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Porkchop looking for guild

I'm primarily looking for a guild to run dungeon's with and potentially help in speeding up campaign dailly's. Im a relatively fresh level 70 rogue with 2000 item level.

Im looking for a guild that care's about constantly improving themselves and their characters as well as helping others. But I'm not dealing with elitist a hole's that can't handle players that aren't doing every aspect of the game as efficiently as possible with best in slot gear max leveled.

I do not have a mic, but I do have ears. If I wasn't willing to listen to group strategy or general advice, I wouldn't be looking for a guild.


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    valowlife#3923 valowlife Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    You sound like a cool dude. My guild is small, about 10 active during NA prime time. Some of us have gamed together for over a decade. Some are newer to playing together. We are trying to expand our numbers to have more cool dudes and dudettes to play with. We really dont care what your score is, cuz it will eventually go up. We have done a few epics together, but mostly stronghold and campaign . We will eventually do most, if not all content in the game. If you are interested in joining, you can leave me a message her in game ( Zancharthus ), or psn ( Valowlife ).
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    porkchop#8759 porkchop Member Posts: 4 Arc User

    You sound like a cool dude. My guild is small, about 10 active during NA prime time. Some of us have gamed together for over a decade. Some are newer to playing together. We are trying to expand our numbers to have more cool dudes and dudettes to play with. We really dont care what your score is, cuz it will eventually go up. We have done a few epics together, but mostly stronghold and campaign . We will eventually do most, if not all content in the game. If you are interested in joining, you can leave me a message her in game ( Zancharthus ), or psn ( Valowlife ).

    Yes I'm interested in joining, but and don't know how send you a tell in game.
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    valowlife#3923 valowlife Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Add me to your psn friends list and i can get you in right away. my psn is valowlife. hit me up or add Xkotox and she can get you in as well
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    akira#8363 akira Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Any level 70 players are welcome to join us at Tomb Raid3rs. We are a casual mature guild. Or immature I guess as most are 25-40 years young. We do Daily campaigns as well as Epic Dungeons/ Skirmishes with the occasional guild event/ competition to win some prizes. Feel free to message me In game. At AkiraZeus@rorymac06 if u have any Questions or would like to join.
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    thenac#1763 thenac Member Posts: 35 Arc User

    Scuzz Corps is currently looking for new members. We have over 140 active members in Neverwinter alone and 180 including alts. Our guild stronghold is only level one but we will be pushing that hard soon now that a lot of members are hitting level 70. Almost everyone in the guild are very helpful and offer to help out with whatever you need. We also just started to run guild events with the first one having a ton of people turn up for it. Right now they are scheduled for every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    Other games we play include Smite, Rocket League, 7 Days to Die, and more. We have a PSN community, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and will have a website as soon as we find someone to create one. If you are interested in joining or learning more please let me know by replying here or contacting me on PSN.

    My PSN is TheNAC. If you add me there let me know where you are adding me from so I know who you are as I get a ton of friend requests.

    Thank you.
    PSN: TheNAC
    Leader of Scuzz Corps
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