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CW just reached 70 and confused about enchants

nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
edited April 2016 in PvP Discussion
Hi all,

just reached 70. Still trying to complete Spinward Rise quests.

From what I was told by my Guild fellows it is better to buy armour and weapon enchants from the AH and not upgrade shards or lesser enchants. So the 2 questions are,

(1) for a CW interested in PvP, which should I try to get? (Vorpal, Feytouched, Negation, Elven Battle etc...)

(2) Also, shall I buy a lesser enchant or save up for the "normal" enchant directly?

I am currently a Thaumaturge, but maybe will respect to a Renegade (really not sure yet).

Nezdin (DC)
Aelan Icebleed (CW)
Post edited by nezdin#5514 on


  • vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    lesser and normal versions of enchants are better buy at AH for sure. just do the math - you need 3 coal wards for normal but normals cost max 600 000 ad what i remember
  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    Thanks, I edited the question too to make it clearer...as in which actual enchants are best?
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Eleven and Feytouch no question.
    Drowned set.
    Renegade path for sure for the crits, and growth for the heals since a cleric won't always be there to protect you.
    You still want to make sure you take spell twisting from the Thaum path but stop there with the rest going down the Renegade.
    There's definitely more to it than that, but based on your intial question that's the correct answer imo.
    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Negation is the correct armor ENCHANT if you can break cc with a daily or an artifact (actually Best to have both to switch situationally lol) Also With mount insignia bonuses factored in (which are not on xbox yet)
    are you MOF or spell storm
    more Crit on the Renegade path is less usefull now that the elol set is nerfed Also tenacity in pvp make crit damage less usefull only effects that proc on crit are good and even then some have a cool down between procs
    I would go Thum with some renegade and some oppressor (also to counter somewhat the elol set nerf)
    only 2 /3 of the renegade capstone powers work by the way chaotic nexsus is bugged like forever (does not give armor pen bonus)
    you dont need chaotic growth for the heals anymore in this mod it is obsolete healing will come from mount insignias
    heal on deflect heal on lifesteal heal on stun heal on crit ...etc ....
    Then just use wheel of elements situationaly more healing more damage or cc resist whatever
  • opalsunsopalsuns Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Keep in mind Kalina I am on Xbox and the new mod doesn't drop for us until May 3rd, and even then apparently we are not getting the lostmauth nerf for a few weeks after.

    So my advice was based off what I know alteady from current mod.

    Was unaware that the changes were that extreme in mod 9 to consider going thaum and ditching the end tree in renegade with chaos.

    At least for Xbox I am gonna give it a solid two weeks and focus on 1v1s with my guildies to get a feel for the changes before a respec. Xbox has been different then PC on some things when it comes to PvP is what I have found, but reading the PC forums has also been a fantastic source of knowledge for preparation of Mod 9. Now the question is how will it change the dynamics.

    Great info though Kalina. Wish we had cross play between pc and xbox.
    CW SS
    Paragon Gaming

  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    kalina311 said:

    Negation is the correct armor ENCHANT if you can break cc with a daily or an artifact (actually Best to have both to switch situationally lol) Also With mount insignia bonuses factored in (which are not on xbox yet)
    are you MOF or spell storm
    more Crit on the Renegade path is less usefull now that the elol set is nerfed Also tenacity in pvp make crit damage less usefull only effects that proc on crit are good and even then some have a cool down between procs
    I would go Thum with some renegade and some oppressor (also to counter somewhat the elol set nerf)
    only 2 /3 of the renegade capstone powers work by the way chaotic nexsus is bugged like forever (does not give armor pen bonus)
    you dont need chaotic growth for the heals anymore in this mod it is obsolete healing will come from mount insignias
    heal on deflect heal on lifesteal heal on stun heal on crit ...etc ....
    Then just use wheel of elements situationaly more healing more damage or cc resist whatever

    Thanks for both your comments. Ok, there is a lot of information there.

    (1) Was the nerf to the eLoL set so big that it made the DPS of the Renegade inferior to that f the Renegade in your opinion? But this would suggest that the benefits of the Renegade tree relative to Thaum were mainly due to a (bugged?) set, and not due to the worth of the feets in themselves?

    (2) I am currently Spellstorm Thaumaturge. Although I really like some elements from MoF path (Fanning the Flame, smolder, furious immolation), I chose Spellstorm because I wanted to increase my DPS for PvP, and I actually like Spellstorm and EotS. I also read you arguing in another post that SS DPS was far superior to that of MoF: but was this also due to the eLoL set? If anyone thinks MoF after the nerf is equivalent to SS DPS-wise then I'd be interested to hear why because would reconsider giving it another shot.

    (3) Also a question about negation: it increases damage resistance. Does that mean that for it to be useful I have to already stack a lot of defence? Ie: having 0 DR and enemy has 40% ArP is the same as 0 DR + negation vs 40% ArP. But if I have 40 DR + negation (giving me additional +10% DR) vs 40% ArP of enemy then it is worth it. Is this true?

    (4) What about weapon enchant? Opalsuns suggested Feytouched above. Bilethorn, Lightning, Vorpal and Terror also look appealing to me from their descriptions, especially since Feytouched says it happens only every 20 seconds
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
  • pzg33pzg33 Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    tbh i would wait until CW changes before sinking AD into gear. not in a good way pvpwise. in fact pvp as a whole is a mess.
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    1.no it just made stacking crit in pvp less usefull (not on an companion or augment) as a source of damage
    2. which thread was this quote ???
    3. you never have 0 dr. negtion is as not good against burst damage thats why you have shield then it can build up to its full stacks... some over powered classes wlil rip thru your armor / dr no matter what ....negation also increase recovery and incoming healing bonus synergizes well with spell twisting and not stacking recovery in enchants
    4. fey touched has 100% up time at max level
    5. @pzg33 he still needs basic gear and advice regardless of upcomming changes and is allowed to ask questions
    take your negativity elsewhere please
  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    1. I see; apart from the crits in Renegade I must say that Chaotic Growth sounded good to me. I do not yet own any items that allow me to heal on deflect or other; hopefully to be acquired though :)

    2. Here is the thread: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/comment/12806945
    So the poster above (Mamalion) seems a big fan of MoF damage; correction: you do not say directly that SS is better at DPS as I wrote above but do seem to think it has several advantages over MoF - including defensive play. When you say "also for single target damage and 1 v 1 it would depends on your feat tree" you hint at different synergies I guess: is it that SS synergises well with Renegade (better than MoF) but MoF synergises well with Thaumaturge (as good as, or better than SS) for example ?

    TRs and SS: One other thing I would lose from SS is Storm Pillar. I haven't seen any recommendations to use it (mainly have read negative comments about it), but I found that it could (at least in theory) be useful against TRs who are stealthed (detects them and strikes them with lightning). I must say that I have not mastered it however since even when I reveal them with SP they seem immune to my Entangling Force or Repel (I guess Deflect) and then Smoke Bomb me before I can do anything. Maybe it's just a matter of practice. So bottom line: MoF does not have Storm Pillar, but maybe I should think of other ways to deal with TRs. (And HRs are giving me lots of pain too).

    3. Ok negation seems promising - I also see what you mean about freeing up other enchant slots to put to better use. But previously you said it is good if I can break CC otherwise - Now at best I can break it once at the i-level I am (let's say if I use Maelstrom) every few minutes, and in the meantime I have lost of a lot of HP (or dead). Maybe the benefit of Elven Battle is best for low levels and Negation becomes optimal later? Btw, Elven Battle also relates to (2) above with the TRs and HRs : p

    4. OK, that sounds good!

    Thanks for the comments.
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    1. Get Cheap Blue mounts use 2 set insignia bonuses insignias drop like candy now and the blue or green ones are super cheap anyways no excuses to not have at least 1 or 2 mount set bonuses (more expensive mounts will have stonger 3 set bonuses )
    2. My Builds are for optimal Pvp content and assuming you have some dps companion to supplement pve run and for Boon grinds or I have builds for hybrid Pvp or pve based on enchants you already own Mof for pve pvp might be viable ., I always use storm pillar .. It has Variable activations times and variable utility i could right several paragraphs on storm pillar alone asside from the fact on the thum path fully charged it gives a %5 damage increase
    3.Matter of taste or situation both are good and both can be bad situation ally regardless of gear
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Oh btw In order to be Casting your daily faster you should have +100 action point gain jewel on neck belt and rings ..
    Your necklace should have the +4% action point when in combat ability there are several to chose from
    You should have the action point gain on crit from the renegade path regardless if you are mostly thum or opressor
    to boost action point gain as well ...the sun elixir also adds recovery and a chance to gain bonus action points as well..
    as well as some mount insignias that give action point gain as well
    Post edited by kalina311 on
  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    kalina311 said:

    Oh btw In order to be Casting your daily faster you should have +100 action point gain jewel on neck belt and rings ..
    Your necklace should have the +4% action point when in combat ability there are several to chose from
    You should have the action point gain on crit from the renegade path regardless if you are mostly thum or opressor
    to boost action point gain as well ...the sun elixir also adds recovery and a chance to gain bonus action points as well..
    as well as some mount insignias that give action point gain as well

    I am trying Renegade now. You are right, the action point gain on crit is very noticeable, I can definitely feel the difference!
    My mount has no insignia bonus (Moonbear)...guess it may be a bug or something.
    Action Point gain jewel...searched what it is, I guess I have to craft it with Professions? If it is an enchant then it will take the place of yellow and red (HP and ArP) enchants, which are really boosting my stats right now though...
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Jewels are crafted, yes. Different professions make different jewels. They are not enchants and can be used on gear that will have an enchant in it.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    just look at major armor kits in the auction house (there is a category for it even under consumables) or supply the ingredients and have someone make them for you
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Yeah, that 100k AD hurts on the big kits.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • nezdin#5514 nezdin Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    OK thanks. I am saving up on ADs to get an armour enchant so I will see if I can find the ingredients!
    Nezdin (DC)
    Aelan Icebleed (CW)
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