The paingiver chart is based on a limited value. What this means is that there is a limited amount of enemy HP and each person contests for a "slice" of this paingiver pie.
A person can increase their paingiver score by rushing ahead of their team mates to engage enemies and unleash their powers quickly - at the expense of other party members getting their hits in.
This, in turn, encourages bad play. Some people will go so far that they will not even stop and resurrect their team mates. They will engage before tanks, they will ignore any tactics (e.g not open portals) and only focus on dealing damage.
In other words, the paingiver does not accurately reflect the theoretical DPS of a character, but rather who kills the enemies quicker.
One small change to this game that would make people more cooperative and less annoyed at class differences would be to ADD A DPS METER. This would allow us to gauge how we're doing without causing grief to other players.
Edit: formatting
Would you like a DPS meter? 57 votes
Keep the paingiver but add a DPS meter
We don't need a DPS meter, paingiver is fine
There is a simple way to monitor your character's performance: ACT.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
It should simply come down to "Did we complete the run?" Yes equals success and no equals failure.
Tracking anything will only allow fingers to be pointed at individuals and not allow "did the TEAM succeed".
Not having people worry about Paingiver was a really nice feature. Hope they just axe the entire Leader board at the end of a Skimirsh/Dungeon, as all it leads is to drama that is completely not needed.
But that's just my opinion...
I have DC who is focused on healing, so I am in bottom when comes paingiving and executing.
But I can heal party to make sure they survive tough fight...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
While in Team Play, ANYTHING that highlights individual contribution is detrimental to team play.
On the flip side those of us who are trying to get the most out of our character could use this to judge how we're doing.
Here's a alternate idea. How about a DPS comparison to our class only. Have the system record the DPS of the classes in game and then show our score with a chart against others of the same class. No names needed. Granted, gear is going to make a huge difference in DPS for everyone. But isn't that part of the reason for asking for this in the first place?