Professional Online Gamers
Current Guild Objectives and scheduled dates:
Guild Rank 8 (9/25/16)
Market Place 4 (9/25/16)
Defense Boon rank 4 (9/25/16)
The scheduled dates are very accurate, our GH 7 is under construction and we have everything we need for 8. Short of the neverwinter servers crashing, we will have market 4 9/25. Looking for tanks and healers!
Im done flagging posts from here on out. Mod plz leave them there. Let the world see what sort of people get kicked and come to the forums as a last ditch effort for revenge. Lie and hate all you want! If my guild is so terrible why does no one leave? ever! if its so full of drama why is everyone trying to get their friends in? Hmmmm! Id be pretty mad too if I got kicked out of one of the highest rank guilds on ps4, but you just gotta get over it. Theres zero drama in my guild, like ever, drama gets kicked, and lands here on the forum! lol. One last note, are you going to listen to one or two unhappy people on a forum , or the 100 some people having fun in my guild? come see for yourself, we are full, we do have fun, and its not going to change because you post screen shots of guild chat of us conversing and having fun.
I would advise you all to come try the guild out a few days. Free 5 day guild trial for serious potential members that meet our requirements. I wouldnt even think of doing something like this if i had any doubts it wouldnt work. Im 100% confident youll enjoy your stay. So please all you parasites out there trying to tarnish our name, the game is up, you just got beat by a awesome guild leaders ingenuity.
Read our web page for more information on joining please and thank you!
I am a 2500il OP.,ive been a gamer of mmo for more than 15years now,im seeking a relax and fun guild to be like a 2nd family. So here are the questions.
1. Does the guild have a helpful and fun ambiance? Reaching the GS reqt would be difficult if mainstay members are just "grouping" by themselves.
2. I am working as an ER nurse and therefore,work would sometimes not allow me to play for 2-4 days. Would that mean instant kick?
3. I know reaching high GS is priority but given that some people cant play much esp. Shiftworkers like me.,does that mean its almost impossible to stay in the guild.
Let me know, sir. The entry fee is no problem but staying on might be. Have a good day!
Fun ambiance? Yes I do believe so. Even at 3am people are chit chatting. I have many rank 1 members that I am proud to have, but the true title of a rank 1 in secret is "guild observer". These are people that have not donated anything major yet, and can be booted. I am very lucky in the category of recruiting. I only get a very small handful of "problem children" every week and weeding them out is very easy. Dragon event for example. Theres always that 1 goon that will be drama, whining and complaining, they are instantly removed. I also found out a new method this morning to deal with any paid members that are just having a bad day but cant/shouldnt be kicked. There will be a "time out" rank in the future but luckily nothing like that has ever been needed. Most paid members are invested in the guild and on best behavior because they want to see the guild be the best it can be.
Going idle.... Not a problem! I know my web page is down that is the next thing Im working on after this reply. It says right on the page if youre to go idle, and by idle I mean 2 weeks or more, all you need to do is let me know. Even if you dont let me know anyone that is a paid member and has to be removed for idle time, the contributions are logged and an invite back is always waiting. No paid member has been removed to date, and I dont think Ill run out of room any time soon. I am a very fair and just leader and I believe firmly in the 3 strikes your out system, going idle is not a strike!
Paid members are not effected by the GS requirements but more just a guideline of where they need to be. If you fall behind on the GS it will only be an issue for yourself as you will feel inferior and helpless whenever it is time to do something with the guildees. Trust me, Im in that boat! I wait very patiently for double refinement weekends and do all my GS jumping during those times. Some of my high powered guildees take pity on us weaklings and hand out free stuff like candy. True heros. The 3k requirement next month is purposefully right after a double refinement weekend! I dont think the min. requirements I set are to stringent or hard to keep up with but dont worry about falling behind to much, you will be carried! lol
Thank you for all your questions, hope I was helpful!
Psn: iamBryan014
Applying char: Azraiel, OP with IL of 2.5k (will be higher after 2x refine).
Abt the player: a mature, 29year old that works in the emergency department. I can assure that no drama will be coming from me. I am mostly seeking for a laidback guild that would motivate me further in this game. Peace man!
The very next day i ran e demo with my new guild and turned 0 twisted ichor into 18 in a couple hours. In order to get into a more advanced guild, with a strong core of elite players; 1 SH box is nothing compared to other guilds. The Leader and officers are very friendly, the community is full of experienced players who love to socialize, there are always groups running, and I get my dragon flight armor in the near future.
Whats not to love about POG?
It has only been a week since they adopted a newbie paladin that cant even tank on Elol..:) kept on apologizing but it seems that the guildmembers dont mind as long as you are willing to learn. Later that day i was tanking dragons in the stronghold already.
I have learned much more with one day on this guild than i would have reading a weeks worth of research in forums. Seriously, the people and leaders in this guild is nothing short of amazing.
Give them a day or two of trial and you'll understand what i mean.✌