I was in an edemo earlier where someone was pointing straight at yellow when he was targeted, but he then moved so that the red path pointed to black and even stood there for a second until Demo charged. I've seen many cases where it looks like the person intentionally targeted black, but this would be the first where someone moved away from a perfectly centered yellow to do so.
Ignorance sounds like an excuse, because it is easy to ask in chat for informations.
But... who knows.
Its like the system knows which player doesn't know what to do and gets confused the most and picks it =P .
I know sometimes it is ignorance and sometimes, due to lag or just people getting in the way/vision, you could have trouble targeting, but this one seemed like intentional targeting (it was perfectly lined up with yellow and then he moved to align to black and then waited). I was just wondering if anyone has an insight as to a possible reason why anyone would want to do this. I mean, being a troll here would just be a waste of your own time.
Otherwise, people may intentionally screw it up so their party will vote kick them out, saving them the trouble of either leaving and getting a queue ban; or exiting from the front door and just being stuck in the party while they solo around anywhere else waiting for either the instance to close or the party finally kicks them. Again to avoid the queue ban.
if that was me last few week ago, then i apologized.
sometimes gates change color from yellow to black pretty quick.
Avoid throwing any other location. at least there you can continue to burn, as he is in the radius of range dps.
If you throw it on the opposite wall, no one can reach him..
missing a yellow even by a little is WORSE then throwing him near the portal wall.
Of course, most of us are too impatient for this sort of thing. Including me. But it is there. The game does make an honest effort to provide you with complete information on how the encounter works and to provide you a few minutes time to read up. I'm not sure if making the cutscenes longer and more detailed would do much. People would impatiently overlook it either way.
they even have specific skirms showing you the portals, the enemy types and the throwing mechanism.
Frankly its down RIGHT insulting how much they show you what you have to do..
thats right.. we shouldnt have to be TOLD that much.