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Performance Issue

Did the maintenance fix any performance issues? At work and just wondering what the scoop is!

Sounds like the AH is broke now? Anything else broken?



  • drbubbles#2158 drbubbles Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    After yesterday's maintenance my game played terrible. More lag than ever before, terrible rubber banding, longer load times than normal, horrible frame rate.
  • sc4500sc4500 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    yea it lags still . dodge on boss and there circle still , not show up fast enough or when do and outside the circle get hit. so got the .250ms delay on some us. not first person shooter lag .100ms to .010ms so you can dodge. normal speed.

    Sony nerfs are speeds so bad this is baseline speed on wif on cpu , my lan line faster. around the world lowest i gotten like 300ms+ rare.


    http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5594911914 figured do around the world ping still not .250ms. delay .
    Post edited by sc4500 on
  • daimon15#2536 daimon15 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    After the last maintenance, i having some not usual lag.
    Also some times the game frozen, and like do all at same time (all the movment and sound).
    Many "server not responding" insues, like only happen in events, before.
    Somenthing not right, after the last maintenance.
  • mrrkmiller#5591 mrrkmiller Member Posts: 108 Arc User

    After yesterday's maintenance my game played terrible. More lag than ever before, terrible rubber banding, longer load times than normal, horrible frame rate.

    Same here! I even turned off the mini map since it is the main cause of lost FPS. It did not help!! Before I did not have to worry about the mini map and my game ran fine.
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