Looking for a adult uk guild to join as im now at lvl70 2225 item lvl and have hit a wall so if you have a guild i can join that isnt full of squeekers swearing every other word tryin to act all gangster please send invite.
I have mic but no keyboard.
Psn sparton1978
I've tried looking in game but didn't find what I want.
It needs to be a mature guild for me as I've been round the block a few times. Currently at level 40 as of this morning with my tank. I haven't got the time to play too seriously these days but will end up doing end game stuff whatever that is i guess as I always do. I work shifts these days so I'm on at random times which likes life difficult but for an active guild should be fine. I'm on lates the next 4 days so no on a massive amount but I'll be logging in as much as I can between work, the mrs, the dog and all the other stuff that life throws at you.
I want to find a guild that groups up tries to include people in things and definitely uses the mic.
Have a lot to learn but I'm enjoying the game.
bluerawrer on psn
Same boat....though nowhere near levelled up yet.
If there's enough interest...which there seems there is...why not start one?
I'll join.