Hi there,
I haven't played since 2014 and have forgotten quite a bit about this game. I was wondering if someone could point me to the right direction for a good build (including all skills and gear). I am level 60
I have found this
http://mmominds.com/2016/01/20/death-and-taxes-dps-cw-guide-mod-8/however I'm not really sure how good it really is, or if there's better. I figure I should be allowed to reset for free since I haven't used it so I'm guessing I can go any route, I may be completely wrong about that though so if anyone knows how that works please let me know.
I do remember that I used to play as MoF and set up everything around that. I did use a guide from the same website I linked and it was awesome, I was always within top 2 DPS, comparing apples to apples of course.
jk, if you want to support your team with e.g. enemies taking like 20% more dmg and nice control you can go MoF. With this you will lose most of your personal damage, but in my opinion runs with MoF are much faster and more smooth if there is not every single class trying to do the most personal dps possible. This is why I'd suggest this way for a fresh lvl 70 player. Sadly most of the community doesn't agree with this and joins the dps race going Spell Storm with Lostmauth Set (which is providing stats that are not good for cw, but the broken set bonus gives CW a 30% personal dps boost... yeah we are still stuck at using a combo of most broken things). Also at the current state of the game you won't need control, as every enemy is just dead as soon as the group begins with their rotaions.