Hi there Krimzon Knight here, guild leader of The Revolution, a UK based guild.
We are part of the Nocturnal Killers alliance of 8 guilds of which 3 are UK based. We run all content, with several daily dragon flight runs.
All our members in the alliance are extremely friendly and helpful. Like you, we have been looking to recruit a UK based guild to bolster our active player base in the alliance for that time zone.
If you are interested in joining us and having a chat add me on PSN, my PSN ID is: Muhib786
I will be on today along with the fellow guild leaders in the alliance.
We are part of the Nocturnal Killers alliance of 8 guilds of which 3 are UK based. We run all content, with several daily dragon flight runs.
All our members in the alliance are extremely friendly and helpful. Like you, we have been looking to recruit a UK based guild to bolster our active player base in the alliance for that time zone.
If you are interested in joining us and having a chat add me on PSN, my PSN ID is: Muhib786
I will be on today along with the fellow guild leaders in the alliance.