Scourge Warlock - Soulbinder Damnation PvE Build - Mod 9+
Race - Tiefling / Dragonborn / Human
Stats - CHA/CON
Gear - Best in Slot is up for debate. Elemental Dragonflight is the way to go. However, you can snag the Masterwork gear for higher item level. Just be aware that it is more geared toward PvP. You could also mix/match the Dragonflight with Dusk, but I find the 4 peice Dragonflight will do better over all.
Weapon / Offhand - No doubt, the Twisted Set is Best in Slot.
On your weapon you want to put Essence Defiler +8% Damage
On your offhand you want to go with Dust to Dust +5% Damage and Also AP Gain as high as you can get it.
Rings - Sudden Brut and Sudden Precision +5 are ideal. However, the +4 ones will work as well.
3 Piece Set - Currently using the Lostmauth Set even after the Nerf will no major issues. You can switch to the Orcus set, just remember you will have to make up the lost Armor Pen.
Artifacts - Wheel of the Elements in main slot - You can sub in the Sigil of the Devoted if needed. Thayan Book of the Dead, Lostmauth Horn, Tiamat's Orb
Enchantments - Mostly Radiants in Offensive Slots, with some Azures as needed. Darks for Defensive Slots. Weapon go with the Trans Vorpal over the Trans Dread, trust me. The Armor Enchant go with the Trans Negation until you can afford a Trans Shadowclad.
Feats -
1/5 Energizing Curse
3/3 Weapon Mastery
3/3 Toughness
3/3 Empowered Rituals
5/5 Determined Casting
2/5 Blood Pact
3/3 Devasting Crit
Total 20 Points - If you roll a Human you will gain an extra 3 points that you can either place in Blood Pact to make it 5/5 or place it in Soul Reaping 3/3 if needed.
Soulbinder Path -
Damnation Tree
5/5 Parting Blasphemy
5/5 Sparkbinder
5/5 Spiritfire
5/5 Warding Spirits
5/5 Ghastly Commander
5/5 Wrathful Souls
1/1 Soul Desecration
Fury Tree
5/5 Crit Promise
5/5 Burning Soul
Total 41 Points
Powers -
At-Wills - Essence Defiler / Hand of Blight (Can Sub Dark Spiral Aura)
Encounters - Dreadtheft / Soul Scroch / Warlock Bargain
Personal - Dust to Dust / Borrowed Time
Daily's - Tyrannical Threat / Immolation Spirits
All should be maxed with 4 points in each as soon as possible.
Companions -
Legendary Pet - Shadow Demon - 3 Rank 12 Bonding Stones / Adorable Gear with Radiant and Dark Enchants - If you need more Crit at this Point, Sub the Radiants for Azures
Once the bonding stone change comes to Xbox, I will be switching Legendary Pet's - Shadow Demon will be done - Fire Archon will be upgraded.
Other Active Pets - Fire Archon / Air Archon / Siege Master / Erinyes
Once the bonding change comes and I swap the Shadow Demon with the Fire Archon, I will replace the Demon slot with either a Yeti or Dancing Blade.
Boons are in the video, didn't include in the written guide. They are pretty easy to pick which ones you should take.
The mount system is also in the video.
This build and set up is very tanky. I rarely die and do large amounts of DPS. I am normally #1 on leader boards every dungeon. The video guide is about 42 minutes long but goes in depth on every aspect. Deff worth the watch for new and old warlocks alike. Enjoy guys! Feel free to leave questions and discussions.
I prefer the Vorp over the Dread because it works with all powers and not just the Encounters. I use my at-wills alot just clearing trash, crit's for 100k+ Dread is fine for a Fury, I just prefer the Vorp over all. Try both, see which one suits your build.
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
Thank You Again.
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
What are the best starting stats to go for?
I see the end-game abilities that I should be using, but while leveling, is there any point where I should be switching skills until I'm high enough level to gain the ones I'll be using end game?
My SW is lvl 17 or so, so I'm still using the 2 original at-wills. I guess when I reach lvl 20, will I be switching one of them to Hand of blight?
Sorry for all the newbie type of questions, just trying to get a decent handle on how to play this character. Thanks!
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
Rank: Founder
PSN: aknifefight
A question I do have is I have found there are some powers I can use just fine in a group, but hard to use solo and it stems from the need to keep moving when solo. I may have missed it in the video, sorry for asking if it is, but what do you use for when you have to deal with mobs on you verses group play when you can use powers that have the casting lag? I think one may be the blades going around you, but would like to hear more.
Tcel (PC, USA)
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Boss - TT > WB > Dreadtheft - Unload Sparks - Rinse n Repeat Yea, they get fixed, but their DPS is actually increased by a good amount. Will still top most DPS boards.
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
I run damnation, not sure if Hadar grasp/lolset was fixed on PS4/xbox (formerly one HG crit using lolset spand you 14 sparks)
But in case it doesn´t work as before the normal setup is BoVA for sparkgain, Soul Scroch and a third encounter like WB, HG or KF on single target.
Talking about mod 10 I think nothing can top furylocks, no matter if HB or SB, because cursesynergy changed and your maindamage will be creeping death. Every necrotic and fire damage procs your capstone. Near no encounter consumes courses.
Damnation and temptation are below fury, temptation far below.
Hellbringer is pretty much fun atm, since soloplay and PVP is different to SB.
Solocontent rocks, using Pillar of power and Gates of hell, and feats like flames of empowerment, Prince of hell (PVP) and NPNM are working fine.
Hellish rebuke is your main damage on singel targets and deals high numbers (allready saw 1 million hits).
Flames of empowermend, PoP and TT (no clue if TT is WAI) are huge selfbuffs/damagemultiplier. Till now I only saw one maxed GWF topping my singeltarget output even runnning PVP-setup.
But I assume a SB-fury with immolation spirits 100% up, plus SS spamming will deal more and I also assume I did not meat lot´s of BIS GWF with top player in front of the screen. The one I met made me feel
This build work to in PC?
Maybe a CN run would be sufficient or anything else.
Will you be doing a guide for the MOD10 version of your Warlock?
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx
Thanx! Yea, Mod 10 hits console on Oct 18th.. New builds will be coming a week or two later
Inferno Vampire - Garlaanx
Warlock - Garlaanx