This WAS originally a Poll done about a YEAR ago - with the forum change the poll results got destrioyed. So, what types of PvP maps/modes do you prefer?
- Capture the Flag
- Team Death-match/Team Brawl (no resurrections/timed resurrections)
- Domination
- King of the Hill
- Murder Ball (called "Capture the Relic" in Rift)
- Resource Race - gather/harvest/control resources
- Arena (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10)
Why does this pole need to be private ?? I object based on that alone *ballot stuffing*
Add category Let them Fix/balance their Stuff first and add Custom solo / dual Q / lobby
Let The players Create their own Map and have a contest in the foundry to do so
So the DEVS can dedicate Pvp resources to other aspects Pvp related that are even more critical
Why should we request they spend thier limited time on map creation when we can help take that burden off and thereby promoting their precious infinite content foundry
Dev mentioned foundry in new patch notes
They still need to work on balance For any game mode to be useful even more so with some of those
mode suggestions and some of them have been done and failed
*reserved for further comment*
you might want to read this entire post first ...
Let The players Create their own Map and have a contest in the foundry to do so
So the DEVS can dedicate Pvp resources to other aspects Pvp related that are even more critical
Capture the flag is basically going into enemy stronghold capturing their flag and returning it all the way to your stronghold.
Domination is typically controlling several different areas - yes you often "capture" the area, but then you must maintain control over that area to gain points.
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