Trying to run Tiamat all day long with a high IL class and you get these POS paladins that just troll with bubbles and lag everyone out. This content is nearly unplayable due to these trolls and everyday I continue to report them for intentionally trolling.
Please just make Tiamat a remade que already. As it stands, its locked content with these POS trolls.
Lastly I think ur just mistaking the classic lag of up to 25 frikken people constantly throwing around thier powers for a specific lag.
On a good day Tiamat lags, it's the holidays with high traffic and many events and the whole rest of the game is lagging, of course Tiamat will be worse.
Nothing is wrong with the pallys they just need some server maintenance.
OR u could try Tiamat during low traffic hours. Lastly as I've read before Tiamat couldn't be made with a queing system.
The only thing that really lags me is a gf pally combo with knights valor, bubble, AND supremacy of steel.
Back in mod 5 the few GFs I've seen running Knights valor in Tiamat never was a problem for me, neither was astral seal on either of my clerics, I never used astral shield tho, it's useless in Tiamat when u should be buffing or using chains or sunburst.
I don't even have high end quality internet service n everyone uses up the internet at my house, I lagged at really strange times in Tiamat even when nothing was happening while waiting for adds to spawn on clerics and everyone had thier thumbs up thier bums at the time.
Most of those complaining need to look to their own set up, I reckon a lot of this will go away when MS unlock the rest of the processing capabilities on the Xbone.
13k Virtuos Cleric
13k Destroyed Gwf
12k SS Control Wizard