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[PS4] Castle Never - Orcus Fight Help!

umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
edited November 2016 in PvE Discussion
Hey all,

I'm a DC AC Righteous, with 2.7K iLvL, and have been trying to get in a group that can defeat Orcus. Whether with friends (3K ilvl DPS) or pugs (some great, some average) and I'm yet to be in a group that can defeat him.

I've tried any variation of my powers, and what I've seen online about how to defeat him, but nothing seems to work.

In fact, 2 pug runs were flawless up until Orcus. No deaths, 1 or 2 revives, and just blasting through the whole dungeon. But then enter Orcus, and Skedoosh.

So the question really is, should we do something specific? Is there a specific strategy that anyone can share or link to?

Here's what we do:

1- DDs and myself head behind Orcus, while Tank engages (I've gotten to the point of using Anointed Army daily before to avoid the one-shot).
2- Tank keeps aggro, I place shield with Orcus roughly at center, and buff / heal as necessary, reapplying my dailies as soon as they pop.
3- When he does his roar thing, watch out for whichever mechanic he will be throwing, Gas sphere, Tether, moving death orbs...avoid damage (or try to)
4- Resume DPS.

The best we ever got was to bring him down to 25% remaining health.

It seems like a straightforward fight, but we just can't seem to finish it. So any help would be super appreciated.

PS: Who do you think needs to be given specific information? Myself? the Tank? the DPS? all of us?


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    ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    Hard to give a specific strategy without knowing classes involved but it sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on what to do. It's definitely good to have a mixed party if you're pugging.

    Going in to the Orcus fight with only close-range dps classes is usually going to be a tough fight unless you have some good players with you. Tank class could be GF or OP and each takes slightly different tactics but basically comes down to survive the big hits and hold aggro.

    For the most part the only thing you need to be concerned with is when Orcus calls the balls. That can cause chaos when pugging and is usually when things fall apart.

    Honestly, a decent party with some low 3k IL working buffs/debuffs should be able to take him down with Orcus only getting off 1-2 of his big moves and if you're lucky it's the tether. Bonding runestones on companion helps too.

    Also, if you like to live dangerously, get your slide timing down and you can move in first, slide through Orcus' initial strikes instead of using AA. Pulling that off lets you pull aggro for a sec so the tank can get in position and then you just get to work with debuffs/buffs/heals etc. I think you have to slide two times as Orcus gets off at least 2 shots at the beginning.
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    armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    A couple of things to look out for:

    (a) is the tank holding aggro and (b) who drops first.

    Hopefully the tank knows what they're doing and the issue isn't (a). Watch to see who drops 1st and note if they are expendable - i.e. if getting them up puts someone else at risk then it has to be worth it because it's either you (dc) or your primary dps'er.

    Speed of killing Orcus is a key factor in the win/lose chance. The longer it takes to kill him, the longer he has to kill you. You should be running at least one decent debuff on Orcus and this should have as close to 100% uptime as possible.

    You should hit AA whenever he fires off a 'special' and immediately when he comes down from the ceiling - immediately follow your Daily with your DC Sigil.

    Bear in mind that AA is not as good a damage buff as HG so AA is for when you see or expect a big hit and HG is for immediately after one and everyone resumes full DPS.

    If you have GWF's in your team then make sure Astral Shield is Empowered as one of them dying can also bring down a GF via KV and that you are using a good combo of Astral Seal and Blessing of Battle so everyone has a combination of extra defence and healing just from hitting Orcus.

    A combination of E.AS, DG, normal BTS and Divine BTS plus HG should provide enough de/buffing to kill him quickly - plus your 2 at-wills for minor boosts.

    If you get distracted trying to fire healing encounters toward ranged DPS players then you are diluting your efforts and everything starts to fall apart.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
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    sh00termcl0vinsh00termcl0vin Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    DPS and tank situation is crucial for that fight. Make sure you are using empowered break the spirit and non empowered divine glow. I would use divine glow to heal as well in divinity instead of bastion. If your tank is decent then it should be no problem, but if the guy drops his shield or doesnt use binding oath at the right time they will get one shot.
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    trzebiat#2067 trzebiat Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    What's your group composition? I assume it's 1 tank, 3 DPS and 1 healer/buff/debuff. Have you tried going 1 tank, 2 DPS, 1 OP for heal/DPS and 1 DC for buff/debuff? That way as DC you can go 100% for buff/debuff and leave healing and some DPS for paladin. And make the pally also use Bane (30% buff/debuff) on both Orcus and top DPS. Having both buff/debuff DC and heal OP really makes things easier.
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    rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User

    In fact, 2 pug runs were flawless up until Orcus. No deaths, 1 or 2 revives, and just blasting through the whole dungeon. But then enter Orcus, and Skedoosh.

    PS: Who do you think needs to be given specific information? Myself? the Tank? the DPS? all of us?

    Yeah, uh, unless PuGs magically became super uber, going to PuG runs happen to be your issue. PuGs generally don't know what they're doing (ugh, I remember when PC Mod8 launched and everyone ran EDemo, our tank was a tankadin who was using an Ambush Ring) and generally don't work with a team (there have been a few PuGs which have suprised me).

    ... Unless I'm reading your issue wrong and you're struggling with a team of your friends, then I'm not sure what to make of it.

    You yourself were using good tactics (DPS hits Orcus' back, back away from Orcus when he raises his hands, apply buffs, etc.), so it puzzles me as to why you didn't finish.

    Everyone else has more or less said what I would suggest in terms of additional tactics.

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    umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Thank you all for the replies.

    Hard to give a specific strategy without knowing classes involved but it sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on what to do. It's definitely good to have a mixed party if you're pugging.

    We usually have a mixed group, usually GWF & CW constants, with myself. Typically we either have a tank with us, and Pug a DD or the other way around, we got an extra DD and pug the tank.

    As far as living dangerously, I was tempted a couple of times, but maybe this weekend I'll work up my courage :)
    armadeonx said:

    A couple of things to look out for:

    (a) is the tank holding aggro and (b) who drops first.

    ....... Speed of killing Orcus is a key factor in the win/lose chance. The longer it takes to kill him, the longer he has to kill you. You should be running at least one decent debuff on Orcus and this should have as close to 100% uptime as possible....

    ....You should hit AA whenever he fires off a 'special' and immediately when he comes down from the ceiling - immediately follow your Daily with your DC Sigil......

    ..... If you get distracted trying to fire healing encounters toward ranged DPS players then you are diluting your efforts and everything starts to fall apart.

    Tank does a decent job holding aggro usually. Then it has been my experience where the Ranged die first.

    Based on what's been said here, it seems we need to have the 3K to be able to burn him down much faster. A full pug was the best run I had so far, but things have improved for my friends a bit so maybe this weekend we give it a go.

    In terms of distractions, I try not to. Triage is one of my favorite things about healing, and I tend to keep Bastion just in case, although I've been wanting to switch it out for Astral shield and keep Divine Glow and Break the Spirit. They've been loving the damage boost so maybe...

    What's your group composition? I assume it's 1 tank, 3 DPS and 1 healer/buff/debuff. Have you tried going 1 tank, 2 DPS, 1 OP for heal/DPS and 1 DC for buff/debuff? That way as DC you can go 100% for buff/debuff and leave healing and some DPS for paladin. And make the pally also use Bane (30% buff/debuff) on both Orcus and top DPS. Having both buff/debuff DC and heal OP really makes things easier.

    That's actually an interesting idea. Thanks. Will see if we can have a run set up.

    TBH, I just want to finish it. I don't really need anything from there, but it's more about bragging rights than anything else.

    @rjc9000, yea, PuG's a MMO player's nightmare. I'm intimately aware of it, but have been quite lazy in trying to form a proper group. :smile:

    Again, thank you all for the input. Seems we just might need better stats.
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    qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User

    Tank does a decent job holding aggro usually. Then it has been my experience where the Ranged die first.

    Sounds like this might be your main problem. Ranged DPS should not be dying as they are the ones that usually take down Orcus. You need people who know how to dodge a little better :) I normally run CN with my CW, an SS Rene/Opp. He helps the rest of the party with buff/debuff, locks down the mobs on the way there with Icy Veins/Icy Terrain and does a respectable amount of damage. For Orcus, when pugging, I quite often slot an Eye of Lathander so I can revive tanks, or other party members who die at the feet of Orcus, from a safe distance. The main tactic with Orcus is....Stay Alive >:)

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    sephi619#9127 sephi619 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    With my guildmate we are doing 20-25minutes runs easily without any problem (between 2,5k and 3,3k iL for everyone), for us, the key to the group is the Hunter Ranger with Fox cunning (class i mainly use),
    We can do rotation with our guild, just need 1 tank (GF/OP tank), 1 heal (DC/OP Heal), and 3 dd (at least 1 HR which know rotation for NO cooldown and keep tank alive with Fox Cunning).
    Also use the maximum Protector compagnon possible if you want to add survivability to the group.
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    urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    qexotic said:

    Tank does a decent job holding aggro usually. Then it has been my experience where the Ranged die first.

    Sounds like this might be your main problem. Ranged DPS should not be dying as they are the ones that usually take down Orcus. You need people who know how to dodge a little better :) I normally run CN with my CW, an SS Rene/Opp. He helps the rest of the party with buff/debuff, locks down the mobs on the way there with Icy Veins/Icy Terrain and does a respectable amount of damage. For Orcus, when pugging, I quite often slot an Eye of Lathander so I can revive tanks, or other party members who die at the feet of Orcus, from a safe distance. The main tactic with Orcus is....Stay Alive >:)

    Shouldn't even have to dodge. DPS+DC should be behind orcus tank should be in front. Tank should hold aggro and the DPS should just be able to whale away at him.

    With my guildmate we are doing 20-25minutes runs easily without any problem (between 2,5k and 3,3k iL for everyone), for us, the key to the group is the Hunter Ranger with Fox cunning (class i mainly use),

    We can do rotation with our guild, just need 1 tank (GF/OP tank), 1 heal (DC/OP Heal), and 3 dd (at least 1 HR which know rotation for NO cooldown and keep tank alive with Fox Cunning).

    Also use the maximum Protector compagnon possible if you want to add survivability to the group.

    Fox's Cunning is bugged so it removes some buffs so you could potentially be slowing your runs down.

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    umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Well, as luck would have it, Thursday I got into a group of 3.1K and above, who not only knew what they were doing, but were farming CN. I did get to see it through and made some friends in the process.

    As for Orcus, Urabask is right. With that group, everyone was just behind him and whaled away. So, as long as everyone knows what they are doing, and are properly specc'ed (stats/powers etc) it's quite easy actually. But Orcus is quite unforgiving otherwise.
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    russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Add russ4ua14 on PSN. I pug CN all day. Can solo Orcus if tank is failing.
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    umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User

    Add russ4ua14 on PSN. I pug CN all day. Can solo Orcus if tank is failing.

    Cheers mate, will do.

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    umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User

    Running a defender companion or two can help a tank out. Your tank needs to be able to have their shield up while tanking Orcus. Needs to move in and out. Not necessarily side to side. Tank companions can eat a shot or two for the tank. As a DC running anointed army can help as well. Having a enough recovery to perma Astral Shield is awesome as well.

    Tried again with my friends, but since we're always missing 1, then it was hard to define what goes wrong... mostly though, the dps is not so high that we melt him, and as the fight goes on, it becomes painfully easy to mess up...
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    armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Have you checked the Resistance Ignored stat on your dps friends? Unlike the adds before Orcus, DPS needs to have close to -60% RI. Anything less and a lot of their dps is negated.

    It's also useful if you can get a combo of debuffs from players. E.g. CW Ray of Enfeeblement, SW Pillar of Power, OP Bane & Aura of Truth, DC Empowered BTS. These all reduce Orcus's dps and help a lot with survivability as well as lowering his damage resistance so he dies faster.

    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
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    umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    armadeonx said:

    Have you checked the Resistance Ignored stat on your dps friends? Unlike the adds before Orcus, DPS needs to have close to -60% RI. Anything less and a lot of their dps is negated.

    It's also useful if you can get a combo of debuffs from players. E.g. CW Ray of Enfeeblement, SW Pillar of Power, OP Bane & Aura of Truth, DC Empowered BTS. These all reduce Orcus's dps and help a lot with survivability as well as lowering his damage resistance so he dies faster.

    TBH no.. never thought about it. BTS is key to my rotation, and I maintain a constant up time on it (dunno how to measure accurate up-time on PS4), we have a CW with us so I will check about Ray, and our OP for bane & aura. Thanks for input, will look into it.
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