That was also a question at the Live Stream.
So i want state my experience for the reward system of underdark which is included in the two new skirmishs and demogorgon. Currently you can accomplish the said content with the maximum rating and still get only the blue unbound +1 and +2 rings. The rings are not that much of a reward considering the difficulty to accomplish certain content (as example demongorgon needs two teams and one team can be totally random and destroy the whole effort of the other team if they want).
Platypus wielding a giant hammer, your argument is invalild!
Better Ring Rewards For Tripple Gold (Maximum Rating)? 51 votes
Yes, please give us at least +3 rings upward
Yes, i want better rings and a better chance to get a legendary ring
Yes, i want better rings and with maximum score i want a guaranted random legendary ring

2 votes
Yes, i want better rings and if a legendary rings drop i want to decide which one
Terramak said also in the stream that they should be something rare and i personally think they should be. Would be an unbound legendary kinda bad because you never know if someone simply buyed the ring or earned it?
Also, it would be neat if we could salvage legendary rings for shards, and then trade multiple of these shards for a legendary ring that we want (there was a similar system with artifact weapons in mod5, IIRC).
Current chance is like 0.5% if not less, so...
I still think boc ring of choice for 18k fearzress or 4x r1 ring +mop = r2, 4x r2 ring + gmop = r3 and so go on. Great AD sink, just for endgame, Im willing to pay for that.
IMO the devs have the wrong goal in mind for +5 rings. It shouldn't be about making them rare; it should be about making players run Mod 8 content. With the insane number of runs it takes to get +5 rings it's driving players away from mod 8 content. They have to adjust the drop rate with this in mind and 10% probably would be more than enough to make it reasonable.
Thats said, we cant sell our new BiS rings, and they for sure r not planing to let us do so, so after 10 runs nobody would have reason to run edemo anymore, coz all would have what they need. Stat stupid.
Edemo is too easy already. Premade of 5 + 5 randoms can take edemo down under 9min, if there r some good ppl, we can do it under 8min. And body in those parties need to cross 3.5k IL mark.
50% chance for legend? Sure. In t3 or even t4 edemo wtth 3.5k IL entrance mark. When not having well players equal bronze always, and having good ones equals always vilver, gold maybe one out of 10. Mobs x5 hp, bosses x10 or even x15 hp.
Then we can speak about 50% legend ring on gold. Only then it makes sense to me.
Al scrubs can go 2.5k Il for they 10% chance for legend, 3.5k+ r going in full premades for bigass challenge and maybe unbound legend rings (but for me even bound ones would be fine).
Heroic Demon Encounters take about 3-5 min. to be accomplished by players. You have by no means a 100% chance to get a ring out it and in like 90% of the cases a ring drops you get a +1 ring. I am totally fine with it.
The new skirmishs Prophecy Of Madness and Throne Of The Dwarfen King take about 20-25 min. That is a huge time investment for me as player because i don't get a guaranteed drop. I had it several times that my party almost got gold but almost isn't enough and we get rank silver. I dealt 50% of the whole damage in the skirmish and got no ring drop at all. For 25 minutes for this skirmish. I could have run a dungeon like the epic lair of lostmauth in this time. Got some nice seals and drops to refine and have also the chance to get the lostmauth artifact which i can sell for 400-500K AD. Other skirmishs take only about 10-20 min. or less and you get a guaranteed item to refine out of the skirmish.
Demogorgon or epic demongorgong are far much shorter than the skirmishs. As some people in this thread say it is about 10-15 mins. And for the epic demongorgon you can get a lot of shiny stuff, like the new artifact weapon sets AND the rings. And even if you don't get them you can invest AD to open the chest in epic demongorgon to get the blood currency thing to BUY yourself the new weapon set.
another problem is the chest drop. The rating has no impact on the chest. The rings that you can get out of the chest seems totally random generated. I tested it with a group where we did nothing in POM. We let run the counter down (25 min. of doing nothing) and had at the end a rating of 0. Of course we got no official reward, but as we approached the chest there where all kinds of ring in it (+1 to +4 as we checked our loot in the party). That simply means one thing, the loot we are getting for completing the skirmish and demongorgon at gold rank is almost inferior to the chest reward. A gold reward we need to perform good, have decent gear and is in constant jeopardy by HAMSTER party members or Trolls we get matched up.
I simply demand a ring drop at silver rank and demand a purple drop at rank gold. The legendary needs maybe a bit pushed but the current drop chance feels too unrewarding, especially the skirmishs that takes too much time.