Hello, so anyone have any ideas when NCL will begin again ? It was most awesome PvP event in neverwinter (Well it's only PvP event). It had really good rewards and this season NCL rewards should be changed a bit like burning set to Lion and Bullete to other mount. What I liked most was woring Leaderboard where you can really see what you achieved in all day long playing PvP.
Where else can you win a match, nay 3 matches in a row, and go from page 13 to page 347?
Problem right now is that almost no pugs do PvP except for dailies. So you see only, and always, premades or mini-groups of the same PvP guilds, over and over. When i PvP on my 3kish main i end up stomping some weaker team, most of the time. When i play on my 2.3kish HR instead, i see A LOT of 3k-3.5k-4k premades or mini-groups vs full 2k PUG teams. It's too weird to not be premades, when one team gets full 3k-4k players and the other team is formed by 2k undergeared toons. Teams in current domination are usually too blatantly unbalanced to be a matchmaking mistake.
The devs must find a way to make PvP worth it and fair, or all these big PvP guilds will soon end up alone in empty arenas, playing with their e-penises...
that way everyone can chose between two options
I bet noone will run SH PVP anymore except he needs that banners, companion bonus is so c.rappy
and I bet most ppl. will join that kind of PVP, at least I would and I would not be sad loosing all my benefit from wearing that HAMSTER because competing like taht will probably show us that most classes are more balanced than we thought
do these guys went completely nuts?