As title says, I would like to know how you guys do to make good use of this feature.
In my DC I see it to pop but honestly, dont have the feeling to make it happens as I wish, its more a feeling that its random (although I know is not). I pay a lot of atention since when it pops, boss loses a good piece of HP (so may be it is stronger than per tooltip?-its just a guess).
I use BtS, DG and Chains/BoH . Whats the best rotation to have it proccing in a controled way?
Ty for all replies.
Im happy at the end my intuition worked well, there is someting going on with CG and it can buff more than expected by the tooltip:
jazzfong said:
@michela123 , i had done a test on CG mechanic just now based on ur ACT log and my findings.
This is the result:
1. CG stack is applied by EVERY tick of damage from any damaging encounter.
2. Every tick of encounter damage gives one CG stack to 25' radius of the target (or in simple words: its radius is half a dodge)
3. Thus it is possible to apply one chains to hit 5 targets, spreading up to 5 CG stacks to all of the targets and trigger CG debuff immediately. (Which is also why i think the counter is on us and new wave of mobs can trigger CG on the next encounter hit).
4. In conclusion, it is a good news for DG/Chains spammer, easy to trigger, even possible on the first hit. Yeah~~
michela123 said:
I just realized that my comment was a bit confusing, anyway I wasn't referring to the stacks required to apply the debuff, but the debuff itself overstacking. I mean, all mobs should have 15% debuff, but some mobs have 30-75% debuff, so sometimes the debuff is applied 5 times on the same mobs. This occurs when you hit the mobs in particular ways. I'll make some examples:
- You hit 4 mobs with chains, then 5 mobs with chains
- You hit a mob with BtS and when it has 3 stacks of condemned you hit 5 mobs with chains
- You hit a mob 4 times with dauntling light, then you hit 5 mobs with chains
In all these cases, you'll see some mobs debuffed for 30-45-60-75%. Instead, if you start the fight hitting 5 mobs with chains, everyone will take 5 stacks of condemned and the regular 15% debuff.
putzboy78 said:
sounds very challenging to manage though
So to answer to this thread, -have you managed it up?
Every TICK? Does it mean, that spamming divine FF would basically make a target perma-condemned + perma-bear-the-sins-ed and then you hit him with empowered BtS?
With multiple targets you reach condemned very fast, since you gain a stack for every mob you hit.
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