Hi, firts, sorry for my google trad english.
I am currently facing a small problem of storage space . A F2P player can get 2 bags from quests in addition of the starter bag, for a total of 60 slots. The personal bank allows you to have 16 + 8 accounts slots, and we can store 100 slots by mailing.
So a F2P player with two characters can use 60 + 60 + 16 + 16 + 8 + 100 = 260 slots slots.
From the perspective of a double refinement event, it is impossible to store all collectible refinement stones, because there are at least 40 types of refinement stones available in bound to character, bind to account and bind on equip, and this without counting enchants, runes, shards in their multiple collectible versions ( r1->r6 ).
So, the last cheap f2p storage option is the Dragon cult bag. But, the last time i try to do tiamat, I did meet a particular kind of players: campers.
Yes, a bag in AH cost "only" 200k. But, i'm the only skinflint in this game ?
A tip for help me ?
It is also limited, but it is a nice place for some stacks.
Even if you're "f2p", that doesn't mean you can't earn AD in game and buy bags from the AH, or exchange for Zen and buy directly from the Zen store if the exchange rate makes that cheaper -- remember to look for "15% off any item" coupons.
Another option is to create a personal guild -- get 4 people to help you form it, then kick them (tell them that's what you are planning to do up front). Guild bank tabs have 48 spaces each. I think the first tab costs 150k AD, and the price increases by 150k for each additional tab.
Edit: People seem to have this misconception that "f2p" means you should be handed every thing you want. It just means you earn things by playing the game, invoking, selling items on the AH -- rather than spending real money for Zen. A f2p player can be BiS due to their own efforts: just look at Lazalia as an example.