I've been playing on and off since mod 4, so I believe I have an idea of what many of us want to see. Here is my list of what I believe we would like to see sooner rather than later.
1. All the remaining missing dungeons returned to the game, standard and epic.* 2. More classes - bard, druid, monk, sorcerer, and barbarian 3. Possibly more races - gnome would probably top my list. (Though honestly, that's not a major concern of mine). 4. PVP overhaul - queue by approximate Item Level (inventory locked during PVP) as well as scenarios with goals similar to heroic encounters*** 5. Foundry Quest reward system which could include AD, epic profession materials, and/or tier 1 epic gear. Of course, there would have to be length and difficulty requirements for foundry quests to offer a way or path to obtaining such rewards.
*Perhaps some of the epic dungeons could be less difficult and reward alliance gear (IL 130) gear rather than epic gear. If an Elemental Evil dungeon (or two) was created as well, then the old system of max lvl requirements for standard dungeons could be returned. Levels 61-65 could play the first EE dungeon, 65-69 could play the 2nd EE dungeon. 1 or 2 EE skirmishes are needed as well. ** I have an idea for an actual PVP campaign that could incorporate these features which I will describe in another post (or an edit of this one). Domination PVP could be left the way it is, so that pay-to-win whales will keep spending their money on that I suppose. *** There could be a temporary pvp bag that opens if players need to use certain items they find during the scenarios to achieve their goals. Also, use of potions and reviving fallen comrades could be allowed, as the scenarios could incorporate time limits (for scenarios where one team has to achieve their goal while the other team defends and tries to stop them), while scenarios could have opposing goals (whichever side achieves their goal first wins). In some scenarios players could be out if they die once and their team fails to revive them, while in others, (especially those with time limits) players could revive at respawn points. Stones of health would, of course, be prohibited from use in these matches. Examples of the kind of scenarios that could be employed include: 1) one team raids a fortress or outpost in order to kill the lord or garrison commander while the other team defends. 2) one team guards a caravan or supply train while the other team tries to destroy it. 3) one team must steal an item from a house in a city and get outside the gates with item while the other team tries to stop them. 4) one team must free prisoners from a dungeon or prison camp while the other team tries to stop them. Etc. The possibilities are truly endless. Oh, and boons would probably need to be re-incorporated into Item Level (as they were in Gear Score) in order to keep things fair.
PVP Campaign idea - A woman claiming to be a princess and true heir to the crown of Neverwinter emerges and begins to rally soldiers to her banner. Players must choose to fight for her faction or Neverember's. Their would be a pvp campaign currency as well as Fame (as opposed to Glory) earned from winning pvp matches. However, their could be a different a set of gear associated with each contender for the throne of Neverwinter (princess' faction - Royal, Neverember's faction - Loyalist) as well as different boons, enchantments, and a different companion that is able to be earned during the course of the campaign. Players could choose to switch sides, but, after doing so, earning reputation with the other reputation would simultaneously decrease their reputation with the other faction. Perhaps there could also be an Infamy gage which increases with the opposing faction when one wins pvp matches. Another possible motivation for playing this campaign would be that at the end of each month, whichever side is has won the most matches is granted entry to a special instance of Protector's Enclave where their chosen monarch is ruling over Neverwinter. The winning side has gold and diamond prices reduced at vendors and a 10-25% increase in the amount of rough diamonds they acquire from all sources.
Another possible idea in relation with this campaign is to have priests of certain deities start prophesying that whoever wears the crown of Neverwinter is destined to rule the whole of the Sword Coast. This could draw the other cities such Baldur's Gate, Luskan, Waterdeep, and Cormyr into the struggle.
Post edited by rowdydwarf on
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
edited November 2016
1) Worthwhile rewards from dungeons, HEs (but see 8 below) and lockboxes. Total elimination of garbage loot. 2) Permanent solo-only pvp queue. 3) No !@#$^##^%* fishing. 4) Improved refinement upgrade system with an option to bypass gambling with the RNG. 5) reward-for-grind system so players can farm dungeons to get coalescent and preservation wards, legendary mounts, endgame rings, artifacts and artifact gear even when the RNG hates them. 6) No grind whatsoever for crafting equipment. 7) No charged/decaying equipment whatsoever. 8) No HEs. There are already dungeons.
Post edited by feanor70118 on
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
PROGRESSION based system on group content only, IE skirms, dungeons, raids.
NO MORE HAMSTER hes. No more stupid effing junk like fishing. I fail to see how this is even a mmo at this point.
Reduction level of gating/grinding by 50% more more, from this current level of ludicrousness.
Actual imagination on boss mechanics.
Actual return to base game play this game was made with.
i could go on and on.. but it wont, we all know this wont help any.
I'm certain there are many zones players would want to see in the future, especially players of tabletop Forgotten Realms D&D as well as fans of the novels, but it's clear that it's more important to us that the game as it is be fixed and improved first.
I've sampled the other action mmorpgs that people tend to rate as better than Neverwinter on the internet. However, none of these held my interest long enough to invest much time into them.
Blade & Soul - good graphics, decent combat system, but the world and story are not appealing to me. Also, I had nowhere near the same feeling as when I started playing Neverwinter for the first time back in August 2014.
Tera - the world and story are not interesting to me at all. The combat feels clunky and unresponsive compared to Neverwinter.
Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9) - endless grinding. You think Neverwinter is bad? lol.
Vindictus - See C9
So, even though these games may have better graphics or more detailed character models than Neverwinter, I could never bring myself to put in the effort required to play a character to max level. The combat in Neverwinter is, in my opinion, simply the most intuitive of any mmorpg I have played to date. If the problems with the game that many players complain about were fixed, the number of people playing/returning to this game, and the amount of revenue generated by this game, would vastly increase.
One important thing that Neverwinter suffers from, as do all theme park mmorpgs, is that we players never actually feel like our characters are an important part of the world. Our characters never really own or change any part of the world. We are just mercenaries who do what we're told, mere visitors, interchangeable parts. I understand that this probably will not change, but this a problem that most mmorpgs seem to suffer from since the success of Everquest and, especially, World of Warcraft.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
We should also be real blacksmiths.. horseshoeing and such for hours on end.
Carpenters, stone masons! the list is endless, there are so many other great and boring activities we could do for hours on end that has nothing to do with combat or regular mmo stuff.
I mean why stop there!
Mucking stables, should reward you MORE then defeating drufi , right?
Thats what players are saying now.. so whats the difference, I shoudl be able to scoop left, scoop right, toss foward and backward.
Scoop the HAMSTER, find precious gems, then, you convert those gems at the HAMSTER master, he exchanges them for trinkets you most have 500k of these, to enter new stable master area.. then you REALLY get to work!
After 2-3 months, you will achieve the greatest scooper pooper of all time.
I mean in the end whats the difference, why even have dungeons and such..
Some of you say this is fine, but if your replace fish with mucking stables, I MEAN what really would be the difference to you?
I fail to see any.
Sigh.. this game .
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
edited November 2016
For the new module, I would like to see Jesus. This will be perfectly logical. After converting from warriors to fishermen, one day, Jesus will come by to convert us, fishermen, to Saints. OP and DC will be converted first. TR will need to do the confession task. SW will need to take a lot longer. He will teach us to use 5 breads (from SH food store) and 2 fishes to upgrade all our toons at once. We will not need the purple boats so that we can save one inventory bag space. We will learn how to walk on water.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Or... Introduce fish cleaning tools for gutting and cooking utensils for cooking the fish. Then we can purchase these tools with Zen (oh boy!).
Maybe cooking the fish will provide a buff that allows us skate on ice at 110 speeds. Then put in a skating rink so we can race each other instead of PvP each other. Introduce a new lockbox inside a lockbox that requires MORE keys to open for winning ice skating.
Mod 10.6 can introduce small fish that we would have to throw back in, making us fish even more.
Well, I got to Cold Run with my 3k GF (on another account) a week or so ago. Haven't been back since. May or may not go finish Storm King's Thunder, haven't decided yet. All I'm really doing right now is acquiring the necessary diamonds and RP to finish refining/upgrading my GF's artifact gear to legendary just for the heck of it. Beyond that, I don't know what else I want to do with this game. There are some epic dungeons I've never finished or even tried, but I don't really feel a compelling desire to complete them. I just can't find much reason to care.
PROGRESSION based system on group content only, IE skirms, dungeons, raids.
Most people I know would quit instantly if this was implemented. There are simply not enough of these to give the necessary variety. MMOs mean that you CAN proceed via that type of content, but the best ones cater for people who prefer solo or smaller group content as well. The absolute best games can scale their instanced content so that you can do it with say a minimum of two but up to 5 or 8 and will scale the number and rank of badguys accordingly. If you want a challenge as a BiS monster, you can up the difficulty as if there were more people in your party than there actually are for slightly better rewards.
More classes and races Better level scaling of badguys Less ridiculous grinding Better support for players who like to alt Old dungeons brought back
rowdy, i share same situation like yours, i have 3.0k GF, there no way for my other alts to go thru same runs, they are not strong yet, my all other alts are still under 2.4k, lowest one is 1.8k GWF. those grinds just burn me out.
IMO, RNG should be restricted only to lockboxes, we are suppose to play RPG, but devs turn this game around into "casino" bait since mod 6. let kill that RNG from rest of the game except for lockboxes.
i also agree for professions all need serious updates, as for making "horseshoes", those with forge skills , (plate, chain, and weaponsmiths) should have thier own unique versions of horseshoes. Weaponsmith's Horseshoes give tier graded versions, +1 Iron, +2 Steel, +3 Mithril, +4 Ebon, and +5 Adamanite, as bonus buff for Peneration Platesmith's Horseshoes give bonus defense value Chainmailsmith's horseshoes give bonus of deflect
then Leather and tailor get "staddle buffs"
currently, i dont like those icons for stable theme set, we should have had staddles, horseshoes, and bidle (mouth piece harness) instead of those icons.
if they raise profession level cap, i would like to see next metal tier would be as "Colbalt", known as blue steel.
2) Permanent solo-only pvp queue.
3) No !@#$^##^%* fishing.
4) Improved refinement upgrade system with an option to bypass gambling with the RNG.
5) reward-for-grind system so players can farm dungeons to get coalescent and preservation wards, legendary mounts, endgame rings, artifacts and artifact gear even when the RNG hates them.
6) No grind whatsoever for crafting equipment.
7) No charged/decaying equipment whatsoever.
8) No HEs. There are already dungeons.
No more stupid effing junk like fishing.
I fail to see how this is even a mmo at this point.
Reduction level of gating/grinding by 50% more more, from this current level of ludicrousness.
Actual imagination on boss mechanics.
Actual return to base game play this game was made with.
i could go on and on.. but it wont, we all know this wont help any.
I've sampled the other action mmorpgs that people tend to rate as better than Neverwinter on the internet. However, none of these held my interest long enough to invest much time into them.
Blade & Soul - good graphics, decent combat system, but the world and story are not appealing to me. Also, I had nowhere near the same feeling as when I started playing Neverwinter for the first time back in August 2014.
Tera - the world and story are not interesting to me at all. The combat feels clunky and unresponsive compared to Neverwinter.
Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9) - endless grinding. You think Neverwinter is bad? lol.
Vindictus - See C9
So, even though these games may have better graphics or more detailed character models than Neverwinter, I could never bring myself to put in the effort required to play a character to max level. The combat in Neverwinter is, in my opinion, simply the most intuitive of any mmorpg I have played to date. If the problems with the game that many players complain about were fixed, the number of people playing/returning to this game, and the amount of revenue generated by this game, would vastly increase.
One important thing that Neverwinter suffers from, as do all theme park mmorpgs, is that we players never actually feel like our characters are an important part of the world. Our characters never really own or change any part of the world. We are just mercenaries who do what we're told, mere visitors, interchangeable parts. I understand that this probably will not change, but this a problem that most mmorpgs seem to suffer from since the success of Everquest and, especially, World of Warcraft.
Carpenters, stone masons! the list is endless, there are so many other great and boring activities we could do for hours on end that has nothing to do with combat or regular mmo stuff.
I mean why stop there!
Mucking stables, should reward you MORE then defeating drufi , right?
Thats what players are saying now.. so whats the difference, I shoudl be able to scoop left, scoop right, toss foward and backward.
Scoop the HAMSTER, find precious gems, then, you convert those gems at the HAMSTER master, he exchanges them for trinkets you most have 500k of these, to enter new stable master area.. then you REALLY get to work!
After 2-3 months, you will achieve the greatest scooper pooper of all time.
I mean in the end whats the difference, why even have dungeons and such..
Some of you say this is fine, but if your replace fish with mucking stables, I MEAN what really would be the difference to you?
I fail to see any.
Sigh.. this game .
This will be perfectly logical. After converting from warriors to fishermen, one day, Jesus will come by to convert us, fishermen, to Saints. OP and DC will be converted first. TR will need to do the confession task. SW will need to take a lot longer.
He will teach us to use 5 breads (from SH food store) and 2 fishes to upgrade all our toons at once.
We will not need the purple boats so that we can save one inventory bag space.
We will learn how to walk on water.
Introduce fish cleaning tools for gutting and cooking utensils for cooking the fish. Then we can purchase these tools with Zen (oh boy!).
Maybe cooking the fish will provide a buff that allows us skate on ice at 110 speeds. Then put in a skating rink so we can race each other instead of PvP each other. Introduce a new lockbox inside a lockbox that requires MORE keys to open for winning ice skating.
Mod 10.6 can introduce small fish that we would have to throw back in, making us fish even more.
— (The unwritten rule)
More classes and races
Better level scaling of badguys
Less ridiculous grinding
Better support for players who like to alt
Old dungeons brought back
Would be my preferences.
IMO, RNG should be restricted only to lockboxes, we are suppose to play RPG, but devs turn this game around into "casino" bait since mod 6. let kill that RNG from rest of the game except for lockboxes.
i also agree for professions all need serious updates, as for making "horseshoes", those with forge skills , (plate, chain, and weaponsmiths) should have thier own unique versions of horseshoes.
Weaponsmith's Horseshoes give tier graded versions, +1 Iron, +2 Steel, +3 Mithril, +4 Ebon, and +5 Adamanite, as bonus buff for Peneration
Platesmith's Horseshoes give bonus defense value
Chainmailsmith's horseshoes give bonus of deflect
then Leather and tailor get "staddle buffs"
currently, i dont like those icons for stable theme set, we should have had staddles, horseshoes, and bidle (mouth piece harness) instead of those icons.
if they raise profession level cap, i would like to see next metal tier would be as "Colbalt", known as blue steel.