Hail and Great tidings to you!

This thread is to announce the formation of...

Who makes up the Scattered Empire you may ask?!?!?!?!?!
Helm: Scattered Empire
Sword: The King's Guard
---Gauntlet: Blackbeard's Pirates
---Gauntlet: House Xylander
---Gauntlet: Medecins Sans Frontieres
Sword: Frozen Empire
---Gauntlet: The Occidental Knights
---Gauntlet: (Available!)
---Gauntlet: (Available!)
Sword: Shadovar Empire
---Gauntlet: Quis Ante Ignobiles
---Gauntlet: (Available!)
---Gauntlet: (Available!)
(Note: Available! = Could be your Guild; join and they will be filled in!)
We have played together through many other games. We enjoy conquering challenges in both PvE and PvP! However, winning is not the end all be all of Neverwinter....
We do use Discord free voice service and have a website with over 40+ individuals registered and playing!
http://scatteredempire.enjin.com/homeThe Scattered Empire Guilds of the Alliance form a group of players who enjoy helping each other! Each Guild governs themselves, by whatever means their Guild Leaders determine.
"We're here to have fun together; and say No to Drama!”
So have a good time. But don't let your good time step on the good time of another person.
1) Don't be a Richard.
2) Be inclusive of everyone. We don’t allow Religion or Politics into our game.
3) No fighting in Alliance chat.
4) No cheating or exploiting.
5) Guilds are free to govern themselves as they see fit.
6) Despite the game forcing us into a hierarchy, we’re here to help!
If your Guild would be interested in joining the Scattered Empire Alliance, please message me for additional steps to get you in!
Welcome brothers...