How to ruin the most interesting class. I remember how HR has been added to the game was bugged but cool and what was most overwhelming DPS !!!!. Now it was not known what ??? Maybe dev-s me to answer! it is not a typical DPS (no such possibility, it will not survive that long), it is not a typical controller (something linked, but the enemies of further shoot and fight, so too long not live), tank (hahaha there is no defense, no reflections as TR), there is no decent defensive skills - approximately might flee and that he best succeeds;-) You can make HR a playable character .... but I think the time and money invested in it, nobody will make fun. I have a question OR IS PLANNED, CORRECT THIS CLASS. If there are no such plans let dev-s will save our time and we'll play other games !!!!!! (or other class)
I greet all my favorite class players :-)
I forgot even this class is not very helpful because the team did not have any decent buff / debuff (fox is unnecessary since the paladin)
However, in that time I've levelled HR, TR and GWF to 70, and OP and CW to 60+ (I wasn't sure which I was going to main at 70, so I took advantage of double xp weekends ).
As a Pathfinder HR trapper, I find my damage is on par with, and sometimes exceeds, what I can do on my TR. GWF is another story altogether, but we all knew that.
In the vast majority of dungeons I run, I find I'm generally second on the list if a GWF is present, and often top spot otherwise. And my HR is only 2.5k item level.
Of course, paingiver isn't everything, and the class certainly has it's pitfalls and shortcomings (single-target damage and inability to effectively debuff, being my 2 biggest gripes), but all in all I don't find I'm ever a liability to a group. On the contrary, I find Longstrider's, Gushing, Careful Attack, and Pack to be incredibly helpful, whether or not people realize it. Even Slasher's Mark has it's benefits, despite being lower damage than Seismic (but is fantastic for getting into melee ASAP after a Longstrider's, and besides...the animation is simply fantastic).
So all told, I think there's a certain stereotype that the class is unplayable, which simply isn't true. I might whinge and gripe from time to time, or even poke fun at the class, but truth be told it performs as well as all the other dps at endgame outside of GWFs, which to me implies it's not in too bad a position at all.
Tweaks required? Yes. Unplayable? Far from it.
Not to mention that HR has the best control atm (if your party needs a controller).
Longstrider is a nice buff, thorn ward is a nice debuff.
Well, to cut it short
It's not my vid, but i easily survive in eToS alone on the last boss, despite I don't have twisted, whereas also having crappy allure stone with r7 and IL of 3,3k and not PVE oriented spec.
If you are talking about PVP: HR vs HR = 100% stalemate, HR vs TR/GWF ~ 90% stalemate, HR vs CW greatly depends on lag and other factors, HR vs GF = RIP HR. HR vs SW - have no idea. So, yes, for PVP HR needs either a slight buff in dps or slight buff in survivability, which allows to use more damage oriented specs.
In general HR needs more than buff, it needs a rework, but I doubt it will happen, therefore let's hope for buff :-)
You don't need 3k for PVE to run whatever. We used to run it all in blues in mod6 with r7. To my shame, I can say that I didn't complete ECC in mod6, because I switched to PVP and then dropped the game, but ToS and GWD were really easy to accomplish with normal party. Here's the vid I made in elol in mod6. Nothing to look at there really, and it's a bit of 'show off', but gives an idea of what HR should do, imo. Nothing has changed since then, except mobs deal no damage and gear is way more op.
Not to mention ambush rings, lol, but it's too HAMSTER, don't use em in PVE and PVP, xD
Dodges. Proper rotation. Proper spec. Proper stats. Proper team comp.:-) Tenacity, t.elven/pure|t.negation/t.fey, drowned weapons and healing artifacts (waters/wheel), HP, deflection, lifesteal.
Mate, tho you are not completely right here, saying that it's garbage on low ilvl.
I recently met not bad HR who was using r8 enchants only. I won't name him, because he uses drains, which I consider to be HAMSTER. Also there's SH boon for lifesteal, which is very good for PVP as well.
I don't recommend t.neg for HR tho, if you are aiming for PVP in the end. I know only one HR who rocks with t.neg. It's Wonder Ranger from EOA. I prefer t.elven.
If you are aiming for PVE, try to get crit to 40%+ and LS to15%. Due to 'weird' RNG and due to HR timings, lots of orange happens in PVE after 40% crit chance. 45% is just perfect. More is useless imo.
No passion (and not needed) to write a guide on HR now. Try to find ralexinor's guide to longshot build on this forum. You may spec another HR, maybe regular trapper, but that guide has much valuable info.
They said this when mostly all HRs gave up in PvP.
Anyway HR is not that bad on low iLvl but its need a few foods and potions:
- Caprese
- Foehammer's Elixir
- Superior Elixir of reflexes
- Heroic Feat & Boon(+6% more deflect chance)
- Alone Wolf IV
With this combination you should get like 41% deflect chance which can be boost to 51%, its allows to mitigate 60% damage.
Try to get Ring of Sieging, its help me a lot of to reduce damage from mostly all classes(good in situations when are you lost cooldown on encounters). Anyway IF you don't have shboon then you gonna to have problems with well-geared players because of lack armor penetration . There is also good to have full Lostmauth and at least ~33% crit chance. Sometimes its help when you got prone and Carefull Attack crit.
In PvP HR need to be full trapper to not lose cooldown, dazes and ticks from Thorned Roots(but meh Still not works against Elven Battle users).
Also I am planning to test certain aspects of my build in the coming days to see if I really need the healing boons from DR and Shar. I have a feeling I might be over-healing with Wilds Medicine, 16% Lifesteal (excluding the feats), Drowned set and Seldarine set.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Have fun ;-)
Right now, Aurelius is sitting at about 2.9k IL including Dragon Hoards, and I only have the lifesteal boon from Stronghold. Gear isn't anything special, either. It's a mixture of Drowcraft and Elven - Elven to maximize crit - with an assortment of R8 enchants, mostly Pow/Crit in offense and HP/LS in Defense. Guess his most expensive asset is the Perfect Vorpal, as RP is so cheap his Mythic GWF Sigil - a very underrated active! - and Legendary CW Sigil, Lantern and Lostmauth Horn were cheap enough to get to that level.
If you're having trouble or issues with survivability and damage, feel free to use the collective wisdom of The Wilds and post your build and items. Some people might be able to give you pointers.
This is incorrect, unsurprisingly. GWF is actually the BEST dps undergeared, or overgeared for that matter. The whole class is overpowered. SW works quite fine in dungeons as well, assuming you are using the right build (soul puppet iirc). TR performs fine damage wise, is it the best? No. But it is more than enough to complete a T2. I can't really speak for HR because I don't play it.
There is no class that is unable to complete dungeons at a low IL. If you understand the class, and use a half-decent build, one that has been tested, you will be able to do it. Granted, if you're pugging, I can't guarantee that the people in your party know what they are doing either. That's why you need to be in a guild with experienced players, I'd check the recruitment forums for that.
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