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I'd Crit That is now looking for ALL ROLES 2700+ to join our active, progression guild. If you are lower than that send me a psn message I am starting a 2nd guild to help get people ready for I'd Crit That called Crash Test Dummies and to be in the alliance with them only need to be 2200+ for CRASH TEST DUMMIES.

These are not set in stone but are general guidelines. If you feel you should be the exception let us know why.

We focus on having a good time and being active. We are VERY active as a guild. We do DAILY (EVERYDAY) guild events (SH Dragons, Well of Dragons, Demo, Mdemo, Tiamat) and are looking for more fun loving, drama free, active players to join our guild. It is not unheard of to have 60+ of our members at a time and is pretty normal to have 30-40 at a time. Many days we do several unscheduled things - Think Master Demo, Tiamat, SH Dragons, SH Heroics, etc etc.

We have now killed all 4 stronghold dragons simultaneously and regularly do so.

Expectations for you:

NO DRAMA - if you like to argue with everyone nonstop, rage quit instances, or call people names when they mess up then get lost we don't want you. Our expectation is if someone messes up you help explain to them the proper procedure so they learn. Be constructive not destructive.

Meet the Gearscore Requirement - 2700+ again if your not there yet we can get you into Crash Test Dummies which makes you eligible for all the same events that I'd Crit That does. contact me via PSN as obviously I can't be logged into both guilds simultaneously.

Know your Class - researched optimal feats, loadouts, rotations. I don't care if you make your own loadout but we do expect performance.

Know your Raids - We dont believe in carrying people. So in Mdemo & Tiamat if you havent done them yet you should at least have watched some videos to be able to explain the fight if it was needed. This shows that your not lazy. I dislike lazy people. We like to succeed and lazy people do not generally contribute to success. It only takes a few minutes and saves so much time in the long run. You make me happy if you watch videos and/or know your stuff :)

Have Fun - If your stuffy, uptight, and generally easily offended we are not the guild for you. We make inappropriate innuendos occasionally, poke fun at each other, generally try to have a good time.

Pay Attention - The ability to read chat while doing other things - you pull Heroics in SH before everyone is there, you make me angry. You don't want to see me angry. I get green. Khaalathas Smash :)

Participate - We do guild events every single day at 9:45 pm Central - While we do not require attendance x times per week we do expect people to attend if they are online. This is how we build up Guild Hall BIG & STRONG without having to charge you lots and lots of donation mats like many other guilds out there. Not bashing those that do but its just not our way.

Be Active - We want active players that log on most days - we do have casuals but lets be honest, casuals usually dont contribute much to an active fun place cause well they just aren't on enough to do fun stuff with their guildies. If you are more Casual we can put you into CRASH TEST DUMMIES and you are still eligible for all the same events that I'd Crit That does.


How do I join:

First, know your stuff. We are not elitist jerks, but on the same token we get a little upset when someone says they know what they are doing but then hit black portals in Mdemo multiple times in the same run. BAD

Visit the Find a Guild feature in game and type in "I'd Crit That" might be minus the apostrophe I forget atm and not near my ps4 to check.

or message Khaalathas if I happen to be online.

What Times of Day is your Guild most active:

6-11 pm Central I would say is generally peak times. As stated above though we are VERY active so its pretty normal to have 15 people on even at 3 am.

How does your rank system work:

Probationary Member - this is where you start and where you are located for the first 2 weeks. This is so we can figure out how active you are and see where you best fit.

Casual - This is for those that log on just a few times a week and/or typically cant make normal guild event times.

Raider - This is for those that log on nearly everyday and can generally make most daily guild events.

Veteran Raider - Log on most days, 3k+ Gear Score, Personally observed by officers to successful complete a Portal Run of Master Demo without messing up. New rank so we haven't certified that many yet to be honest. We're working on it though. Burn runs do not count towards this rank. So if they are this rank you can be assured they know their stuff.

Class Leader - Someone who has shown that they know their stuff and is willing to help others get better at what they do.

Raid Leaders - Same as above but also Helps run Guild Events. Although many non raid leaders do pitch in to help as well.

Guild Leaders - Self explanatory. I hope at least.

I have purposely made this post long. Why? Cause I try to scare away lazy people on purpose. If you read this when you are contacting me mention that BLUE is my favorite answer to every question and you get bonus points.
Post edited by khaalathas#0945 on


  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    We are currently letting the gearscore requirement slide for healers as we need more highly active healers in the guild at this time. We have several casuals but could use more of the highly active type. Thanks
  • Healers gear score is now not 2500+ required. Need all healers!
  • marley#4565 marley Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    What is your feeling about a alliance? we are very simular in mind set, but we have a bit of money invested into our stronghold. about 20 or so people. send me a psn Message - Aknfeifight.
    F.I.F.O - Family In Family Out
    Rank: Founder
    PSN: aknifefight
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    Also wondering if have planned for alliances. Somewhat Serious would like to have you consider joining us, if interested.

    Think about it and we hope to hear from you.
  • russ4ua17#7677 russ4ua17 Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Tonight, we dropped four dragons simultaneously! SH7 started construction, Dragonflight gear so close we can smell it. If you want a great guild with great people, look no further. I'd Crit That is the place to be! /Tyrrany
  • slyslepkava#8596 slyslepkava Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    We took down 4 dragons tonight for the first time....went 2 for 2! Also, stronghold 7 is on the way! This is a great, talkative, and friendly bunch. I've been a member of other guilds in Neverwinter and could tell something was missing, but couldn't put my finger on it because I was a former ESO player, where there wasn't an effective way to communicate with your guild mates.

    I only just joined a couple weeks back, but after joining this guild, it clicked. It's the people. It's all about the people. Everyone is always talking and having a good time. A member recently formed a Kik chat group for all clan members to hop in and talk about whatever comes up. The people are hilarious and easy going.

    As far as content goes, everyone is always forming groups, and believe me, there seems to be more than enough room for people to hop into any group. This is a very content driven guild that seeks to improve itself, and you can feel the excitement just being a part of it. There are no "cliques", and everyone tries their best to be helpful. We ran a 2k SW through CN a few times today and it was a blast. I highly recommend checking this guild out! Best decision I've made in Neverwinter so far.

    One more great thing...there are rarely guild chat "crickets", where no one is talking, which is one thing I hated about other guilds that seemed to focused on themselves and their own content progression. Like I said, it's a lively bunch and someone is usually talking about something that everyone is free to chime in on.

    Last thing, seriously. There are always 40+ members on for our guild events during the night time. This is an active guild.
    Post edited by slyslepkava#8596 on
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    We are now looking for another sword guild for our alliance
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User

    We are now looking for another sword guild for our alliance

    You might want to reach out to Wiping as Intended if they haven't found a spot. Declined ours because I couldn't offer sword and I was sorry to lose them. They were GH 6 and active.
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Thanks for the tip
  • lefty#1608 lefty Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited October 2016
    Post edited by lefty#1608 on
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Dang Druids was always a challenge to catch you guys on my Warrior :P yeah I'll try and contact you tomorrow or if you see me on just holler. We will talk.
  • slyslepkava#8596 slyslepkava Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I figured this was worth an update. We were still able to drop 4 dragons post Into the Fray nerf. Definitely felt the difference though!
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Stronghold 8 currently under construction - MP4 will be done on Sunday Evening so Dragonflight Armor here we come. As a side note we are still looking for 1 sword guild and multiple gauntlets. If you like fun active players that get stuff done and you wanna join us. Let us know :)
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    should start building SH9 in a couple days. Still looking for SH6+ alliance guilds
  • khaalathas#0945 khaalathas Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    SH 9 now under construction
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