I went into Dwarven Gods Skirmish last night on my tank. Now I could not hold aggro for the life of me because the SW in there had two 142 rings that increase threat as you move. Now, why would a SW want those rings? Seriously look at the ring and what it gives you for a bonus and if it makes no sense don't equip it.
For instance, I have the 142 Ring of Rising Deflection and 142 Ring of Fortress on my GF and both of those make sense for a Tank. Now if I had the Ring of Precision +4 but was setup to tank content I hope somebody would send me a tell and let me know that I had the wrong gear.
When I did the kind thing and informed the player the reason they kept dying was because they were using rings for tanks that causes aggro. I got a nice nasty message back from said player telling me to mind my own business. After that I simply let him dye to teach him a lesson, not once but 3x. I mean all the adds were going to him with those super threat rings. Hopefully he learned his lesson, don't run around with Undeardark rings that don't make sense for you class as it can kill you.
Quick question. In my Hunter Ranger I got a 137 prec ring and one 140 ring of cowardice. I was trying to change that 140 ring for another 137 prec ring but I'm unable to do it. I can unequip the 140 and put it in the bag, but when I select the new 137 prec ring, I can't equip it in the hand were the 140 was equiped.
Is this intended? I know it should reduce my item level but I'm in my 2,370's so is not that changing the ring will change my Tier.
What do you guys think? is this a bug or intended?
Meanwhile I'm farming to see if I can get a better ring to change that 140 ring of cowardice for another precision ring.
Thanks for your input.
GJGBlackDragon - Drow Ranger from The Northdark
I know I need the Recovery ring for my main but I have not gotten the 142 one yet.
Not sure if I understand the question but I know u can not have 2 of the same rings equipped.
GJGBlackDragon - Drow Ranger from The Northdark
Just like my 142's for my tank, got one in Demo, another gold and one in Dwarven God with also a gold ranking.
Nice dude! From a drop or the chest?
Regarding your ring issue. They probably just looked at ilvl and figure more ilvl = better character.
Yeah I know but when a character with almost 1K less in IL beats you and that character has 2 healing spells slotted for the run you better respec and re-gear your character.