So I wrote this guide for my guildies, originally, and decided to share it with you all here. I see lots of "what to do at 70" guides, but in my opinion, those start too late. It's a Google doc because it's pretty long.
It's never too early to start preparing for level 70. This guide is mostly targeted at new players who are just starting out. It's mostly tips and tricks and answers to questions I've been asked over and over as new folks join my guild.
Who am I? I'm Dioriel, leader of Conviction, a guild on PC that was formed it launch. I've played off and on since then, I have seven level 70s, with an eighth on the way. Just about the only thing I haven't done extensively in this game is PvP...this is a PvE guide. I hope it helps you guys as much as it has my guild members. Here's the link:
Dioriel's "Never Too Early" Guide
Leader of Conviction: find me in game if you're looking for a friendly guild!
Looking for reviews (will trade)!
ArachnophobiaCode: NW-DMRQYIZQT
For all the spider-haters out there
![:p :p](
Anyway this is an amazing guide and should have a link of it's one on beginning of game screen (of every platform the game is active). I myself play on a PS4 and my second toon was leveled following this awesome work from dioriel, so I must say a big thank you for all the work you did here. You Sir, are a Scholar and a Gentleman :-D