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Deleting AD from Mail

tacobeast94tacobeast94 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
edited August 2016 in Bug Reports (Xbox One)
I sold something in the auction house. Then, I accidentally pressed too many buttons when going through my mail and it deleted the AD. That's ridiculous! You won't let me deliberately delete a Breyer's Book, but will allow someone to accidentally delete god damn in-game currency?

The game shouldn't let you delete AD from the mail, PERIOD.


  • thegodofwar1220thegodofwar1220 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
  • dratomic1#3275 dratomic1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
  • asjohnson#4476 asjohnson Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    This has been said over and over again. It has also been responded to by saying....stop flying though your mail and take that extra second to look at what you are doing. It is not PW, Cryptic, or Arc's fault that you clicked the button to delete your items. Does it suck? Yes. Does it also suck to accidentally waste 20k by finishing a profession early? Yes. But that's what we get for trying to go to quick. So move on, and next time, take that extra second.
  • gron#8400 gron Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Some Items have a popup that says "you are about to do (such and such), are you sure you want to perform this action?" This is what should happen with AD in the mail. I have deleted AD and was not "flying through my mail". Putting the blame on the player isn't fixing a solution to a problem, it just breeds hostility between the customer (players) and the product (Neverwinter). Blaming the customer (again player) is arrogant, and no body has anything to gain by that, especially the makers of the product, that only looses them money (real life money that is...).
  • asjohnson#4476 asjohnson Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    Putting blame? Well if you click the button then it is your fault lol. Simple fix: Pay Attention.
  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    The mail interface is dangerous, I always use extreme caution. Sorry that happened to you, it sucks that AD is not considered Rare or Valuable in the mail interface.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
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  • neverburnaclown#3112 neverburnaclown Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    I've done that twice. Both times when something else sold in the ah just when i was deleting an empty mail and the list adjusted with the new sale notification email (and ad attached).

    A costly oops. it happens. i feel your pain.
  • thegodofwar1220thegodofwar1220 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    Worst I've ever deleted in the mail was a rank 10 radiant :disappointed:
  • mbraderz#0583 mbraderz Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    They should introduce a recycle bin for the mailing system, so that if we accidently delete mail containing an item / AD, we can recover it, sometimes we have to rush through things due to IRL things ( kids / work etc )

    Then the option to permanently delete from recycle bin would forever delete the mail

    Issue solved
  • omegarealities#7219 omegarealities Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    Or wait until IRL is not in the way.
  • cesar#6784 cesar Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    Easiest solution would be to automatically extract AD from mail upon deletion. AD is not an item, so it would do good to treat it in a different way.

    Is it a hard thing to program? No! On mail deletion they just need to check if the mail contains any attachment (which they already do), and if so check the type of item these are; if it's AD they just need to invoke the method to take items. Like three lines of code.
  • asjohnson#4476 asjohnson Member Posts: 172 Arc User

    Easiest solution would be to automatically extract AD from mail upon deletion. AD is not an item, so it would do good to treat it in a different way.

    Is it a hard thing to program? No! On mail deletion they just need to check if the mail contains any attachment (which they already do), and if so check the type of item these are; if it's AD they just need to invoke the method to take items. Like three lines of code.

    No, the easiest solution is for people to not speed through mail and delete their things lol
  • tacobeast94tacobeast94 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    As a programmer, I would never let a user delete a currency. But call me old fashioned...
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