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[PS4] PS4 Pro, Protectors Enclave Frame Rate

terrordactyl#4367 terrordactyl Member Posts: 133 Arc User
edited September 2016 in Peer to Peer Tech Forum
I love Neverwinter, it's a great game......but to be honest, the frame rate in Protector's Enclave is pretty awful, sometimes it feels like it drops down into single figures.

I just wonder if the Playstation 4 Pro will give a smoother experience? Do you think it will be better out of the gate, or do you think they'll optimise the code for the PS4 Pro?
Post edited by zebular on


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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    PS4 Pro will improve rendering on your end. Similar to how a HDD will improve rendering. That is it. If there is server lag, you suffer just the same.
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    beerninja#1874 beerninja Member Posts: 26 Arc User

    PS4 Pro will improve rendering on your end. Similar to how a HDD will improve rendering. That is it. If there is server lag, you suffer just the same.

    hard drives have nothing to do with rendering. There is no proof that the PS4 pro will improve framerate without developers patching support to enable games to use the extra ram and processing power.
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    mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    4K resolution is not frame rate granted, it is however rendering.

    I've not paid much attention as I honestly don't care....but isn't the Pros biggest selling point that it runs 4K better?

    I acknowledge & agree that it's moot on this free to play game; not like they are going to spec push it.

    I just hope very likely in vain they offer plus users what the PC has....as there won't be so much of a technical hurdle. Be nice to have foundry, etc on PS4

    Doubt it happens though. This is an old game at this point. If PC doesn't have 4K (not sure tbh) I doubt we ever will.

    At this point it sorta is what it is. I just hope we eventually get PC like parity for the title & get existing features that have thus far skipped console (both Xbox & PS4)
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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    PS4 Pro will improve rendering on your end. Similar to how a HDD will improve rendering. That is it. If there is server lag, you suffer just the same.

    hard drives have nothing to do with rendering. There is no proof that the PS4 pro will improve framerate without developers patching support to enable games to use the extra ram and processing power.
    Moving over from a HD to a Hybrid or SSD does improve rendering. The bottle neck on the standard PS4 is the HD. It spins at only 5400RPM and is very slow to access. When I run Cloak Tower I'm near the first set of stairs before anyone else starts moving 90% of the time. HD does make a difference with rendering on game given its one of the biggest bottlenecks impacting a PS4.

    PS4 Pro RAM is faster and so is the CPU. The video card is beefier and also will improve response a bit but won't stop lag. Lag comes from the servers, nothing can improve than other than a lower population base and improved servers.

    4K resolution is not frame rate granted, it is however rendering.

    I've not paid much attention as I honestly don't care....but isn't the Pros biggest selling point that it runs 4K better?

    I acknowledge & agree that it's moot on this free to play game; not like they are going to spec push it.

    I just hope very likely in vain they offer plus users what the PC has....as there won't be so much of a technical hurdle. Be nice to have foundry, etc on PS4

    Doubt it happens though. This is an old game at this point. If PC doesn't have 4K (not sure tbh) I doubt we ever will.

    At this point it sorta is what it is. I just hope we eventually get PC like parity for the title & get existing features that have thus far skipped console (both Xbox & PS4)

    The Gateway with the Foundry is being removed form PC, so they have nothing over us now. They are in the same boat as console players.

    I do believe the game may move to 4K in the future.

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    haterche#9820 haterche Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Read the article below and you will know... This is for all multiplayer games. It's just wont be fair for the gamers with normal PS4 versions.


    "“U4 MP is already 60 fps. Higher fps for PS4 Pro would mean disadvantage for PS4 owners.”
    “Yes [the graphics in multiplayer will be enhanced], all extra power is to increase resolution, fidelity and smoother fps (not higher) in MP.”
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    jedidgjedidg Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Not Protector's Enclave but I get terrible frame rate and lag running heroics in Well of Dragons to the point where I feel like my PS4 is going to fall over. Runs absolutely fine everywhere else, so I'm assuming this is a known lag issue due to the number of people in the zone(s) across the server?

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    haterche#9820 haterche Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    jedidg said:

    Not Protector's Enclave but I get terrible frame rate and lag running heroics in Well of Dragons to the point where I feel like my PS4 is going to fall over. Runs absolutely fine everywhere else, so I'm assuming this is a known lag issue due to the number of people in the zone(s) across the server?


    This is a lag issue. We all suffer together man :)
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    jedidgjedidg Member Posts: 17 Arc User

    jedidg said:

    Not Protector's Enclave but I get terrible frame rate and lag running heroics in Well of Dragons to the point where I feel like my PS4 is going to fall over. Runs absolutely fine everywhere else, so I'm assuming this is a known lag issue due to the number of people in the zone(s) across the server?


    This is a lag issue. We all suffer together man :)
    :p Thought so!
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    sledneck220#2698 sledneck220 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    I bought the new PS4 slim on release date and haven't had much of any problems with frame rate in PE. Other than maybe the initial load but after that it's all pretty seamless.
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    beerninja#1874 beerninja Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2016

    Moving over from a HD to a Hybrid or SSD does improve rendering.

    You keep using the term "rendering" but what you are describing is loading time. SSD decreases loading time. Has nothing to do with rendering of 3D graphics which is a calculation from the GPU and has no effect on framerate which is what the OP is concerned about.

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    If you think the frame rate is bad in protectors enclave just wait till you try a tiamat raid with like 25 players and large groups of mobs running around spamming their skills. Combine that with the lag it is not a fun experience at times.

    The funny thing is icewind dale can hold 40 players and i have little to no lag there most of the time
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    terrordactyl#4367 terrordactyl Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    I did play Tiamat once, it was a horrible juddery single figure slide show
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    mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User

    Moving over from a HD to a Hybrid or SSD does improve rendering.

    You keep using the term "rendering" but what you are describing is loading time. SSD decreases loading time. Has nothing to do with rendering of 3D graphics which is a calculation from the GPU and has no effect on framerate which is what the OP is concerned about.

    The HD stores data, game data such as graphics. The HD sends this information to the GPU and CPU to be render. Now a HD spinning at 5400 vs 7200 is sending data at slower speed and this has an impact on render for the GPU and CPU. Increase to the HD speed improves rendering and that results in improve loading of your game. It is why I state RENDERING and not LOADING.

    Now the PS4 pro will be better with rendering than the standard PS4 due to improvement in both CPU speed, GPU and RAM. If Sony does nothing for the HD it will be a bottle neck once again.

    For instance most PS3 players probably never tested their system with a SSD. It made the system very fast, again one of the bottle neck in any system tends to be the HD.

    We see smaller devices that are quicker than desktops and labtops simply because of a SSD.

    The reality is no matter how great the GPU or CPU are, if the system has a slow HD, it will have bottleneck issues.

    I hope Sony offers two Pros. PS4 Pro standard and PS4 Pro Elite with the Elite having a 1GB SSD or something like that.

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    beerninja#1874 beerninja Member Posts: 26 Arc User

    Moving over from a HD to a Hybrid or SSD does improve rendering.

    You keep using the term "rendering" but what you are describing is loading time. SSD decreases loading time. Has nothing to do with rendering of 3D graphics which is a calculation from the GPU and has no effect on framerate which is what the OP is concerned about.

    The HD stores data, game data such as graphics. The HD sends this information to the GPU and CPU to be render. Now a HD spinning at 5400 vs 7200 is sending data at slower speed and this has an impact on render for the GPU and CPU. Increase to the HD speed improves rendering and that results in improve loading of your game. It is why I state RENDERING and not LOADING.

    Now the PS4 pro will be better with rendering than the standard PS4 due to improvement in both CPU speed, GPU and RAM. If Sony does nothing for the HD it will be a bottle neck once again.

    Please stop posting misinformation. I appreciate that you are trying to bring awareness about the benefits of SSD (I also have an SSD in my ps4) but the fact remains that a HDD/SSHD/SSD has no effect whatsoever on the framerate of a game. The HDD/SSHD/SSD does not send data to the GPU or CPU. It sends it to RAM. From RAM, it makes its way to the GPU and CPU. An SSD or SSHD will have no effect whatsoever on the framerate of a video game. The only thing it will do is improve load times and eliminate or decrease texture pop-in effect.

    Tl;dr SSDs make games load faster. They do not increase framerate.
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    priso#7381 priso Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    PS4's ram and Graphic isn't being use at full power w/ neverwinter; Don't ask me cus i don't know hahah ... In Xbox it's all smooth, and nice but well , let's wait for mod 10 and see how it goes
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    vidgamrjvidgamrj Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I played Final Fantasy XIV on PS3 when it first released. Some of the FATEs were a mess on PS3, it simply couldn't keep up with all the action and characters and monsters would not appear on your screen even though they were there. This was with a HDD. I eventually put a SSD in my PS3 and it made a world of difference in some games, especially XIV. Those FATEs that were barely playable with a big crowd were suddenly manageable. Sure the system couldn't display everything that was going on, but everything in your immediate area was always on the screen and you could see the action with SSD like you couldn't with the HDD.

    So hardrive can make a difference.

    I use a hybrid on my PS4. The only thing that really chugs is the dragon well farming. That is a slide show, but still somewhat playable. Enclave sometimes stutters, but to me it's nothing like these horror stories I hear. In fact, I did have one time that Enclave was a slide show, and that was the first time I played the game before it got memorized on my hybrid drive.

    Am I saying a HDD is behind the Enclave horror stories? No. I'm just saying I use a SSHD and I never had it so bad (besides the first time playing) where I cursed the game for being borderline unplayable.
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    One of the main issues iin the well of dragons iis that when an instance is full ppl can still bring more players onto instance by inviting them to groups so almost all instances that are active end up with 15+ extra players that the server wasn't designed to handle If they cap the instances in this area to a max 30 it wouldn't be so bad
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