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What Happened With This Last Patch?

lance1967lance1967 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
1) I still see everyone's cloak still standing straight up in the air. To include the dead scouts in Cold Run.

2) I am seeing the word "Tricked" above controlled mobs. I don't ever remember seeing a word above a mob, just special effects to represent what was going on with them.

3) Whenever I join a queue (everytime!) whether it is public or private I am not part of the team. I can not see the other team member portraits and they can't see me. It will not allow me to join them and I am not getting any party bonuses (like from my Dusk 2-piece set). I can also completely bypass the "Gather your group" areas before a boss or other section and proceed without the rest of the party. I have done this in multiple dungeons and skirmishes. I soloed 2/3's of Throne of the Dwarven Gods before the rest of the team joined me as they were having problems with another team member they could see (I got silver on the first 2 parts - thank you! LOL)

4) And I still have a Greater Bag of Holding that will not let me sell or discard it. It's taking up either an inventory or bank slot that I could really use.

Items 1-3 all started after the patch on 9/22. I have already done a Force Verify on the login screen and it fixed nothing.

Help?!? Please...


  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    I can't help with your various bugs but I can tell you it had nothing to do with the patch on 9/22, i.e. last Thursday, as there wasn't one. We just got a server reset. Follow this link to read @strumslinger post about it:

  • lance1967lance1967 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Well it is one heck of a coincidence then with the server reset for all of this to be happening...

    I have done a COMPLETELY fresh install of the game and I am still having all the same issues.

    I am also now seeing other words appear in a gray box with a tan border and words. In addition to "Tricked" I am now also seeing "Frozen". Similar to this image of the Psionic Shield that I don't even have targeted (I'm the dragonkind toon (on left) facing away from the Psionic Shield:

    I honestly don't remember words appearing in the game like this for effects on a mob. It's usually special effects graphics and other words (with no gray boxes around them).

    Cloaks on everyone are still standing tall in the distance...are they just still really happy to see me??? LOL

    The biggest problem of all of this is not being part of the team/party in a queue. I have checked and I am not getting any of the team/party bonuses as I stated before. That is a BIG deal!!!

    A reply from cryptic would be nice...like "Hey! We are looking into the problems you're encountering." so that I know they have received my bug reports.
  • feadan#2363 feadan Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    Have you recently lowered your graphics settings in-game? I usually play on very low settings and get these standing cloaks too. I think it's caused by one of the settings in the "detail" section.

    I also get these floating spell effect names, e.g. "weak" from my rust monster. Maybe that's also caused by low effect settings.
  • lance1967lance1967 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Cloak/floating spell effects are not settings related - at least for me. Everything is set to max and "on". Thanks for a possible solution for that.

    I don't even really care about the cloaks or spell effect names. I really care about the dungeon/skirmish queues. As soon as we enter the map, I'm dropped out of the party and have to "solo" the thing, while everyone else is still part of the party, even though we are all still there together. I get no party bonuses, I can't monitor party members (health, etc.) That aspect of the game is completely broken to me. And these (dungeon/skirmishes) are the majority of end-game play and my level 70 Oathbound Paladin can't effectively participate in them.

    ...And still not a word from Cryptic about any help coming my way...
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