kill the Empowerers. Which is weird since those who do kill them get a higher score.
  • x30flokix30floki Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Zephyriah, the problem is: Those wipes dont matter, when the team is good. 10 good players, make it just 1 gf, 2 dc with aa, 1 pala and 6 damagers, can easily kill blue. If they fight without companions, there is a huge drop of damage, because there is a huge loss of power for everyone.

    The same group using companions might get more wipes in the same time - but 10 good geared guys with high bondings on companions, good movement and good usage of aa kill blue in one minute or less - thanks to 100% crit through companion boni and having 80k+ power. The bonding bonis are a game changer.
    Without the companions u might get wiped less - but what is better: killing blue in 2-3 minutes without companions or killing blue in 1 minute with companions? And in a coordinated fight with AA maybe 2 people get wiped in 1 minute.

    As I said earlier, the key is AA. Powershare of dcs and a pala, buffs from dc and gf for sure makes it easier. But AA is the perfect counter against the mark.

    When ur fighting blue with 20 guys around 2k-2,5k Il and lower bondings I do agree with u about companions - in one way. But think of this: 20 guys at blue, geared at about 2,5k. Maybe 2 out of 20 might be able to handle the mark, getting out of the fighting zone. Everyone else causes a mass-whipe. And u cant protect 20 guys with AA. So 9 out of 10 marks whipe at least half the group (happens often enough in our alliance). So respawn, get back to fight - 5 seconds later there is another wipe. It doesnt really matter if its 20 people with or without companions. There is a lot of wiping anyway.
    Blue isnt about companions, blue is about teamwork, good gear - and knowledge of ur class and role in the group!

    Almost the same with black. Easy with a good group of 10. But just 2 guys more can ruin it all by lousy movement.

    Black and blue is easier with just a handfull of powerfull players. More players = more danger. Green and red can be handled with the maximum of 20 people and just one healadin.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    We have a "No Defender Companions on Blue" policy - because too many of our players rely on bonding to say no companions at all. Soul puppets from SW ARE an issue though.

    And we fought a huge battle with people claiming companions spawned the wraiths at Black - I think we finally put that one to bed (they don't)
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
    Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP

  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    x30floki said:

    Zephyriah, the problem is: Those wipes dont matter, when the team is good. 10 good players, make it just 1 gf, 2 dc with aa, 1 pala and 6 damagers, can easily kill blue. If they fight without companions, there is a huge drop of damage, because there is a huge loss of power for everyone.

    Yes, they can. But...

    You are still misunderstanding me. I am not talking about guilds than can field 10 good player just to handle blue. Read my posts again, I clearly state as player level and experience increases the policy of about companions can change.

    We are discussing how to achieve 4 dragon kills for all guild, not just ones with high ilvl. Those lower guilds will have higher success without companions. Even our guild which easily does 4 kills, can rarely field 2 DCs for blue.

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