So we know this:
1. No more super troll comps
2. Cryptic now has the technology to enforce certain classes (this and not only double of the same, even something like "dps", "healer" types could be forced, so every team will have a healer).
3. The reason for "2 of the same" might be because pvp population is low so they have to allow double TR, double pally etc to queue just to get games going
4. In the future we could petition to enforce only 1 of the same class (rainbow comps) if we unite together as a community.
This is a major step in the right direction though, I've always said the best way to flush out all the class balances is first start with class restriction per team, put 1 of everything and see how the game evolves, then make the adjustments.
Challenge que would be better, u could pick who u fight, and even challenge higher IL people if ya want
or stick closer to your own IL
im still waiting for a competitive ladder and party/character challenge option. For 1vs1 3vs3 and 5vs5
This would get parties much closer to balance, than just allowing 2 of a kind chars per party.
my thoughts, this needs class fixes and a more accurate way to compare gear and stats than current IL, and aint gonna happen
implement a board, listing parties/chars in que by party/char composition and gear/IL
make up a group/char and start looking for a similar gear/IL group/char to fight with
you can agree to train, no record of the fight will be made
challenge higher IL partys/chars for better rewards and challenge
you have to sign in for the competitive ladders
your poe ratings (personal and party overall effectiveness) determines your rank in the ladder
wins/rank also rewards better when rising the ladder
losing at higher ladder rank drops your poe more than at lower ladder rank
*Losing to a lower poe foe drops your poe significantly
K/A or win a better poe char/party gives extra poe, but loss takes normal poe
climbing in the ladder gives party/char rewards *higher rewards at higher rank
competitive party cannot switch party classes while in ladder
you can compete in all vs ladders at the same time
better poe ratings grant better rewards per match
match points -/+ are determined by match poe ratings + ladder rank
higher poe, higher gain or loss
lower poe, lower gain or loss
how poe ratings are determined:
Gear, win/loss ratio, Played matches, match points (win/loss quality), K/D/A ratio, node cap/def/loss ratio
1vs1 and 3vs3 are deathmatches, no nodes
DOM 5vs5
succesfull node cap/defence gives points, node loss to enemy reduces points towards win.
Controlling 2 or 3 nodes triggers a timer (longer and shorter or fixed) when at zero, win.
Timer only stops if 3rd,2nd or 2nd node is contested and only cancels if they are controlled.
Succesful cap/s from either side after the timer is activated gives double points towards win.
If 3 node control is reversed during a match to favor the other team,
reversing the control gives 2x points from 3 nodes towards win
or something like that.
but yeah, not gonna happen. one can dream
Primary Support classes:
Such DC & Paladin should be only 1 per team of Both, Which means an OP or DC will be in your Team not both.
Why simple reason: both have a high impact to the match and mostly they decide how it goes.
Secondary support class: which is currently more Offensive Burst-DPS as long the Devs fix it.
Only 1x GF per team
Offensive classes:
HR/TR/GWF/SW/CW max of 2 same Classes per team which is on the group requirements.
examples of groups:
(XX= HR/GWF/SW/SW/TR) Basibly the offensive classes are just fillers.
Otherwise if all classes have the same requirement: of max 2. per class- Will nothing change!,
2x DC / 2x OP or DC+OP in a team will bring no change to the match and it will be broken like always.
i like the change in mindset but still it changes nothing.
i dont see 3 same classes in pvp since ages.
This means they have the structure to use this in pvp if they wanted.
Part of me wishes the first change that will come from this is force every team to have HEALER. for PUGS vs PUGS, a healer on every team will solve alot of frustration.
1 class per team would the DREAM that so many of the players that quit were asking for.
Let's wait and see what happens in mod9 and if pvp community becomes bigger we can ask for 1 class per team.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Maybe 2~3 mods ago, would have worked.
Now, PvP is near dead. Nobody is around to even check if these changes work .
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
> Right course yes, but imo, has to be only 1 class per party but no forcing to have one specific.
> Challenge que would be better, u could pick who u fight, and even challenge higher IL people if ya want
> or stick closer to your own IL
> im still waiting for a competitive ladder and party/character challenge option. For 1vs1 3vs3 and 5vs5
> This would get parties much closer to balance, than just allowing 2 of a kind chars per party.
> my thoughts, this needs class fixes and a more accurate way to compare gear and stats than current IL, and aint gonna happen :)
> implement a board, listing parties/chars in que by party/char composition and gear/IL
> make up a group/char and start looking for a similar gear/IL group/char to fight with
> you can agree to train, no record of the fight will be made
> challenge higher IL partys/chars for better rewards and challenge
> you have to sign in for the competitive ladders
> your poe ratings (personal and party overall effectiveness) determines your rank in the ladder
> wins/rank also rewards better when rising the ladder
> losing at higher ladder rank drops your poe more than at lower ladder rank
> *Losing to a lower poe foe drops your poe significantly
> K/A or win a better poe char/party gives extra poe, but loss takes normal poe
> climbing in the ladder gives party/char rewards *higher rewards at higher rank
> competitive party cannot switch party classes while in ladder
> you can compete in all vs ladders at the same time
> better poe ratings grant better rewards per match
> match points -/+ are determined by match poe ratings + ladder rank
> higher poe, higher gain or loss
> lower poe, lower gain or loss
> how poe ratings are determined:
> Gear, win/loss ratio, Played matches, match points (win/loss quality), K/D/A ratio, node cap/def/loss ratio
> 1vs1 and 3vs3 are deathmatches, no nodes
> DOM 5vs5
> succesfull node cap/defence gives points, node loss to enemy reduces points towards win.
> Controlling 2 or 3 nodes triggers a timer (longer and shorter or fixed) when at zero, win.
> Timer only stops if 3rd,2nd or 2nd node is contested and only cancels if they are controlled.
> Succesful cap/s from either side after the timer is activated gives double points towards win.
> If 3 node control is reversed during a match to favor the other team,
> reversing the control gives 2x points from 3 nodes towards win
> or something like that.
> but yeah, not gonna happen. one can dream :)
Ladder is a must have for competitive pvp. Its a shame they didnt implement one yet. Getting killed in 1 shot from some pimped to the core player is not fun.
> I do a lot of solo queue, and it still doesn't take too long to pop. Premades takes forever to pop though :\
If premades are being qued to face other pramades instead of some random pugs, then its a great step in the right direction.
> Too little, and definately too late.
> Maybe 2~3 mods ago, would have worked.
> Now, PvP is near dead. Nobody is around to even check if these changes work .
i'll take a look later after game completes download. When the game first came out, pvp was my favorite aspect of the game. However, the power creep built up rapidly and i could not catch up, so i didnt bother participating after that. There is a reason why games like DOTA/LOL are so popular, its mainly because of the balance, instead of throwing you into impossible matches majority of the time.
yea it's dead.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Most of these guys enjoy stomping, period. And the PvP system is DESIGNED to allow them to freely stomp. The devs thought this would push "normal players" to spend money, instead it made PvP empty.
I'd say i've seen all PvP guilds except Absolute, since start of module 9/ new queue system, actively forming their lame premades, running around stomping 2k pug groups. Almost never see them having the balls to solo queue. Be it a partial premade or a mized premade. And of course, they do troll, kill when the match is decided/gg'ed, and abuse T.Shadowclad or other overpowered setups/ items.
The devs should FORCE solo queue in pug PvP and create a separate queue for premades or half premades, but they don't. No respect for the devs or for these pugstomping premades. I thougt that after al lthe talk about the new queue system we'd see some changes, but apparently these guilds just enjoy stomping.
Why can't they just let normal people get what they need without ruining their day.
just waiting for the day they realize there arent another premades in que ...