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Launcher Crash After Update (Maze Engine)

azazelatsushiazazelatsushi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2016 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hi there! Ive just recently downloaded the game which was alredy too much and long lasting pain, so i dont wanna reinstall,redownload anything....
Ive played like 1-2 days right before the update, got a 20+lv character and everything was fine!
Right after the update tho, it seems i cannot play anymore cause it crashes on cryptic logo and whatever i tried,didnt work...
I did verify, force verify, crash auto verify alot of times, i tried commands like "-d3d9" i tried "Safe mode",
I tried checkin and unchecking things in the launcher....
I even tried deleting the cache folder....
Nothing worked!
As i said i was able to play and it was running fine before the patch! ! !

But now the problem is.. when its loaded fully on cryptic logo it crashes on loading "materials" or something with the next error:

"Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL) While creating pixel shader"

(gonna try give a picture link now, sorry if i cannot)


There was nothing changed on my system, or the game, or anything! Played before the update, cannot play after the update! That's all!

Please dont make me leave this game too...
I came from another "patch-ruined" game, but i came to this game because i love it!

I wrote this here instead of support because i think more ppl more possibility of help, and its a "customer-side-problem" i guess, so someone else probably encountered the same now or before..

Post edited by zebular on


  • damianos001damianos001 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I have this problem too :(
  • xxdebbyxxxxdebbyxx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    I have the same error since the latest patch. I spent hours talking to support to find a solution and nothing works :(
  • azazelatsushiazazelatsushi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    The only response i got so far was you two guys with the same problem and that's it... i also wrote a ticket to support and got not even an answer nor solution yet. I really dont wanna give up my hope with this game... once again i say, right before the patch i played the game and it was running fine! and i Loved it! ...im sure the problem is not on my/our end,since we played without problems. I dunno how,but im sure the update ruined it!
    I still wish n wait for a fix! :(
  • xxdebbyxxxxdebbyxx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    I was playing without any problems too, then as soon as I patched the new mod it crashes. Support don't seem to have any solutions to fix it as I have tried everything they asked me to do. It's so annoying...
  • manoh08manoh08 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I had the same problem. When I updated the game after the Maze Engine release my game didnt get past the loading screen and I got the "failed to create pixel shader" window. I tried some commands on the launcher and what partialy fixed the problem was the command line -usesm20 but, I still noticied some annoying screen freezes. Then I added 2 more commands, the command line was then like this "-usesm20 -rdrDisableSM2B -rdrMaxGPUFramesAhead 0" and then I didnt get any more screen freezes or crashes until now. You might want to try one or all these commands on the launcher and see if you can get rid of the crash and remember to have safe mode applied as well.
  • xxdebbyxxxxdebbyxx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    Ty so much !! the first command line you gave worked for me, im finally online, ty again :)
  • banazirgalasborbanazirgalasbor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    I am also in this boat, worked before mod 9, now doesnt. I to am on an older PC with XP. I have updated the video drivers and Java. I am able to get to a character if I wait long enough..(like oh 15 minutes long) and I can get in safe mode. The video is in a corner of the screen and if I enlarge it I can interact normally until I switch characters or zones at which point it freezes.
  • manoh08manoh08 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I also had this issue only on my PC with XP. On my newer computer which I run Windows 7 I didnt have any problem at all.
    Post edited by manoh08 on
  • azazelatsushiazazelatsushi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    manoh08 said:

    I had the same problem. When I updated the game after the Maze Engine release my game didnt get past the loading screen and I got the "failed to create pixel shader" window. I tried some commands on the launcher and what partialy fixed the problem was the command line -usesm20 but, I still noticied some annoying screen freezes. Then I added 2 more commands, the command line was then like this "-usesm20 -rdrDisableSM2B -rdrMaxGPUFramesAhead 0" and then I didnt get any more screen freezes or crashes until now. You might want to try one or all these commands on the launcher and see if you can get rid of the crash and remember to have safe mode applied as well.

    Thank you for your help! :) I'll try em out for sure,but even if they would work fine, I alredy ordered a new vga finally...
    Even guy at support told me its probably on our end, and sadly but i can believe it. My vga atm is atleast 10 years old and almost unknown model aka not supported anymore cause nothin even knows about its existence :D
    I know all your feels guys when you dont have the money or just not able to decide to buy something new yet...
    My card will arrive soon (next day or week) and will see if that's really the case.
    ..If that's so.. we cant stick to something old forever :/

    "-usesm20" really works!!!! tho its ugly as *khm* you know.. and a bit slow, but atleast i can do some things in game while waiting for my upgrade :) thank ya so much again "manoh08"!
    Post edited by azazelatsushi on
  • xxdebbyxxxxdebbyxx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    -usesm20 worked for me, everything is fine but it looks like its snowed everywhere like in IWD, lol
  • manoh08manoh08 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    I'm glad it worked for you guys. And yeah it seems to be happening more often on computers with old hardwares, but still its pretty weird how just a patch can make this huge difference.
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