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Next Campaign idea

anilesaanilesa Member Posts: 6 Arc User
I wonder if the next campaign will be about centaurs, and including the option to play as one? Multiple kinds DO exist in the DnD universe. Horse, Deer, Sheep, you name it.


  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    half-human/half deer are "golden hinds", they are mostly females and demi-immortals, but thier blood are deadly to the gods, they were created by god of war, Ares.

    half-sheep and hafling would be cool new lore for halfling folklore about mythical "herder of the sheeps", Ewetuars.
  • flehstifferflehstiffer Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    Doubt it. Mods releases tend to be along the same lines as DND adventure releases. So, the next thing wizards releases (probably also demon related) will basically dictate what our next module will be.
  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    Shepherd's devotion insignia bonus basicly confirmed Ewetuars
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    Warlord's Inspiration insignia basicly confirmed a Krogan Warlord companion.
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    I'd really like to see Ravenloft, send you in naked remove all campaign progress if you choose to leave before end of campaign, I really like that setting.
  • anilesaanilesa Member Posts: 6 Arc User

    Shepherd's devotion insignia bonus basicly confirmed Ewetuars

    Then I may play as an Ewetaur should the race be released
  • mysteriasdrassamysteriasdrassa Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    As much as I love Ravenloft, it is really not do-able. Consider the first and foremost fact that once you enter Ravenlost it is near impossible to leave. There is a reason why all those Darklords are stuck there. And it takes a gracious and generous grant by the Dark Powers to allow you to leave. Letting people freely pass back and forth like you would have to do for an MMO would only cheapen and sully that.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    i would like a new proposal, those who concern about ravenloft adventure,
    i have an idea, only once a year event, during weekend of halloweens, bring back a new "CTA event" Bad Moon Harvest, agents of strahd was attampting to gain a foothold in old zone copies with new textures of summer and fall festivial with "nighttime flavor" and spooky Blood Moon with eerie face in the sky, with ghosts, zombies, animated scarecrows, and those bumps at nights.

    i would love to explore "haunted house" event.

    main quest giver would be Morgania, that vampire lady we seen in Well of Dragons, she wasnt pleased about "other vampires" invading from the realm of ravonloft. she want them eliminated.
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