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Guardian Warrior or Oathbound Paladin for solo play?

vindojeensvindojeens Member Posts: 20 Arc User

I wondered what class is better at solo play generally and especially at level 60+ ?

Some claim one being better, some the other...but what is actually true?

By being better I mean which class is better at HE's and generally feels more comfortable at playing solo?

Thanks a lot!


  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    In terms of solo? GF hands down.. but its kinda still really lousy in terms of GF vs a GWF.

    If your looking to play one of these solo wise, I would suggest to go with a GWF.. why play a tank solo? you will always be 20-30% slower then any of the dps toons espically a cw or gwf.. maybe closer to 50%+ slower if not more.

    OP is crazy OP.. as a tank in a group.. in its DPS line, which still makes it super slow to do solo work with.

    The only people who claim tanks make good solo classes are those who dont play a gwf or cw.. or even a tr /hr.. all of these will blow through content at similar I levels much , much faster then the corresponding tanks.
  • juleadreamjuleadream Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    A GF is a lot of fun to play solo... and yes, I DO play GWF and CW as well. Survivability that usually can only be matched by an OP (with admittedly less damage than other classes) can make for an interesting playstyle. Dps classes may blow through content faster, but faster does not automatically equal more fun or better. It's all in the eye of the beholder. There is more than just dps in NW.
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  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    Agreed, OP's are generally tougher and have higher damage (in terms of pve). But it can get boring to play. GF is a little less compared to OP but it is much more fun to play IMO. I am of course assuming you are only considering gf or op. But if you are also considering gwf then gwf is probably a much better option for solo play.
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  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    IMO, an OP has much easier access to self-healing powers, and I like their selection of powers better - they also get access to a dash-style at-will much earlier, and it's available regardless of what paragon path you choose later. Their block also working to heal yourself and your allies is also a fantastic ability.
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  • brafubrafu Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Personally, I love my OP (OD) for all of my soloing. I can't dish out the damage like I can on my rogue, but I can tackle stuff that would be extremely difficult on my rogue.

    I focused on healing and recovery, so even while I can't match my rogue's DPS, I can still crush stuff fairly quickly (especially if I focus on my +dam type encounters, ie bane and vow of enmity).

    Course, it can still take a bit of time to take something down, but then again I love being able to just stand there and take a heck of a pounding where as on my rogue I would probably be running for my life a lot in between kills. it's all about what you find most fun... being a beast and holding back the flood or ducking, dodging, and running around in between sliding a blade between the ribs.
  • krymkackrymkac Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I have all the classes at 70 lvl geared enough for t2s. I didn't drag all of them through all the lvling zones but still had enough of time playing solo. And they are all were fun to play with. So why choose if y can have them all? Its a matter of personal preferences really. An advice won't really help much. If wonder try both. Endgame whats left of it is a different story. Its mmo after all so y will do it at some point. Imo paladin tank is boring as hell to play in pve. He simply wont die unless y try really hard or go afk for a long time. It was fun for a while before they nerfed the content.. eh fixed dr bug but now... =( GF is way more fun in group content. More useful too unless y are running with clueless undergeared ppl.
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  • citymysticcitymystic Member Posts: 17 Arc User


    I wondered what class is better at solo play generally and especially at level 60+ ?

    Some claim one being better, some the other...but what is actually true?

    By being better I mean which class is better at HE's and generally feels more comfortable at playing solo?

    Thanks a lot!


    If you're looking for something quick and easy to play that's wildly survivable, then the OP is your go to choice. However, keep in mind that there are people who think the paladin is in dire need of a nerf bat, and going forward it's a possibility the class may change from what it is now.

    If you're looking for something that can be very survivable, has the ability to deal high burst damage and requires some skill to perform well, go GF.

    Personally, I think the "feels more comfortable at playing solo" and straight up "better at solo play" class is going to be highly subjective and highly unreliable, based on personal opinion because as far as I know, there is no consensus on the subject. My personal vote for "more comfortable" would be the paladin, because they are currently easy to play, nearly unstoppable juggernauts. good for when you just wanna bash some faces in, all nice-and-relaxing-like.

    Suggestion: play both to level 20-ish and drop the one you like least. you can get to 20 in a couple hours, if that. and if you still can't decide, go to 25 or 30... but very likely you'd have a solid preference by then.

    Longer version

    A lot is going to depend on your personal preferences. I have both, and I like both for different reasons, because the playstyles are somewhat different. both can put out more than enough damage for solo play (especially if built for it), while maintaining their survivability, and both can handle HE's rather easily. Here are a couple (not all) key differences for your perusal, based on my personal experience with both classes:

    GF has the capability to put out higher burst damage (specifically, when using Knight's Challenge + Anvil of Doom)
    OP can put out a more constant stream of steady damage (OP can also burst, but not as high as the GF can, in my experience)

    GF has no stat that boosts crit chance, making it trickier to get a high crit rate (crit makes soloing much, much easier on you)
    OP can effectively have two stats boosting crit (using a basic feat), and can easily get 45-50% crit chance with minimal effort.

    GF has a stat that boosts ArPen, making it slightly easier to build up that stat
    OP has no stat boosting ArPen and has to put more effort into building it.

    GF can attain a higher constant Damage Resistance percentage than OP regardless of paragon tree.
    OP can obtain gobs of temp HP, shields and self healing for more than an effective substitute for lower Resistance. (the OP does have a 5 point feat that increases resistance, but as far as I can tell, it currently doesn't work.)

    GF can attack (with at-wills) while blocking, but will need to use block more often than OP.
    OP can't attack while blocking, but also rarely has to, if ever, due to various ways available to recover HP and/or temp HP

    GF has basic feats that improve damage for both encounter and at-will powers. OP has a basic feat that improves damage for at-wills only.
    GF Has more damage dealing encounter powers available than OP. Primarily uses Encounters for dealing damage.
    OP Has more damage-buffing encounters and class features than GF. Primarily uses At-Wills for dealing damage.

    GF has self + team buffs via Encounters, and self-only buffs via Class Features. (mainly defensive)
    OP has self + team buffs via both Encounters and Class Features. (mix of offensive, defensive and restorative)

    GF Paragon Feat Trees
    The GF damage tree, Conqueror, has some decent feats, however, most of them are, unfortunately, tied to buffing specific powers, which in turn tends to pigeon-hole your build into using said powers to get the maximum benefit. I also dislike that there is at least one feat that provides a miniscule buff and is on a 50 second cooldown, and one of the better feats that improves your damage 15% when you have temp HP, is next to useless solo because the amount of temp HP the GF can provide for himself is so minor that it wouldn't last more than a second or two in a fight. The capstone, Reckless Attacker, is passive and provides a 5% damage buff and 2% crit chance upon taking damage that can stack up to 5 times, which definitely helps the GF overcome not having a stat-based crit buff. If you can manage to get a solid 30% crit chance through boons/enchants/whatever, then the GF will more or less be on-par with the OP in that area... main difference being you'd have to wait for the stacks to accumulate.

    The GF defense tree, Protector, has some pretty solid feats in it... although still plagued by tying half of them to specific powers . There are options to increase the damage of certain powers and a number of defensive feats available. The capstone, Iron Guard, causes your attacks to reduce the damage your target deals by 5%, and stacks to 20% max. I suppose this would be the tree you'd take if you want to build the most resilient tank you can.

    The GF buff tree, Tactician, has lots of neat little options for protecting and enhancing your team, but very little in the way of benefitting a solo player. The capstone, Martial Mastery, builds action points for you and your teammates when you take damage, one of the very few team buffs in this tree that also benefits the GF. It looks useful, but as a solo player myself, I've been as-yet unwilling to endure the minor personal benefits and many team oriented feats that are of no use to me soloing, in order to try it.

    OP Paragon Feat Trees
    The damage tree for the OP, Justice, offers a slightly better damage benefit in comparison with the GF's, an instant 35% damage buff and 35% cooldown reduction on recharging encounter powers, but it actively relies on activating your Divine Call for the buff every 10 seconds, rather than just taking damage passively like the GF capstone. Thus it's a bit more active, and you have to pay attention in order to keep the buff up. That in itself can be problematic if you're not generating Divine Call quickly enough... but the capstone covers that pretty well, making it so that your encounter powers also have a chance to grant you a charge of divine call. There is also a basic feat that makes you generate divine call energy faster.

    The OP defense tree, Bulwark, is more prominently focused on defensive feats than the equivalent GF tree. There are no damage buffs at all in this tree, strictly defensive and restorative buffs... mainly for yourself, but there's at least one team oriented one that I believe increases movement speed under certain circumstances. The capstone, Holy Barrier, does just what its name implies, it provides you with stacks of "barrier" that are consumed when you activate Divine Call to provide you with a damage shield equivalent to a percentage of your HP per stack.

    The OP buff tree, Light, consists mainly of a number of increased healing and other buffs for you and your allies. Oath of Protection will net you the paragon power Warrior's Bastion, which grants the OP a 10% defense bonus from gear stats. Not much useful in this tree for a soloist. The Capstone, Redemption, causes you to pulse out a heal for 3 seconds when you activate Divine call, and is on a 10 second cooldown.

    That, at least, should give you some insight into both classes. I tried to be as impartial as possible, but at this current time my favor falls more toward the paladin (especially since I can transmute those ugly-*** maces into a nice, shiny sword!). An oversimplified breakdown would probably be that the GF has the potential to dish out higher burst damage with a bit less survivability... and the OP can be vastly more survivable while dealing a more stable stream of damage. Hope that helps!

  • vindojeensvindojeens Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Thanks a lot guys for your answers, it really gave me a better insight on both classes. I think I'll just try both!:)
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  • edited January 2016
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  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    i play GF, with tactican tree, i use Into the fray, it made the groups run insanely faster.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I don't have a "working" GF yet but I would say OP is as least reasonable for solo play. Mine is a 2.5K OP. Yes, it may take a while to kill a boss comparing with other DPS class. However, usually, I do door to door and engage 20+ foe (if possible) in one shot. e.g. in PF, I just pull everyone before the last boss. It was not bad time wise. In WOD tasks, I just pull everyone in the area who is "willing" to come. :)
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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