Not really a question but more of a rant... Unless someone knows why the chances are weighted rather than 1 in (X) chance from the listed items?
So I have received the Nobanion's Artifact Pack 4 times and each time have pulled the same item, 3 Lesser Refining Stones. This possibility is very small. If you look at the list, One of the Following should be a 1 in 9 chance but the items must be weighted for me to pull the same lowest quality item 4 times.
Any ideas, good or bad.
If you do not like the risk of what comes from all the packs out of the boxes then sell them on the AH.
If it was a 1 in (X) chance then everyone would open the ammount needed to get what they are after and the economy would go to rubbish, also this would lead to less money being spent on the game and thus it would stop.
I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene
NevrCene: TRMelisandre: SW
Brienne: GWF
Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
and so on.
At the risk of sounding patronising, the chances of finding a rare item are (and should be...) less than those for a Common item.
Rare items are more rare than common items.
I dropped 4 Nobanions and all 4 contained rare artifacts... not a refining stone in sight.
I also pulled an epic apprentice healer, and a bunch of actually useful profession drops.
I used two of the artifacts, and a couple of the profession assets and sold the rest of the stuff and with everything else I'd got I ended up with nearly half a million AD from 10 keys I bought with zen and AD I'd got free as part of the sale event.
It all balances out, but its nice when the good stuff comes in a lump. Of course the other side of that coin is buying a bunch of keys and getting the square root of sod all.
If acquiring a legendary mount was so danm easy, then nearly everyone would have one and everyone's' stats would be roughly the same. Like the gambling metaphor, the odds always favor the House, and in this case, PWE wins. Its not criminal, or wrong, or fair. It is a reflection of real life. Player acceptance of this fact is both fatuous AND irrelevant.
<p style="color:dark yellow;">Chilling - DC 2779</p>
<p style="color:crimson;">Samhain - SW 4200</p>
<b> <p style="color:orange;">Rolling Twenties GH 20</p>
If I get the Inscribed Enchantment pack, which always gives me 2 Rank 7 Enchantments, one more time...I might break. Artifact Equipment upgrading is so slow.
Each item in the box is allocated a certain amount of numerical values. When you open the box the RNG generates a number, and you get the item with that particular numerical value. Obviously, in the Runic Lockbox, the Runic Manticore has the least amount of allocated numbers, whereas it looks like the Inscribed Enchantment Pack, and the other blue rewards have the most.
Another example of seeing how it physically works is to roll a 100 sided die. 100 gets you the Manticore, anything else doesn't. Personally, I'm sure there are much, MUCH, more than 100 numbers in the Lockbox RNG, but we'll never know.
It is sort of like flipping a coin, heads = profession pack, tails = genies gift and if the coins lands on edge you get a legendary mount.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
My point, as I have stated many times is that the packs are misleading and in no way state any ratios of chance. If I placed money down and did not know the chances (gambling) I would not place the bet. Same thing for the packs. Money is used and there is no published ratio for a game of chance... how do we even know that the packs will pay out a listed item? (ok a little crazy talk here but)
The RNG must be used in conjunction with a deeper formula/pool/ratio. I just would like to know the odds.
I can, however, count how many times I've watched a player roll 3 double zeroes in a row.
Because it quite literally is a million to one shot.
It was a crit roll in Rolemaster, which saw the enemy's head bounce off two walls before landing in a bucket in the corner.
At some point, maybe waaay in the future, there will be a Neverwinter Event and everyone will finally realise the odds of getting the top prize, and no one will post a thread about how broken the RNG is.
I'd love an Apparatus of Gond, or that damned hammer...
But I know my chances of getting one border on non existent.
I got the game about 1 month ago maby a bit longer (X-BOX ONE) am lvl70 with IL 1900ish (nothing fancy but I like to role play rather than stat hoard and farm hence my Halfling Trickster Thief.
I Took part in the Wonders event (I have also only spent a total of $50 au on Zen) the rest is bought with astral profit I make buying and selling, Buy low sell high. I traded in my first Doohickey and failed at getting something good even half decent, I really thought about giving up (Selling my Doohickeys for profit) to save myself the heartbreak of further failed attempts. Almost cashed out trading what I had invested in the event for an Artifact that I could use and probably needed.
Anyhow I kept plugging away farming grommets and smashing out as much as my (8 slots helped) professions could. On my second go I set myself up right in front of the gond event stand (poked my tongue out the left side of my mouth and gently bit down) and refined myself another Doohickey then sold it for another box open him up r(right there in front of the fella) and BOOM got my mount (or choice of one of two) so I chose the Embellished Apparatus of Gond.
I agree it must and is frustrating trying over and over and failing but I think people need to sit back and have a hard look at themselves if they are investing $$$ hand over fist at trying to get things from boxes just to keep up with the other guy. Me I bought a key of two with the leftover change from my initial $50 buy and used them to open boxes. But why I spent the money was to get me some bags on sale and extra bank slots. I have not got a singe day of V.I.P. but probably will over the X-Mas break
I have probably banged on enough and gone off topic a bit here but my point (i think??) is that if your investing your own cash in the game you might as well go to the casino and play the slots (in the houses favor) cos you prob have similar odds of winning. On the other hand if your just spending AD earned in the game to get Zen well its still frustrating to not win but you don't really loose anything except a bit of invested time.
And I doubt they would introduce one. And if they did, they wouldn't state the numbers.
It would be counter productive.
Every time the message "Cheesy Bob won a Mount of Super Ego" pops up, YOUR odds of getting one immediately drop, effectively riding roughshod over the main purpose of an RNG.
And if the quota were a minimum per day, by now people would have figured it out and at about 9.30am my time there would be a rush on them popping up to fulfill the quota before the clock ticks over to a new day.
And there isn't...
And if the quota were reached early... your chances become almost impossible next to those of the people who tried 12 hours earlier.
Hardly fair...