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Farely new, on my first... some ideas to include??

Hello all,
Been on Neverwinter now for about 1 week. I'm a L22 Wood Elf, Hunter Ranger, Hybrid... in the making. And loving the game, for the most part!
I could say what everyone else says about prices of everything, are too high... but that won't get anywhere.

I would like to suggest but a few things I think they should improve on!
First and foremost! More storage. Yes, I know, I can buy more bags! Lots of them on character... but, everyother RPG game i've played in the past allowed you to have your own storage chest in a city or something. I think Elder Scrolls, you could use anything laying around for storage like boxes and barrels, etc. It wasn't secure, and someone else could find the stuff, but it was better than leaving it on the ground when your overloaded, and can't buy a bag.

My biggest Idea for this?? allow everyone to have a small HOME in the game. Maybe within the main city district, or atleast in the surrounding vicinities zones. To prevent overcrowding, make where people commit to each instance, and can't change within time frame. I change instances often, because they get more than 30-40 people, and they get rediculous lagg, so I switch. I'm sure everyone does. So if you can see how many are in an instance, and you switch cause it's low, you can't switch for 24 hours or something. You can buy your realestate in the game for house in only one instance, so everyone doesn't crowd their belonging in one instance, everyone going into instance can see how many homes available in that instance. Have a limit, and most will most likely stick to that instance if they have a home their. Allow for nearly unlimited Storage capacity in your home. Home cost rent of copper resources, or buy it with ADiamonds. Once bought, you pay certain amount of prop tax to Neverwinter or something, out of copper resources. Also, if player spends too much time in other instances, or doesn't visit home often enough, maybe get a notice, and they lose home and it's belongings...

Manage all your hired workers out of your home. The Professions you hire to create and build what you have them do, work out of your home. Add new workers to hire, a guard, a house keeper, and allow different upgrades to your home. Anyone can enter anyone home, but if not allowed, they get penalized somehow. So if you don't upgrade things like your door, windows, locks, or hire a gaurd, you could save much on the overhead, but risk losing stuff more often. If you upgrade you home enough, maybe you own a shop, and the stuff you create goes into shop inventory, and you sell. Hire a Shop keeper as well, list the prices you want everything sold for, and be on your way. Other players can buy your goods from your home base shop by contacting your shop keeper, like a store.

If that doesn't work... though this could also be included along with prior idea... Mounts! And companions. Allow your companion to carry a bag. If he dies in a fight, whatever he carrying dumps out. You already able to upgrade him a little, and customize him... let him carry smaller bags, one or two for you. Instruct him what he able to loot... so all loot in a game has classification, he grabs what you specify. Your mount, as far as I can see, doesn't upgrade. What about personalizing a mount. Maybe they do, so far I only experienced rental horses. But they can create many items for mount units... and a whole store for mount supplies. Saddle bags for instance. What ever mount they have avaiable, allow gamer to buy different supplies, from face gaurds, to body protection, to saddle bags, etc. Allow the mount to gain certain amount of levels, even horse. Level limited things like strength, speed, agility, etc... AND stop having mounts disapear! If i go into a dungeon, a store, a home, whatever, or if I just dismount the mount where ever, the mount should remain there. Other RPG games I've played, ES:O for example, the horse stays there. Maybe allow you take it by reigns, or order to follow, than order to stay, etc... and if the mount gains a certain level, able to defend itself. For small amount of time, players can not inspect a mount, or mount of less level, but maybe when sits long enough, or mount exp enough, and sitting outside dungeon or cave entry, for long enough time, mabye players can try to see what's with the mount, see if it has anything valuable... the risk of owning a horse... but the mount could be capable defending itself. Even when you go "home" where you save your game, and train you companion, and check your home store... etc... you can park, or tie your mount at your home. Maybe as a companion, you can get a dog, who stays near your home, and becomes a great a versatile watch dog, even watching mount. Or mount is strong enough he don't need a watch dog... i've seen some nasty big spider mounts I would not wanna mess with!

Furthermore... with the characters, and the mounts, and the companion... make them more realistic. Give them demands for food, and if your character fights long enough without eating, he starts to slowly lose stamina, and eventually health. Same with mounts. same with Companions. Park your mount before a dungeon raid? Leave a pile for food for him. Make sure your Companion has food supplies on him. Your workers have food supplies. If the game rotates on the same hour for hour time clock as reality, the character, mounts, companions, and hired workers, should eat 2-3x a day. With rest once a day. Every time you log off, you go to your established home, and you save in your home, even in a bed room and gain Strength or stamina back. If you keep your character awake long enough, if you manage to play for 16 hour straight, or so, and your character doesn't rest, than he loses Strength or stamina. Or power. idk... tie it in. No home, don't want character to go home every time one is done playing. Allow the Taverns, inns, through game to rent rooms, just like ES:O... Fable i think also allowed that. I see napsacks at every campsite in wilderness or outside... allow those to be used. Player resting at a napsack can not be interfered with within 8 hours. If player reaches a certain level, and if player waits more than that, and one tries interfere with player, the Companion could be capable of defending player character... as well any guards in game. So allow system of justice, and players to risk a certain level of crime within the normal play of game. If one is found guilty in game court, they owe so much ADiamonds to victim. If repeat offender, or violent enough, a jail. You have to spend so many played hours in jail... jail jobs. That could be pushing it! just saying... Add more LIFE like features to game, create some dept, and versatility to the game.

That's all.
I'm Daddy3Dman81 on xbox, and
Elf Ranger Dman on Neverwinter, followed by Shadow of Dman (companion). not that that matters... but hey, creating more life for these guys right?

Any thoughts?
Developers? Opinions from you personally! All welcome to comment.


  • randomhateforumsrandomhateforums Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Good Luck!
    Post edited by randomhateforums on
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Well, lots of your idea are very unapealing to me. Let me explain

    1) House

    Yes, this i tough about it, having our own house would be pretty cool, especially in the Stronghold map, since its all our guild anyway, and the map is huge. Every guild member should have its little house that he could customize and all. Obviously if you get kick out of a guild or leave, your house should be brough back by the guild, giving you every fund you invested in it, so you can build it elsewhere.

    BUT your instance ideas are completely weird... Do you know what purpose instance serves? Its because they can't have everybody in one obviously, but people often switch back and fourth to kill dragons and such, switching once every 24h? What... lol

    2) Companions and Mounts

    A bag on companions? Yes. But having to feed them and all? Hum this ain't the sims man.. just hassle for nothing. Same for all you said about mount, a storage bag on them would be cool, but i don't want to "park my mount" and maybe eventually loosing it and such. It disapear and all for convenience, even tough realism is not there, who care? We have mount that are jello cube or crab to surf on ... lol, they are there for fantasy and having lots of them. Not for realism.

    3) Storage in general

    Don't worry, eventually you will be able to upgrade your bank, summon it even if you choose to go VIP 12, i feel you as a low level player i always had storage issues, and even tough i still have sometimes cause i store for double refinements or double ADs, i have a huge storage place, lots of bags, and you can always buy another character slot and make a bank character if you get everything for your 2 mains.

    I think what you ask for overall is just way too much of a simulation of reality type of game, and not a fantasy game where people maximize there time by running shores back to back for 10 times to get refinements..

    I have not played ESO, even tough i wanted to, but ended up spending too much time in NW, but i feel NW in general as a game is solide, i would make some changes yes, but then again we would all do. Bot asking that you feed your companions so they fight for you and all... thats way too much. Some people have like 25 of them, 30 of them even, some companions are just floating objects, or a green slim ball, again we are not there for realism...
  • destrowoddestrowod Member Posts: 484 Arc User
    Overall i just feel you are way too new to the game to make sugestions yet (Lev 22 is barely nothing, some people do that in a day or 2) you have lots to experience in it yet, and when you get to Lev 70, IS of 2000+, have done all T1/T2 dungeons, build your guild stronghold etc etc, then of course you can make sugestion, but by then you will know the game a lot more and surely understand that most of the stuff in your post is really not doable.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I agree with destrowod, there's so much about the game you have yet to learn (including the fact that you do indeed have storage in town - go to the bank) that your perspective will change quite a bit over a period of months.

    I also agree with his second point, this is an mmo but it's certainly not the Sims. I don't want to feed and house my 100+ professions crafters, several dozen companions and handful of mounts. I want to run dungeons & skirmishes, help guildies, kill dragons.

    It's good to be enthusiastic but there is also one other thing you'll come to understand - Cryptic don't do feedback. In NWO you take it as you see it and are grateful when they don't break it even more on the next update :)
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  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    I agree with most of what has already been said, but thought I could add a little. From your post, it seems you are comparing an MMO to single player games and Free to play games to pay to play.

    There are certain things that cannot or are extremely difficult to do in an MMO. Take your "sleep" suggestion. Most games simply advance the clock when you sleep. This cannot be done in an online MMO. All players use the same clock, it cannot be advanced individually.

    Storage also comes under the area of FTP vrs PTP. FTP games make most of their money from selling cosmetics and storage (convenience items). The focus is to sell things that do not give a major advantage to the player who spend cash. So, things like storage, mounts, fashions, character slots and the like are a major source of income.

    Add an "me too" for not wanting more realism with companions and mounts, but agree housing would be nice.
  • wdj40wdj40 Member Posts: 1,958 Arc User
    If I had to feed myself and my mount and pay for guards etc I`d probably leave the game. I play a lot and don't have time to do half the things I want to in-game... I`d rather spend that time playing and earning things than having to feed something or have things stolen etc.

    But I would like a customisable house :)
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  • speedokillzspeedokillz Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    I've been feeding our gosh darn Stronghold coffer so much you would think i was choking that thing to death. I would probably not care to feed anyone else.

    Oh, and when you have your stronghold leveled enough, you do get food.... there is even animation when you are eating. It offers buffs similar to a potion but you get multiple stats instead of just one with most potions.

    I too enjoyed the house idea... but really taking it to far imho. I have 5 characters and as stated in a previous post, there isn't enough time to deal with half the stuff I want to get done on top of Strongholds.
  • farmerreg#0580 farmerreg Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    Like the house idea. That would be another place to me to store things, look at accomplishments, etc.....

    All the other stuff just doesn't seem plausible to me.
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