The Villanousity Alliance is looking for a few more guilds to join us.
EDIT: We're now part of the Tyrs alliance and no longer looking for allies!
Villanousity is a multi game guild that has been around since 2000.
In our Neverwinter branch alliance we currently have three sword guilds, Carpe Nocte, MMO Fortune Hunters and The Royal Black Watch, all very fun friendly guilds although MMO is more of a small family guild and we are looking to add more. Our alliance doesn't have any fees, required events, or really any requirements aside from be friendly and inclusive.
At the moment each guild hosts one event each week on their map in addition to the usual Dragonflight runs. It’s been a very fun way to get to know alliance members and we've recently started doing raffles after the runs to add another element of fun to the mix. We use Teamspeak for Dragonflight runs although we do have a Discord server as well that we're considering switching to.
We’re fairly evenly split between east coast US time and EU times although we do currently have more US and Canadian people.
If you would like to join our alliance, please contact me
@tashiaserene and we can discuss it or feel free to post on the Villanousity forum.
villanousity.com/forumsroyalblackwatch.net/forumsA helpful Dragonflight guide from our forum -
Still have spots left for fun friendly allies :-)
At the moment each guild hosts one event each week on their map in addition to the usual Dragonflight runs. It’s been a very fun way to get to know alliance members and we've recently started doing occasional raffles after the runs to add another element of fun to the mix. We use Teamspeak for Dragonflight runs although we do have a Discord server as well that we're considering switching to.
The alliance is pretty relaxed an low key. People are always asking in alliance chat if anyone needs help with anything or want to do an influence run etc. We haven't had any drama or issues so we're hoping to add other guilds that are similarly relaxed.
We have our share of stat geeks and both the Villanousity forum and Royal Black Watch forum are fairly active with people posting guides, hints, tips etc. I hope this gives you some insight into our current alliance culture :-)
We’re fairly evenly split between east coast US time and EU times although we do currently have more US and Canadian people.
If you would like to join our alliance, please contact me @tashiaserene and we can discuss it or feel free to post on the Villanousity forum.
A helpful Dragonflight guide from our forum - www.villanousity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20611