Hello, everyone.
Hope everything's going well for you all. I used to be a forum and in-game regular, but had to quit for a while in pursuit of my career. Not sure if I still know anyone here, but now that I have time to spare again, I'm looking to go back to the game and experience the new modules.
I've been reading the past changes in the updates section but there's just so much information to absorb. I'm interested in the TR changes the most, however, and I was wondering if anyone can fill me in on the changes that hit my favorite class.
Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out, and I'm looking forward to spending time in the game again.

Really excited to try out the new stuff and test the limits of the TR class.
Anything new in the meta for TRs? If nothing much changed, I'm assuming Scoundrels are still underpowered and Executioners and Sabs are still the way to go. It's sad that the Gateway had to be shut down, I was hoping to see the new items right now.
Incidentally, I'm the only one running your idea of DF/Oppressive tweaked from kwess' build, and it kills anyone foolish enough to stand in its way. ^^
Glad to be back.
Focus on these things
Mount insignias
Weapon twisted set, drowned set
Work on artifacts
Work on companions
Get the new frost set for shirt and pants.
Work on lifesteal. 20%
Boost deflection and hp as well.
Guild boons
I still use the stealth based principles you taught me long ago. Goes well with sabo builds
Plus a few rings of rising power on companions.
Most use fire archon for this.
Let me know if you need anything.