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Do we need to change anything?

reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
Hi guys, just wondering what is instore in the future, do our fellow gamers require anything changed in the current game system? Just a discussion thread for understanding the expectations of people who still play the game.

Here's what I think could change:

1. Less PVP orientation
2. Slightly easier mobs for level 70 characters going to Icewind dale, Sharandar, Dread ring and Well of Dragons, Underdark demon creatures changed to some other type of creatures.
3. Possible retcon of items from module 6 to 8, hopefully we can get better gear more straight forward, I dunno...
4. Return of Astral Diamonds gathering to professions, I hope.

Just tell everyone what you prefer, cause I am trying to see if devs can help us, thanks.


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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    1. if they could have less pvp in game.. it wouldnt be here lol.. its not a issue, since its barely even played.

    2. no.. game is too easy as it is..

    3. gear is fine.. however, they should allow the new rings to be sold on ah, so there is a reason to , you know farm things.

    4 thats not going to happen.. we cant even get them to give us a double AD honestly.

    All they need is to make some tiered dungeons and bring back the old ones and have reasons to farm them.

    This game is supposed to be D& D.. and its not.. its herioc encounters and dragons.

    blah to that.. x 1000.

    they should fix pvp , by making two different queues.. one unlimited (dont even have to do anything.. just allow current ) and one normalized.. dragging caps into it and making things like ring effects and wards obsolete and putting caps on stat bases. )

    Your crazy if you thing this game is pvp oriented.. its not .. its also not much pve oriented atm either..

    its lazy design , recycled content, grinding to the nth degree.

    There has been tons of really great suggestions, no need for new threads per se.

    From artifact rework, to how to make dungeons workable again, to lowering costing, to making game playable to alts again.

    This has been mashed out a 1000x times since mod 6 honestly.

    Its not up to us, its up to the devs and management to do things .

    Game isnt bad, just too much grinding on boring stuff.. like 100 motes on 1 he.. omg boring.

    I dont mind them doing it once.. if you actually could GROW your weapon, but you dont, they just give you new ones all the time. (every 3 months give or take)

    thats what makes it bad. Otherwise it would be fine.

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    reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    Sorry, but a lot of people I know like Savij and Neopenguin say game not easy... just say what you think needs change, not comment on others
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    umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Increase survivability of mobs in Sharandar and Dread Ring, they are way too weak and die like flies. \o/

    Seriously, get over 80k HP and those parts will become a cakewalk.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Sorry, but thats clearly wrong.

    Feedback is a conglomeration of many opinions, you vary the curve of them and see where the truth lies

    The way you put it, no one can contend its not very hard.

    Thats just not the truth.

    The truth is, this game is fine for casuals.. there is not real difficulty curve outside of grind time.

    Reduce grind , take into account the 1 million threads already posted about this from multiple sources and fix where the true curve of grinding should lay..

    its clearly not in the 1000 x hes they want us to run, because poeple do not want to run them to that extent.

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    reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    Hey if you do not agree, do not need to flame.. just stay away from the thread!

    Sorry, but thats clearly wrong.

    Feedback is a conglomeration of many opinions, you vary the curve of them and see where the truth lies

    The way you put it, no one can contend its not very hard.

    Thats just not the truth.

    The truth is, this game is fine for casuals.. there is not real difficulty curve outside of grind time.

    Reduce grind , take into account the 1 million threads already posted about this from multiple sources and fix where the true curve of grinding should lay..

    its clearly not in the 1000 x hes they want us to run, because poeple do not want to run them to that extent.

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    umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    Saying your requests are wrong is not flaming, it's debating.

    And in my opinion, your requests are wrong and this game doesn't need to be easier than it already is.
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    reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    I asked my friends and family, they ALL agree (Savij and Neopenguin as leaders) that this game in Icewind Dale, Dread Ring, Well of Dragons is hard. Stop flaming and give ur take, this is not a debate thread...
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    lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Seriously, if you think this game is hard you (and your friends and family) are doing something wrong. After the ArP issue was fixed, this game went back to Mod 5 days. There is no more challenge. Period. Just endless grinding for very little rewards...
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
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    reposterzreposterz Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    Guess we all agree to disagree....
    lirithiel said:

    Seriously, if you think this game is hard you (and your friends and family) are doing something wrong. After the ArP issue was fixed, this game went back to Mod 5 days. There is no more challenge. Period. Just endless grinding for very little rewards...

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    umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    What is your character's name ? so I can inspect it and see what's wrong.
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    deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    I assume it's going to just get more grindy, till the game goes down.

    Difficulty is relative. If you have a well geared main and been around a while with pre AD-nerf stones, it's easier.
    But if you're new or causal, you can get wrecked in 70 solo zones.

    You guys realize bragging how easy content is is inviting another goal-post move.
    100 to 400 points per 1% stat move was brutal.
    You want to have 8,000 crit chance points translate to 8% chance? Keep bragging...

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    ultradd#1718 ultradd Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Allow us to take down auction house lots if someone put a bid on it. Just a stupid rule you never realize until you decide to change the price of something and then suddenly realize it. It isn't even taught anywhere and you already posted a freaking fee.
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    instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Yes.. the game, as it stands, is "too easy" for geared and booned players. However, it's still quite challenging for others.

    So, first of all.. I wish people would quit saying the content is "too easy". It makes lesser geared/newer players feel pretty bad about themselves.

    However, in this vein of thought, if they are going to keep cramming the campaign currency grind down our throats, why not expand the campaign areas? At the very least, add more/different quests... for 2500 ilvl, for 3000 ilvl, for 3500 ilvl, for 4k ilvl.

    One of the vast mistakes that the devs have made in regards to this game, is that everything scales to a character's level. Well, there is a massive difference between a level 70 character with an 1800 ilvl and the same character at 2800 ilvl. One of them gets trounced, the other other mows through mobs like a weedwhacker through dried grass.

    Let's take IWD, as an example... how huge is that zone map? It's massive. And for all intents and purposes, empty. Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley. There's room for so many more areas... I really thought by now that there would be more areas to explore there... Why not add zone maps to the other campaign areas? The current WoD would be the launching point for the mini-zone, and have a map with other areas on it... accessible as a character's ilvl increases... going deeper into the desert, where things are tougher, stronger.. and the rewards are much more lucrative.

    I dunno.

    I'm just an idea guy.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    changes? sure! first of all, less focus on grinding and refining and more on playing and having fun. that alone would make a world of difference.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User

    lets get into this..

    I just rolled a paladin when it came out and WENT out of my way to NOT gear it up.

    This is what I found.. that the game is fairly the same as it was always, its not that difficult, the difficulty lays in only one area.. acquiring AD pre 70 as you gear up.

    When you hit 70, it gets worse for new players as AD is required to gear up and to BOON out.

    which is why in my cost proposals for change I BEGGED time and time for them to REMOVE the AD cost on boons.

    ITS the most cost prohibitive item to new players and shouldnt be in the game at this juncture.

    and yes.. btw.. I agree paladins are fairly easy to level.. but so isnt gwfs and then I would chose cws.

    I would say the harder classes that require some care is sw and then hr. They both like to have gear to be played easier.

    I could take these peoples toons and in 60 days have it to 2.5k i level with 80% of the boons with 20 hours of play time a week. A set of t2 and at least a greater enchant and a r7 in every slot.

    Thats not a exageration or boasting, anyone could do this who understands what to do to . A. Make AD and B. build and play the game correctly.

    At 2.5k i level and built correctly they can do anything on the pve side of the game. They may not win "charts" but they dont need to do contribute.

    (IE the difference between someone going off for 40 million and another at 25 million, you are still doing fine.. you are just not doing as much)

    Look , I UNDERSTAND where the op is posting from, I made a similiar posting 2 years ago when how the heck was I ever to get into a group when I was 7.9k gs and people wanted 10k+ to do idiris. I was frustated that the game seemed so hard at the time (the first time I did SP.. yikes! all that running around around around.. GAWD another wipe!)

    Once I found legit(*after yet another CN run people wanted to cheat in), it saved the game for me.. I no longer use legit all that often, but its still A GREAT place for new players to go.. its much better then being fed to fodder of PE. They gave me advice, led me directly to Kaelec and the laggygamerz guide to DCs, which showed me the concepts that told me what was important in this game, I found people I still play with to this day there as well.

    If they cant find a active guild that can help them, this is the next best option.

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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    reiwulf said:

    changes? sure! first of all, less focus on grinding and refining and more on playing and having fun. that alone would make a world of difference.

    +1 to this..

    this is how the game used to be.

    one thing to have a campaign, another thing to have to re run the same hes a million times.

    HES are not group content, even if random people show up on a map together.

    they take zero.. ZERO real knowledge of the game, or a players ability into account.

    you can literally show up press 8 buttons get enough for great success and sit for the rest of it.. no kidding.. you can.

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    takemura#4976 takemura Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The auction is awful! You can win an item and still loose it. How in the world is that possible? If I am high bidder at when the auction ends, I should win the item. Also, what about proxy bidding (al la eBay). I will try it again and it it win (loose), it will not be something I do a third time.
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    feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Pretty much roll back everything but content added since then to mod 3. Then do some actual class balancing. That would solve most of it. But absolutely get rid of artifact equipment grinds, unfarmable gear, ambush and cowardice rings, giant AD sinks, insultingly worthless lockbox loot, make professions useful (because masterwork is gated behind so much that it's useless by the time you get it). I cannot for the life of me understand what's so hard about letting us use professions to make free transmutes, why supposed grandmaster craftsmen can't make better things than you find lying on the ground, and what someone was thinking when he/she created ambush rings.
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    yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    a change of devs and publishers would be nice. also their servers should be retired.
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    rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I think the main thing the game needs is to have all zones be able to be done with any class, any build, any appropriate armor, with the same difficulty/ease. We all know that there are certain classes and builds that have more problems than others, and this needs to change. So a combat HR should be able to do Icewind Dale with the same ease as a destroyer GWF, which at the moment is not the case. So I guess it is really class balance, and balance within each path of the classes that needs the most work to me.
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