I saw a pathfinder HR (probably combat) with 435 in the stat deflect but he reaches 38% in deflect.
38% not during a fight so not after a daily and no enemy around (he was in PE, not testing Dummy). How can it be ?
I know that the feat 'fluid hunter' gives 2.5% deflect, as well 'Aspect of LW' gives 20 % (not sure of that).
so far it is missing a part.
What companion or else can give you a bit of deflect ?
Also, what is a correct % of deflect in PVP for a combat HR. Yes, it depends of the build, the level of GS etc... let 's say a 3.5K or more (a standard build with around 25K power, 40% crit, 10% LS etc...).
any comments or recommendation will be welcome.
Indalord I & II
Edited to add: Ha I got it. DR boon Illusion Shimmer gives 3% Deflect chance and the 450 rating is another 1%. So very close to the 38-mark.
As to your second question, I read on the forum somewhere that someone saw a HR in pvp with 15k Deflect rating. I don't pvp but I do play SW Combat (3.2k IL) and I do stack Deflect. I slot Lone Wolf and with the Battled Crazed feat my Deflect chance is 72% in combat. I don't use either the Sudden or Rising Deflect rings.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Teucer (HR)
.. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon