I'll admit, I don't pvp much but here's the reason why. The difference in gear rating is so vast, in most games, I end up just running around and being something for someone else to hit. I could literally stand there and spam my attacks while the other person takes no damage, walks up to me, and one shots me. This leads to me just sitting in camp. This happens in about 90% of games and with many other people I'm grouped with. If I'm like many other people, then I don't think this is much fun for me or the other team. This is one reason why pvp is stagnant. I think matches based on some kind of rating would really work here. This would be quite simple too. It could be wins/losses percentage or gear rating. But can't players just swap out gear after they've been matched? I suggest locking in gear in pvp or not allowing players to change gear while in a match. Either way, some kind of match rating system would greatly improve pvp.
Blame matchmaking, blame balance...in both cases blame devs.
The ELO rating system is a good system, but it doesn't work for this game (also the fact you lose ELO when you win which is not how it's supposed to work). NWO doesn't have the population to support a matchmaking system based on ratings, rather, it should be based on gear. If you have a 4k+ player on one team, you need to counterbalance with a 4k player on the other team, for example, and so on. This does go into HAMSTER exploiting the system by taking gear off, but again, you could snapshot the highest gear level a player attained during the last match they were in.
There used to be matchmaking but they disabled it. I think it matched total team GS which didnt worked too well, rather than matching people with similar GS. Realistically speaking, there are just too few people playing PvP to warrant matchmaking.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Current ILevel does not reflect some real big items in the power curve.
8000k arp = 18x rank 12
redicules not implementing that into gearscore
every char with pvp stuff can slay a 5 man team without that bonus of 12k stats