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Red icon ring

When a skill of one rings is activated it is displayed with a red icon ring in toolbar instead a green icon, I am using brutality ring +2:


How it is a red icon it seem like a bad spell. Could you tell me if this red icon is lowering some stat o it is normal?


  • My guess as to why its red would be so its easy to spot amongst a possible sea of green icons so you can make the most out of your temp power boost.
  • ravenskyaravenskya Member Posts: 1,891 Arc User
    I thought it meant that you were in the cool down and it couldn't proc - though I was just told that, I never confirmed it.
    Founding Member of "Wrong Side of the Stronghold"
    Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
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  • pedroyaya#9994 pedroyaya Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    i always though that was the cool down also would like to no if ive been wrong
  • I think it's red to indicate the debuff to enemies? I don't use that ring anymore so I don't recall. I know I checked the stats in the tool bar when I saw it, just don't remember
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User

    i always though that was the cool down also would like to no if ive been wrong

    You are correct. The cooldowns on sudden rings are implemented as a "red ring" icon on your character that prevents the ring from triggering until you've waited out the cooldown.

    It doesn't decrease your stats, just lets you know that your ring is cooling down. A similar mechanic is employed for Wheel of Elements artifact (if you walk over one of the elements to get a buff, it puts a 1min cooldown debuff on you, preventing you from using one of the buffs again until it's off of cooldown).

  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    ravenskya said:

    I thought it meant that you were in the cool down and it couldn't proc - though I was just told that, I never confirmed it.

    You are correct. I see my ring of Fortress there all the time, because it last only a tenth of second.
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