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Festival activities are way too long, way way too long.

destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
Honestly the festival as a whole is very boring. I think the winter one was more entertaining and i didn't felt it took me forever to complete it each day. My main grasp with the summer festival is the activities that take way too long to finish. Spending 15mins on killing trolls, then waiting around 5 mins for the new activity, then another 15 mins for the next activity. Pretty sad when the best activity is actually gathering flower... lol

I mean its not like the activities are completely terrible, even tough there far from being good, but 15 mins feel so long. If they would last 3 minutes, or maybe 5 at the very most, they would be much more bearable. Im at a point where i just stay idle til there is like 2 min then kill a few trolls etc to complete the activity.

I know nothing force me to do them, but there always that OCD aspect of getting the titles and such. And i mean if they are there, they are there to be done right? The stuff to get with petals is ok, im interested in a few things, but i can't never spend 15 mins doing the same thing, it bore me so much.

Since this is player feedback, i wanted to give you mine. I had good hope after last year you would had cut down the time of activity and have them cycle more, that would be good too for somebody that need to complete his "celebrate the festival x times"


  • satniteeduardosatniteeduardo Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    I can farm petals for hours at a time. To me that is part of the MMO experience. I am running a full set of festival dailies on 2 toons. If the timing is right i will try 1 activity per day on the rest of my 14 toons. Getting balls every day on all 16 toons. Does it drive me nuts? Sure but no other loooong event encourages me to do so with all 16 toons so I can cope with it once a year.

    I can certainly understand your point though so I am not criticising that opinion...just providing mine as well.

    Personally I would like 1 more high value item in most of these events that can be obtained by grinding (not lotteries). Sure make it a tough grind but as it is right now i could drop back to just the favors each day to get a mount at the end. The petal prizes are not that flash to me. Maybe that is because I have 1 pig companion from last year and have multiple sets of the fashion gear to use or sell.
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    Honestly the festival as a whole is very boring. I think the winter one was more entertaining and i didn't felt it took me forever to complete it each day. My main grasp with the summer festival is the activities that take way too long to finish. Spending 15mins on killing trolls, then waiting around 5 mins for the new activity, then another 15 mins for the next activity. Pretty sad when the best activity is actually gathering flower... lol

    I mean its not like the activities are completely terrible, even tough there far from being good, but 15 mins feel so long. If they would last 3 minutes, or maybe 5 at the very most, they would be much more bearable. Im at a point where i just stay idle til there is like 2 min then kill a few trolls etc to complete the activity.

    I know nothing force me to do them, but there always that OCD aspect of getting the titles and such. And i mean if they are there, they are there to be done right? The stuff to get with petals is ok, im interested in a few things, but i can't never spend 15 mins doing the same thing, it bore me so much.

    Since this is player feedback, i wanted to give you mine. I had good hope after last year you would had cut down the time of activity and have them cycle more, that would be good too for somebody that need to complete his "celebrate the festival x times"

    It is a grind... you must have learnt that by now Destro? lol :)
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    I don't care about your "grinding". 3 mins of activities would be more than enough. I just go for a round to get the celebrate the festival 10 times and gather some petals. I feel it could be shortened up to 3/5 mins without any changes in the formula. I don't even care if the rewards would be decrease by half.

    The fact is its boring and i think exept the first day (before i remember how boring it was) i have not run an activity for more than 3 min. I usually go down, kill a few trolls, or bring back a couple chickens, then i go do something else and wait for it to end. Idle gaming.... not really what they had in mind im sure.

    Im very astonished that some people will "defend" stuff for the sake of nothing. At some point Wdj i am gonna start thinking your part of the dev team. I am pointing out something in the game that would be a lot better and more bearable if change. Pretty simple. After that if you want to run the activity 15 times, then do so, nobody force you, but for the rest it would be much better.
  • kuero21kuero21 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    yup, im doing the same thing. too long and too boring to participate for more than a few mintues (water ball siege or whatever it is called is enjoyable though).
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Haha Kuero its probably my worst one. Running around trying to splash people ain't exactly my idea of playing an RPG lol. Also for some reason i find it extremely hard to perform in this. Lots of time i aim at somebody even if it seem to hit him it does not and sometimes i get hit while i moved completely away.

    I would say my favourite is the petal gathering (its quick lol)
    The troll killing ain't bad, i mean its killing monsters, its what we do in the game anyway, but i think its just too long.
    Bringing back animals would be actually pretty decent if they followed direction better, sometimes they just don't want to work it out lol, but again it should be shortened to 5 mins.

    When it was the winter festival i can't say i had tons of fun into the activities but i remember fishing gave some seals to exchange for ADs and stuff like that, and most of it was just pressing a button. Even tough again i would had shortened it, it was decent.
    The race thing was fun, but i wished it would had been a one time thing, like a queue type, a bit longer and the winner get better rewards etc. Same as everything else, i just tough going down multiple times was a bit too long but i don't remember if it was 15 mins or less, but it sure felt much shorter than the summer activities for sure if it was. Monsters on ice was more dynamic than trolls... less time spent waiting, they spawned faster so again a point more for that.
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    destrowod said:

    I don't care about your "grinding". 3 mins of activities would be more than enough. I just go for a round to get the celebrate the festival 10 times and gather some petals. I feel it could be shortened up to 3/5 mins without any changes in the formula. I don't even care if the rewards would be decrease by half.

    The fact is its boring and i think exept the first day (before i remember how boring it was) i have not run an activity for more than 3 min. I usually go down, kill a few trolls, or bring back a couple chickens, then i go do something else and wait for it to end. Idle gaming.... not really what they had in mind im sure.

    Im very astonished that some people will "defend" stuff for the sake of nothing. At some point Wdj i am gonna start thinking your part of the dev team. I am pointing out something in the game that would be a lot better and more bearable if change. Pretty simple. After that if you want to run the activity 15 times, then do so, nobody force you, but for the rest it would be much better.

    Ha ha no I am not part of the Dev team, I am just a gamer like yourself :)

    It just made me chuckle, I see you moaned in the past about not having anything too do and it being a boring grind. So there is a Festival on to change things up for a couple of weeks with lots of freebies etc... But that is a boring grind for you :)
    Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only
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  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    There is a difference with interesting stuff to do to change/spice things up and very boring ones. Actually i would be very surprised if i said i had "nothing to do" as this game has FULL of things to do, too much in a day actually to do them all (for me at least)

    But the problem come from the repetitive aspect. Im tired of doing the same quest in sharandar cause thats what gives stone that are always needed, im tired of doing the same damn heroic encounters EVERYDAY in SH cause we need influence.

    Im tired of doing the same dungeons because there they only one worth it in term of time vs reward vs difficulty. As a dev its something they should notice, people play skirmishes much more than dungeons cause there easier. People do elol much more than malabog cause of rewards being more worth it and taking way less time to complete. They should introduce MUCH MORE skirmishes/dungeons like throne or prophecy that are doable with any type of PUG, so we would have variations.

    I get that there is a repetitive aspect in this game and in this kind of game in general, but at some point they should really notice what gives what and what people do. For exemple why would i waste time doing icewindale quest when the quest don't give much? Only reason i do some of them is to make kessel keys... But why Sharandar give stuff to make malabog keys AND stones? Why Icewindale for exemple don't give res stones? Even if just gray ones. Only thing that give it in the game is maze dailies and your limited to 1 per day. Yes you can make them in profession but so you do for every type of refinement. So well??

    This is all the type of stuff they should look into. Not to mention sharandar stuff is unbound while dread ring for exemple for the most part is bound? I guess its cause enchantements are tradable and artifacts are not, but then they could at least also put the res stones from icewindale (in my idea) bound... I dunno, something like that. Im just guessing but in the end doing quest in all regions would be worth it in a way.

    Then for dungeons they could make Malabog have 2 free chest and 1 paying one. That way since the dungeon is longer/harder it would be worth it to do it more than elol.

    Thats all the stuff i am thinking about as a fan. Since you brough up the repetitive aspect. But when it comes to the festival, im sorry but i can't understand why they tough having activities take 15 mins was a good idea. Basically just to get rid of your festival duties you have to spend an hour per character there. Its too much. Not to mention if you start late you can never catch up the top 3. At least restarting them faster would mean more competition fairness. As you missed an activity? No problem you can join the next one in a couple minutes. While in current formula if you start with 12 min left, you will never catch the lead... thats 12 mins wasted.And the ammount of petals for a copper bracket is very low too...

  • ltsmithnekoltsmithneko Member Posts: 1,578 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Simple way to fix the repetitive things in games like this is if they provided things more like the split off points in Elol with different methods giving a some what different experience, yet making sure it's no insanely long, unless your going to provide a great reward from it, like lets say Old CN? I can see easy methods they could use the whole splitting paths thing even if it provides the same paths con-jointing once again as long as is can be a different experience every time you chose to run it, it'll drag more appeal to running it. :3

  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    Other than crafting saaha balls, this event was fun for about 2 days, I dont think there is need to have this run so long for mount skins and fashion that I wont be able to obtain because the copper tickets don't drop enough :(

    Killing trolls is great fun, but picking corn/flowers, chasing animals not so much. The water battle is fun like once or twice, and I agree, the duration of the water battle is too long and I wish there were a few less bails of hay in the way...
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
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  • spookymoo#7778 spookymoo Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I have to agree with destrowod on various points.
    1. I was excited when summer festival came out as I had not yet been playing the game a year so had no experience of it. Within 2 days it became obvious that (a) it was mind-numbingly dull and (b) I had no chance, judging by the comments on the forum, of getting anything decent from the volleyball / saaha games. So I have not bothered with it, apart from logging in on my two toons every day to get the blessing of Sune and to craft/make flowerpetals. So at the end my toons will get a green mount which is ok and a few fashion items / transmutation items which again are ok but I didn't desperately need them.

    2. The tasks took way too long. The water game seemed to go on forever and as Destrowod commented, it was hit and miss - literally! I didn't mind the trolls but it took ages for the three trolls to trickle down the ledge, and then like 20 people were all waiting to blast them all so you didn't get a chance to kill anything. I didn't mind chasing the chickens or the pigs but never once found the golden chicken. The flowerpetals in comparison was so quick to do, blink and you missed it.

    3. I HATED the saaha matches. I played 2. Got absolutely nothin. Read up on the forum about the appalling drop rate and how many mithral tickets you needed (really?) And I thought, no -just no, life is too short. I spend far too much time on this game farming for gear that I will probably never get, but at least I have a small chance of getting something at the end that I can use, or some AD or salvage, whereas the chances I will get anything from the volleyball are like a gazillion to one so there is no point.

    4 I liked the scenery and the little zones / areas but there was so much more that they could have done. Where were the scarecrows? You always get them on farms. Just saying.

    5. Malabogs I remember getting that key right at the beginning of the Dread Ring quest and thinking cool, a new dungeon and new loot in a shiny new chest. I still have that key. Yes the same one. I have run this dungeon tens of times. NEVER finished it. I always end up in a group that's bugged. So the cultists come out of their designated zone and kill everyone . The Dragon gets his head stuck halfway through the gate and you can't get back in. You have kill yourself and respawn. People can't be bothered to hang around due to the glitch so they leave, other people join and it starts again. So never finished it. Doubt I ever will. Have never got anything worthwhile from ELOL. Have made loads of Kessels keys all I get is black ice splinters and green rubbish. Ended up buying a beholder in the end just to boost myself up from all the prior failures.

    6. And don't even get me started on the reasoning behind bound and unbound equipment.

    I don't know why I play this game. There's a quote from a song which goes "the best of us can find happiness in misery" guess that's the Crux of it. I grind and grind and grind and grind some more because one day, surely one day, I will get something. Surely?
  • spookymoo#7778 spookymoo Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    I can only commit an hour or two max on this game. And not every day either. Because I have a life and real life things come first. So I have to make the best use of my time. Usually it goes like this :- log on, get SH quests, try to run some HE's (usually solo) - takes approx 15 mins or longer if you have to wait for them, run the SH dungeon quest or skirmish - another 15 mins minimum - longer for Valinda EToS etc. So can be reasonable up to 30 mins , so at the moment I have used up approx 45 minutes. Then I try and run Demo or Tiamat - depending on time and which, if any, queue pops first. So at least another 15 mins. So there's my hour gone. Before I do anything else. So to spend 10 mins or so on each quest in summer festival - I can't commit that time every time I log on. I'm not complaining. If I had more time to play I would. But I don't. Sorry.
  • kuero21kuero21 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I dont get why we are forced to craft our daily sahha balls instead of getting a free one every day. Its really annoying and time consuming if you do that daily quest every day on several characters and then have to craft this HAMSTER together to a ball.
  • bozgreen#2671 bozgreen Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Sahha is a poor, bad design. Period.

    I agree that 15 min is way too long. If you are on a busy instance, then like previously described, you'll line up with another 20 players or so just to wait for the 3 trolls to spawn, and they'll finish before you know it. On the other hand, if you are in an empty instance, then at some point, usually around 5 min, you start to question yourself how stupid it is to endlessly chase the trolls, alone? And simply because there's not many, sometimes it's only by yourself!, you'll slow down, and eventually stop to wait for the 15 min to expire.
    Water battle would be better if it's a FPS game, instead of 3rd person, and coupled with bigger arena.

    Herding chicken is probably the easiest for me. I did twice for a full 15 min. And that's that. Never ever again. Do get dizzy after a while.

    Either the festival, or the mini games, are all beyond a rational length of time.
    Yet, it can be speculated that the dev is using the boringness to push players to purchase the sahha balls instead for the tickets. In the end, it's the silver tickets that are most useful, for all the enchants that are mostly only available during the Call at Arms events.

    One sahha ball can be bounced for 30 time. There's roughly 5% chance of getting a silver. Plus the Mithral tickets at 1% drop rate. While one of any of the enchants will require 80 silver tickets each. Go figure.

    The point is, neither the game, nor the reward is encouraging or enjoyable.
    It would be much better off to do a quick shot. Having people hate it can do so much more damage than having people miss it.
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Spooky : I still think you missed a bit on the balls and stuff. You should definately create your ball everyday. The good stuff is not obtained by playing the match, you can just gather the flower and get back to him to get your item, then craft your ball. Then you gather with friends in enclave or randoms if you trust them, and you bounce the ball in the corner of the building to get tickets. I played 1 or 2 matches of this the normal way and i tough it was horribly bad so i gathered flower from there.

    2) Flower gathering is a "at your own pace" game, thats why i don't mind it. You just go on and you gather the number require and it count as dong the activity. No contest there. As for the golden chicken i got it randomly a few time, worth 30 pts but really nothing else happen. Its random... i mean you can be lucky and get it, or you can waste time searching for it for nothing and then get pass over...

    3) Malabog is sharandar dungeon, not dread ring, dring ring is valindra. But yeah malabog you need a decent group to finish it. Its not spectacular hard, but its just way longer than an elol or even a valindra. I finished it a few times, first time for the achievements, after that just for the sake of varying a bit, i was tired doing the same dungeons all the time but then even i realized the rewards where not worth the time. Plus pugging it is way too hard, got to have a pre-made.

    Kuero : I guess it was to force players to play saaha but since they gave the choice to gather flower instead, everybody do that. I literally waited for 15 mins today for a match and didn't got it. Nobody play that anymore. Everybody tried it at first cause it was new but they realize its very poorly designed. I just wanted to get the title wich i have not get, but im probably not even gonna get it, as getting a match seem too hard now lol

    Bozgreen : The balls are independant of the festival activities... Gathering flex flower(not the other ones that you can trade for petals) does not even count toward "celebrating the festival" And celebrating actually just gives petal to spend on "goodies" that are not really needed but fun for a collection aspect. Celebrating is really just good for one thing, get the title. You get extra petals too but honestly it would be easier and faster probably to just gather flower again and again and exchange them if you really want to farm for petals. Honestly i forced myself to do the festival cause of 2 reasons, i wanted the title and i wanted the pig companion. I finished the 10 times and then i notice there is another title for 25 times... forget it, not going to that point lol. And i have enough for the pig now.

    Oh and i agree with what you guys says about trolls.. with my GF i can't barely kill anything, they don't even touch the ground and there already dead when there is people around. Wizards and stuff wth long range attacks lol
  • thedramacusthedramacus Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    Didnt start posting on forums till this festival ended, but I agree. After 10 min I am bored with any of the events. 3 min is far to short though.

    As for titles, do you actually get them? I got* the achievement florist and chicken chaser, but dont see them in my titles. I would LOVE for my best dps to have the title florist, or any of my toons to be chicken chasers.

    And while I didnt get anything superb from the ticket event, I would still like to see it in winter festival with different prizes. maybe a hockey game...
    Dramacus 3.1 SW, Raven 2.9 HR, Aurora Shadowbain 2.7 GF, Mirduatas Vras 2.5 DC
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  • iccyasdiccyasd Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Just curious do we have to complete the whole 15min of Killing Trolls/Water Battle to get something special? what i do here is i get in the map look at the timer of the event, if there its 10-13min before it ends i would run 1 round of temple of spider, if there is no event active i would do 1 round of Throne of the Dwarven god. you would make it back in time like 2-3min to get it complete.
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  • thedramacusthedramacus Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    > @iccyasd said:
    > Just curious do we have to complete the whole 15min of Killing Trolls/Water Battle to get something special? what i do here is i get in the map look at the timer of the event, if there its 10-13min before it ends i would run 1 round of temple of spider, if there is no event active i would do 1 round of Throne of the Dwarven god. you would make it back in time like 2-3min to get it complete.

    One of my guild mates dropped a sellable armored boar from scoring in first place. I am betting festival prizes like that are the best you can hope for.
    Dramacus 3.1 SW, Raven 2.9 HR, Aurora Shadowbain 2.7 GF, Mirduatas Vras 2.5 DC
    Si Vis Pacem 2.5 DC, Jade Shadowbain 2.4 CW, Para Bellum 1.5 GWF, President Not Sure lvl 69 OP
    Faith Shadowbain lvl 69 DC, Toof Fairy lvl 68 GWF, Arnie Shadowbain lvl 63 GF

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