Hello! I want to start this topic saying that even though I'm a returning player, I played so few and only in the beginning that I really feel like I'm starting a new game

Me, with some of my friends, decided to try this game together and were talking about which characters we should play.
I really like being a wizard but considering I usually play a healer in mmorpg I said I could've been a cleric.
So why the question in topic title?
One of my friend would like to be a Guardian Fighter and another would like to be a Paladin: can the paladin be a substitute for the cleric?
If that's the case, I could be a wizard and everyone's happy!
If not, I don't want to level up a lot just to find out we can't face endgame content

Thank you for your time answering
I run Aura of Wisdom, Aura of Courage and Vow of Enmity/Bond of Virtue/Bane on most fights, as well as Shield of Faith (not sure how that change is going to affect runs).
Solo-healing epic Demogorgon is easy. I may not amp up dps as much as a DC, but there are fewer deaths -- so that's a nice dps increase right there.
Devouted Cleric(DC) is more versatile. DC can heal, buff, debuff and damage, being the latter not as effective as a Great Weapon Fighters damage, but it is noticeble. A DC can hurt is he/she decides so.
We're not looking to be OP or the perfect match, knowing we're not going to fumble it's enough
It looks like I'm going to roll a mage
It's a bit OT for this topic but I don't know if it's worth to open a new topic just for this:
I've read some guides but nothing recent.
Any tips?
3 man team of GF (tank), Paladin (healer), and a Cleric (support) forms an extremely solid core of a group - add 2 heavy DPS will burn through content w/ all the buffing/debuffing/healing the 3 of you would provide.
Guides are going to be in flux right now, with the changes to OPs, DCs and Lostmauth set.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
I suppose we're going to see what happens now
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
My OP is 2.8k and was doing the T2s often back when was 2.5k. Practically the same, I only upgraded the color of my artifacts and slapped in the dragon hoard. I could handle eToS back then in a party full of TRs giving me all the agro. Me dying isn't an issue, it's the party dying from hits that is with few tools to help em.
One of my friends, who is new to the mmorpg scene, asked me if we'll ever face some difficult encounters: so I'm going to forward the question to you
I have played various mmorpg but only played 2 at end game: Star Trek Online and Final Fantasy XIV.
Of the two, the former is from the same developers and frankly is quite easy, especially after putting hands on some good equip; FFIV on the other hand showed well thought instances that put emphasis on team coordination.
Where would you put Neverwinter on a spectrum that goes from 1 (STO-like) to 5 (FFIV-like)?
1. great heal, you get near instant fully healed after taking an near onehit
2. seems to be tricky for the healadin to reach all groupmemebers, running like a chicken in a circle?
3. less groupbuffs than a DC
4. less mitigation than a DC, wich is the main problem in case you have to heal a weak tank, let´s say at ORcus, the tank will die by a onehit 100%, no way to heal against.
A DC can cast Astral Shield, Hollowed Ground, Devine Glow, and optional Exaltation to buff the defense enormously, in the end the far better way because his group buffs on top seems more powerfull and synergize with ITF
Would be interested in actual tanking abilities after patch/nerf?
Displays what the class is like going solo, warlock only shines in a group getting buffed.