I"ve had a few people ask for my build. I'm not running one exactly like any of the published builds out there (but it's 98 percent similar to all of them, I'd say) and almost everything I know I learned from people here so old timers of the forum don't expect to learn anything new from this. Its mainly just for guildies who wonder what I'm running really. I don't know where else to post it. LOL.
This is not the build I started with. I started with a lot of arpen choices because it was difficult to find as I was gearing up. if you are struggling for the basics this build isn't entirely for you yet. you want 60% or near 60 arpen before you start stacking other stuff. but the feats and powers would remain the same. but don't pay atten to the boons I chose.
hindering shot, constricting arrow and plant growth. Generally plantgrowth (melee) constricting arrow (melee) switch stance to ranged fire a constricting arrow to trigger master trapper) back to melee for hindering. Then a careful attack, switch back to ranged. Fire another constricting arrow, hindering shot. I only use the ranged plant growth if there are multiple enemies. if there are multiple enemies I'll fire one off. I also fire one off before an attack has begun where I know it will be. Rinse and repeat. switching often to get that constricting arrow helps keep master trapper triggered. it's every ten seconds but it's hard to keep track so just keep spamming that as much as you can. keeping stacks of aspect of the serpent is also important. I don't really watch it anymore. you'll want to watch it and watch your attacks to get a feel for how it stacks and how to manage it. It's less important than keeping master trapper up though. Firing off a couple arrows is usually a good thing to fit in.
constricting arrow and plantgrowth just about never leave my line up but hindershot sometimes gets replaced with longstriders or fox. Longstriders for some bosses and fox for times when your group has low survivability for whatever reason.
aspect of the pack is slotted 99 percent of the time. aspect of the serpent is always slotted.
instead of pack, sometimes I use cruel recovery for low survivability situations. Crushing roots if I get dragged into a pvp outing. I've been playing with seekers vengeance but I think pack is better.
Dailies used are slashers mark (helps to get into the battle quickly if you're a distance away) and for a lot of baddies I use seismic shot.
this is also not the build I'll end with I'll probably go with the high crit build when I get my percentages higher. I can't seem to get the precision rings to save my life.
I have a power mount. Eventually when we get guild power boon I'll buy a crit mount.
For mount boons the only ones of real matter that I have equipped are wanderers fortune and gladiators guile.
gladiators guile is IMPORTANT.. you want this. hunters are slow. This brings us up to the kind of maneuverability that makes us functional.
I'm stacking azures in offense, darks in defense. utility is mostly dragons hoard with 1 fey.
For pets I have the merc as active and I"m trying to get a set of Combat advantage pets. Get your bonding stones as highly ranked as you can and stack it with stats you are missing or go for the lifesteal and and crit.
For artis I'm not going with a set until I can complete orcus. Right now I have the Dex belt and a personalized necklace. I have controllers sigil, book of the dead and the lantern for my main artis. I have a misc arti that has lifesteal atm that I'll trade out for a better one later on when we get more stuff thrown our way.
I've got greater vorpal and a plain jane negation. I"ll trade the vorpal for a dread when we get that.

This will also be good when the changes hit us on the consoles as Swiftness of the Fox will be fixed and changed. Dailies will reduce our Cool Downs
Also Combat Advantage pets will also be fixed very shortly. It is probably not worth having too many of them Active at the same time. I already have just 1 5% CA pet equipped now in preparation.
If you can get decent rings to drop I suggest the Rising ones on Companions now... especially the Merc he procs the 10 stacks really quickly. The Sudden ones are good in short fights but for longer fights the Rising ones are better
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
I changed to running longstriders, hindering and constricting, and I'm positive I'm not suffering a major damage loss at the very least lol. My rotation is at range to hit constricting, double stance swap for master trapper, longstriders for speed buff to close target fast, hindering, and if i for some reason don't have 2 stacks AotS then hunters teamwork here, stance change hindering strike, steel breeze, gushing wound and careful attack. After I've closed the gap I just stay in melee range, nobody in my group saw a real difference in the buff from longstriders at 30' to make it worth the effort but we also run gf with DC so the buffs are already insane. I run seekers over pack because I feel like the consistent buff is better than if people die or move out of range or die in combat.
any thoughts or advice on that set up?
On the companion is that more specific to mod 10 or do you use rising rings over sudden rings for 9 as well? How do companion deaths impact this? Do the rings reset and need to be stacked again? I'm using a +5 sudden precision and +3 brutality on my mercenary right now but curious if I need to switch once I get a good rising ring (I only get +1-2 lol)
as far as the combat advantage thing. didn't know that but we don't even have mod ten yet so that means that change is probably a good way out for ps4 still. we're at least two months adn probably six months behind xbox right now. so that change might be a lonnnnngg way off for us yet. (then again maybe not impossible to tell with these people. LOL)
as far as the rising rings no kidding. I'D LOVE to get a few of them. they WILL NOT drop. LOL. i have no idea how many poms and demos and edemos I've done. it's frustrating. I had great luck with it on xbox. and plus five ferget it. although I have guildies that have gotten multiple. the rng on ps4 hates me. I had moderate luck on xbox. none here.
The Slasher's Mark thing is not about DPS and never has been with that skill. Being able to fire it off once every melee rotation is what its all about, especially when the Swiftness of the Fox Changes hit us
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
It is all about maximising those stacks of AotS with your heaviest hitting attacks. Just be warned though that Hindering Strike applies Thorned roots but uses the main hand weapon damage in its calculation... therefore any Ranged AotS stacks you have actually apply to a melee attack. Hindering direct hit hits harder if used with 2 stacks of AotS but the roots it applies will be much weaker, but if you used Hindering Strike Last in a rotation with Ranged AotS stacks up then it will be less powerful BUT the Thorned Roots will be much more powerful (as it applies those Ranged AotS stacks). You have to work out which enemies to use Hindering Strike 1st or last on.
Usually when your Ranged rotation is up you want to fire Longstriders 1st with 2 stacks of AotS (if you can target an enemy over 30' away) then Constricting with 1 stack of AotS. Constricting will then get the 40% damage buff from Longstriders plus a stack of AotS... then the Thorned Roots will also apply with those buffs.
If enemies are closer than 30' I find, with high movement, its best to dodge backwards and fire off Constricting>Disrupting>Hindering>Hunters Teamwork then Longstriders last, this will then buff your Melee attacks, Slashers Mark gets you instantly back into melee range to fire off your Melee Encounters.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
CoA/PG is a good damage dealer but it is not the only thing that can cause DPS with this class
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
for what it's worth I do think I've done that rotation before to test it in the xbox days. it was still taking a hit on damage. otherwise I'd have switched to it.
CoA/PG though, although extremely powerful, are just a tad slow to fire off... even if you dodge out of some of the animations. I just feel I get less attacks in using these Encounters and I just get less out of the Longstriders Buff.
Its all personal preference really
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
the only sure fire comparison is what you did before and what you do after.. and for me I take a hit when I switch out pg for longstriders. I tried it last night. huge dps hit.
Character: Vendetta
Anyhoo on hitting training dummies I am firing Longstrider then Constricting or Hindering straight away and studying the damage numbers (incuding the Thorned Roots from Constricting). Usually around the 26-29k Mark for the Crit and 23-28k for the Crit Thorned Roots.
Then I tested firing Longstriders then waiting 3 seconds and firing off a Constricting or Hindering. I am seeing a drop off in damage after waiting 3 seconds, especially the Crit Thorned Root damage from Constricting. The hit is usually around the 21-24k Mark, with Thorned roots hitting way less at 16-18k per tick instead of 23-28k Mark.
I did all the firing without gaining any stacks of Ranged AotS or switching stances etc, no Companion too.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Also most of his, and my own videos, are pretty irrelevant due to the massive amount of changes to hit the HR. Some of his videos are based on broken mechanics like Longstrider stacking and Swiftness of the Fox (Don't forget we did not actually know they were broken mechanics at the time).
I would suggest not referring to old videos now, I do not believe he has any from Mod 10 at this stage? Most of his clips are 2 months or more old now.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
If I had 100% Crit chance (without Rings and Companion etc) it would probably be much easier to test... If only I had ACT instead of the Combat Log, I would have saved myself sooooooo many hours over the last year and half
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
1. are you using bonding companions? if they have sudden rings then there is your answer.
2. are you using twisted set. are you perhaps losing or gaining stacks of it
3. mount bonuses, do you have protectors friendship/camaraderie/other power enhancing/damaging bonuses
4. are you using sudden rings or rising ones on your toon itself?
5. stack of maddness from boons.
6. if its diminishing then it sucks for you at xbox, but i highly doubt that.
Also, trapper damage from mod9-mod10 doesnt change much when you alter your playstyle. But now you can do massive DoT unlike the Massive Burst from Bladestorm feat.