If you win a PvP match, you will earn one point. If you lose a match, you will lose one point,
There should be a ranking system with 3 ranks:
Rank 1 : 0 - 9 Points
Rank 2: 10 - 49 Points
Rank 3: 50 + Points
You win three matches and lose two. 3 Points will be added an 2 will be subtracted. Score is 1 and you stay in Rank 1.
If you mostly win the matches, you will raise up to Rank 2 and later to Rank 3.
As a result, winners will play against other winners and the players, who often lose, can fight within their own level.
It s like the leagues in sports. Nobody will think that it could be a fair and funny match for all, when first league teams allways fighting against third or fourth league teams. And this is the main problem in Neverwinter PvP.
Sorry for my bad English, it s not my mother language. But I hope, the suggestion ist understandable. Thanks for reading.
I just started playing PvP, but I already witnessed Dominations with 3 players on one side and just one on the other. Who's idea is that's fair and funny?
So... tell me about matchmaking... is there ANY?