Hi all!
Today i would like to discuss a very well known, but usually well avoided topic, when it comes to PVP in this game.
I will write these sentences in mind well knowing, that some of you don't want to change the status quo and are happy with the ever deserting PVP arenas, just to preserve your useless Leader board and polish your egos.
I can only agree with
@ironzerg79 's words in the PVP toxicity thread, back a few months ago. If we don't lose a portion of the so called old PVP community it will die out eventually, no matter, how much the other 99% wants to keep it healthy and back on track. All the efforts- if the Devs put some time in it- will be useless as long as some individuals roam here.
It would have to be Cryptic, who should take out the kicking boots, but if they don't act-, cause money rules and everything is allowed for the game's "elite"-, then we, the rest of the community should corner them out simply by not letting them into any PVP guild, let's see how they can troll people then.
I am so disgusted at the moment i can hardly say a good word about PVP in this game.
1. Ok, we all know current LB is a pile of
HAMSTER, still some find it necessary to polish their egos and of course get the boons for their alts, so they use every method to spit on fair sportsmanship.
I was a part of a loosely built "E" semi premade, which was nearly an in-house match. "E" alliance members on all sides. Now we had a GF on our side and it was funny- compared, how OP GFs are now, he couldn't make a kill. So i went over and saw, he was practicing with a fellow "E" member. Finally one of our traitor team mates jumped out of the match, so we were down to miserable 4, watching them practice.
I mean WTF, shall i waist my time in a game type, where all matches are fixed?! Yes they are, at least a big percentage of them. I saw this happen in NCL, reported it to the CMs, to Customer Support, supported by many screenshots, nobody cared. Same as bike (and well every other sport too), where the UCI doesn't want to hear, how badly their bicycle races are effected with technical doping lately. We all now PVP is nearly dead by all means and we all know why Cryptic still keeps it, as and advertisement tool for outsiders, but pls c'mon...
Dear "E", if you want to do testing rounds, please go to Preview or do full premades and do your testing there, but losing matches deliberately for others just to test the GF vs CW scenario sux for the rest of us. Thank you!
2. So i went on, this time it was a "G&S" guild mix. Dear "S" leadership, since you guys changed name and went into the alliance i find more and more foul apples amongst your ranks. I have reported one to my friend, who is an officer in one of the guild's in that alliance last week. Now i had 2 wannabes fixing and trolling the matches today.
They had members on my team and one said first GG, so let the others win and then back to fight. I mean WTF again? First lose a match deliberately and then fight, where am i, in Saint Quentin or what? I guess even that place had more morals.
Since i said my few lovely words about this to them i was constantly trolled by two "S" members. One a HR, with a mediocre japanese singers name and the other a GF with a similar "talented" US girl singers name. They didn't respect anything, they were chasing me around like a chicken on the yard.
I know some of you will throw mud at me, but what do we, the rest 99% want? How do you guys and girls think we can have a healthy PVP again? As i said above, what impact will all the efforts (which hopefully come one day, fingers still crossed) have if some part of the old guard is so corrupt and rotten.
Please dear Guild Leaders of the above said guilds, show your true colors and if you really care and are not just out for easy PUGstomping, then throw the garbage out and see, how they play the big boys (or girls) then.
Remember, change needs to come from both sides of the fence, Cryptic and the community!
Thank you!
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The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
"then we, the rest of the community should corner them out simply by not letting them into any PVP guild, let's see how they can troll people then."
Umm most of them have been removed/denied however and they would just go to medium trolly pvp guilds then instead and you would still complain
Thanks for your time.
No they are not removed, still plenty remain protected. Both incidents happened with two of the oldest and biggest PVP guilds in game.
Would i complain in the future? Good to know you know that better than me, cause i can't see into the future.
I would have reported them for sure at their guild officers, but hey wonder why they are all invisible to us outsiders. Hmm...
No i won't stop playing PVP, well as much as i can under such circumstances, but still don't you think it's an awkward way of thinking. Following your logic, a person should never go out and cross the street, cause well maybe a drunken driver comes along and hits him. Shouldn't we rather stop the driver who is drunk?
The biggest problem as i see it, that current PVP in the game is a playground for many misbehaving adults, who act, like they were back to kindergarten, without a nanny watching over them and can act freely as they wish.
Thank you again!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Thanks for your reply.
You need to read my post carefully, i was saying my lovely words only after your 2 guild mates-, yes they were yours- fixed the match and were harassing people.
You know if i were you i would clean my house first so my or my guild's reputation doesn't suffer more.
Thank you for your reply!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Do you have any idea that the top guilds don't like pug stomping kids against the curb? We would love a challenge. More premades would be a great thing. But don't blame premades, I completely blame Cryptic for their lousy approach to PvP as a whole and now after 3 years they start at the tip of the iceberg with some class balancing changes (a lot more official ones coming soon) They haven't even added new modes, maps, edited the queue system so it pinpoints a much more crisp and accurate find to a player of your skill level, via ratio scores(kills, deaths, assists, type of PvP gear and based upon some form of iL).
You see, I came up with those things in less than 5 minutes and you guys post just like me. It's pathetic to know we care more and clearly show more interest in this game than the people who make it. Ideas we have that they simply don't have the creativity to think of. Which is a big problem clearly after 3 years.
However I have to also agree with @bluangeluk and how they should change it so I don't see scrubs on my team wearing dusk gear and dragon flight gear lol. Seriously don't queue up for PvP if your primary purpose is to obtain AD. We all know theirs many other ways you can get AD in this game. I cannot even tell you back in the day and even now the amount of squishy new comers who simply don't know their class on this game when they queue for PvP. They think they can run PvE powers, passives, feats, gear etc.. and they will be fine. They get 2 shotted in dom and then come on here to complain which isn't right.
Yes they should fix the garbage queue system, and yes they should make it easier for new players, but when you queue dom, think how it affects others not just yourself. Others want to play to beat another guilds 5 man, they don't care about anything other than winning and having fun, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve that. Even if it means beating PUG's 1000-0 just to quickly snipe a premade afterwords.
Guardian Fighter
https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1221446/the-future-of-the-gf/p1 Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
This is hilarious. Complaining about end game guilds fixing matches, when there are hundreds of squishy little pugs that queue into pvp, with no intention of even wanting to pvp, just to get their 600 points for some AD and leave. And YOU wonder why the real pvp guilds who want to fight it out, get annoyed?
We can't even have proper matches, because of 'ad grabbers' who end up on our teams, die once, give up and make us lose on purpose.. for a measly amount of AD, that they could get if they ran a dungeon and salvaged the rewards. And you want to talk about 'match fixing'?
From an end-game pvper perspective, just as you hate to see some of us in pvp. We really hate seeing time wasters ending up in our teams, who mostly don't have an ounce of competitiveness in their body. Why they'd want to queue I have no idea?!
All in all, I think you need to take a step back, see the bigger picture, put your hatred for certain end game pvp guild members/guilds aside and think back to basics on how to improve the situation, if you are serious about pvp being 'fixed'. At the end of the day, it has only got this bad, because the things the Devs have implemented haven't worked out successfully. EVERYONE, on both sides of the fence are frustrated.
Anyway, you asked for solutions and my two are this;
1) Take the AD reward away so there is no incentive for the un-geared uninterested time wasters to queue. I would prefer pvp rewards to be useful things; seals/glory and maybe SH vouchers for glory/influence/even surplus gear.
2) Develop the queue system. (There have been numerous posts, I won't expand.)
Personally, pvp is the equivalent of a real life battle. The weak of heart/ not so thick skinned shouldn't even think about going there at the moment. Just as everything in real life, nothing is fair. There is no such thing as fairness. People do not have to behave to your 'standards' and you shouldn't really expect anything more... do you reprimand every person in real life, when their ideals do not agree with your own?
If people upset you, put them on ignore. Appealing to guild leaders here will probably achieve very little. They can encourage a certain type of behavior within their guild but they can't impose it on people. Neither can guild leaders police every pvp match their members enter. Inevitably you will get a few people in every guild that troll, or don't care for the reputation they are giving out to others. But that's life. They have friends within their guilds and most of them, when not out in the pvp zones, are people you can laugh, chat too and share gaming time with.
I recommend you stock up on sugar cubes... it makes the sourness of reality a lot easier to swallow.