1. Prophecy of Doom: Does not grant AP after enemy is killed.
2. Prophecy of Doom: Does not instantly recharge after enemy is killed.
3. Prophecy of Doom: Empowered version does not increase its duration.
4. Annointed Army: Only the first "ball" absorbs damage, the rest don't.
5. Divine Glow: Does not proc weapon enchantments
6. Repurpose Soul: Does not proc for certain skills (e.g. Daunting Light, Chains of Blazing Light).
7. Repurpose Soul: 3/3 only does ~9% instead of 15% of the spell's damage.
8. Hastening Light: Artifact offhand weapon bonus does not give 10% AP to allies.
9. Warding Flare: Does not shield any damage.
10. Owl Bear Cub companion: Active bonus does not proc for certain skills (e.g. Daunting Light, Chains of Blazing Light).