Epic Contest: Drowned Shore Foundry StyleOnly enter Easter Eggs discovered in "Sage Ramiel Goes To War #DS#" in this thread for a chance to win!
Players Prize!
The first ten players that posts a correct image in an entrants quest thread containing all 5 "Easter Egg" quest items from one of the winning entrants have a chance to win .....A Heavy Inferno Nightmare.POST MUST CONTAIN IMAGE OF ALL 5 EASTER EGGS IN YOUR BAGS!
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
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Found em.
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
Thank you, Eldarath, for this Foundry. I am glad, I finally got to see Drowned Shore, well, drowned
WOOO,found them all
Took a second sweep to find the last two items. Well Done
because I was one of the top ten and nothing
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
It'll drop an "Easter Egg" item into your inventory -- in each of these contest quests there are 5 different :"easter eggs" hidden among the adventure.
They are completely independent of and don't advance the quests or have any kind of "use" other than being an interesting item.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics