Sad to say but after maining my HR since mod 2, and building him up to within 1 enchant rank of BIS... I just gave up and switched mains to my baby TR.
But when you get your HAMSTER handed to you in a routine fashion by lower IL gwfs and gfs, and can't put a dent in anything with decent survivability despite having the option of 15k+ arpen and/or a truckload of power... it's time to call it quits.
It's not a problem of build, I've tried them all, defensive, offensive, stealthy, archer, combat, trapper, combo... HR damage is just plain uncompetitive, control is only slightly irritating and survivability meagre, hell even our base movement sucks.
Devs, please buff something, anything, I don't mind, right now I'd take a novelty ability to shoot purple flames out of my HRs HAMSTER to boost movement or something.
Out until the buff.
No idea what my toon is now.
I guess the main problem is that Trappers are fine enough in PvP?, and due to that archer and melee (both PvP and PvE) and Trapper (PvE) must suffer?
Since all classes have 3 paths they should make 1 for PvP, 1 for PvE and one for a mix, imo
Btw: With 3 free retraining tokens from winterfestival, I decided to spect to archer just to try it again. Omg the difference, I almost died in a solo Cela run, come on and I now have to consider strategies in IWD and WoD. And the one thing a archer should be better than the trapper at (killing a dragon in a SH run), he fails at learned, back to trapper....
Anyways, OP, sorry to see you hop over. I'm hoping next mod there'll be a buff to HR, because it really *is* a fun class. It just needs help.
I swear, if they don't buff their dodge for the next module I'll swap to my stab out eyes stance.
HR is for roleplayers
for bored veterans looking for a hardmode
for extremely stubborn players
i am some kind of mix of both
sad thing is HR dont look like is on devs target
whats funny there are still instances where i am only one who has aggro, hunting badly all over the map
HR has never been top dog and that has never bothered me. I play the class because I find it immensely fun. Despite the state of HR I am still enjoying my Archer and Combat HR. SWF if every other class out-damages us? TRs have been there and look at them now. Also, the GWFs time in the sun will come to an end and hopefully we will be the ones to rise (and I don't mean these Druid wannabee Trappers that insist it is the only viable HR path to play).
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
isnt that true?
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
That said, there are elements of the HR that I truly enjoy. Life not being an easy cake walk, is one of them - I enjoy the challenge.
But do you know what else I enjoy? Hopping on my GWF and standing in red and continuing to dps; or having my at-wills do more damage than my HRs encounters; or seeing my biggest HR hit (usually Cordon or a nice crit Seismic) pale in comparison to a fully-buffed IBS or Crescendo.
So it's disheartening, to say the least, when you compare your HR to any other dps class.
And when veterans leave the class because their friends or guild are starting to not invite them to group anymore because the HR is seen as a liability? That's even worse.
Note I still will PVP daily till I win a match no matter how bad PVP gets I have just gotten smarter at it by learning how to capitalize on other teams mistakes and picking my fights
Its really lame to see that my DC with 530 gs, that is right, 530 score bigger hits than the 4k gs HR. Some will doubt, but its the truth, do it and see for yourself, is its dps higher? No, offcorse not, but he does score bigger hits with his encounters, even bigger then HR's cordon, witch means he has burst while we have no sutch a thing. Witch is why we cant win a fight on pvp.
Some of u might say, eeeewww pvp is broken! just dont play that stuff and you will be good. Well truth is, it is even more broken to the HR, and no, you are not a class on hard mode there, you are a class who can only kill a newbee with no gs. PVE content is easy for every class, its not a challange at the moment.
So this story where ''HR is a class for who wants the hard mode!'' this is just something that was throwed at you and you swalloed, and accepted, the class is terrible, and with a communit who accepts that it will always be terrible, it is a good thing serious guilds are not recruiting HRs, maybe it will open the eyes of the devs, as the community itselfs refuses to do anymore.
And no, gwfs wont be out of the sun anytime soon, because they have players and a community who does try to solve the problems when they appear rather then saying, I dont care, it is a underdog, it is suposed to be a terrible class to players who wants a challenge. And just so you guys remember, they were the worst class of the game in the first mod, and then boom got buffed on everything and become a god because of their community. Do I want an HR to be a overpowered god? hell no! Neither did them, but would be nice to see classes who are on pair with each other and are competitive. We are not. So yeah, i'm quitting HR, I ratter acctualy play the game with everyone else and have chances to win based on my skill and the only place where they are actually measured is pvp because on pve u can even play naked and be successfull if u have a party.
sorry to new players, it must be horrible. BTW last time i met Icydrake, we wasnt so hard to troll for a time, but it was before rings.
PVE group dungeons content - i play only ELOL, luckily its dungeon where HR can be really usefull, if is able to use fox shift properly. against spear, against scorps, against laser. Majority times i pug que, so i dont need to be ashamed of my damage, it still look solid with pug. and its not problem finish dungeon, when i play class which can save many mistakes. sometimes only need one player replace to kill dragon. For kiting scorp, i dont even need dodging, only walk in circle to be safe (if lag free)
And until we get hardcore content that matters in NW, where every bit of dps makes a difference, I will continue to assert that Archers are very much viable in the current situation. I am not very far off from Trappers in damage and on single targets I blow them out of the water.
If you are struggling to get groups as a HR join NW Legit Community Channel. No elitism there are we take anyone on dungeon/skirmish/demo runs as long as you have the minimum required item level.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I still enjoy my HR Trapper a lot (PvE only)
And the damage of a HR depends on the situation
Eg. in HE's in WoD i'm close to 3,8+k gs gwf with some guild buffs with my 2800 gs without guild buffs (thanks CA...)
2 act log's were: 13-12,8 million damage (top GWF - 2nd me) and 17-13 damage (top GWF - 2nd me)
If i did run a kessell or some epic dungeon against such a gwf i'd be out-dps'ed damn hard - i know that much
But overall i nearly always find myself within the top dd's and also give the party CA (or cc if i swich to crushing roots) + a free dodge every few seconds with cunning
The only problem i experience is the defense in some situations
in Dungeons like etos it's no problem to be a glass cannon if you have a tank/heal and use fox's cunning + shift
The DoT in Demogorgon hits me for 15k tho, so within several seconds im a goner without a heal around
Also, since sharandar and ring lag like crazy for me it's hard to play there
Otherwise solo play for boons/etc. isnt any problem
To provide some context I've been playing a lot of dom on my TR for the last couple of days, after giving her a bit of a facelift during double refinement.
Stats gear.
HR 24k power average with twisted stacks and brutality hitting sometimes 28k
TR 20k power flat ensorcelled weapons brutality hitting sometimes 24k
HR arpen 15k crit about 30%
TR arpen 3.5k crit automatic
HR 120k HP and 15-20% LS tenacity 3xlionsmane.
TR 99k HP and 4.5% LS tenacity 2xelemental.
Il HR 3.7k TR 2.7k +4 brutality and ambush. 110% mounts. Both have lostmauth set TR purple, HR orange.
HR kills nubz check. Kills equal gear toons reliably uncheck. Oneshots things uncheck. Survives combat uncheck/meh. Kills 2vs.1 or more uncheck useful on mid uncheck. Kills higher gear toons, so uncheck its not funny. K/D ratio in roughly equal match 1:1 if lucky. Uutility in match winning meh to none.
TR kills nubz check. Kills equal gear toons reliably check. Oneshots things check and sometimes oneshots 2 toons with one double SE. Survives combat, check. Kills 2vs.1 or more check. Kills higher gear toons, check or severely dents them to the point they have to run. K/D in roughly equal match, depends on enemy classes but between 20/1 or 2 to 5/1 or 2. Utility in matchwinning, high to critical.
That's at purple everything with one cyan artifact, and a full 1k less gearscore.
Currently I get smoked by a properly spec'd GWF. It's not even close... to the point that it's not even worth trying lol. Sometimes I find a SW that beats me like a GWF. All other classes I typically beat in DPS. If I don't then it's very close and they have a higher IL. My IL is 2400 and other than my Ioun Stone my companions are crappy. My stone isn't even maxed out.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
HR has been neglected ever since mod 4. Our at-wills are pointless except as debuffs. GWF and TR at wills do more damage than our encounters and sometimes our dailies. Roots have almost no effect whatsoever on properly geared players. There may be a few stubborn archers left, but basically no one plays the combat tree and trappers mostly hang on out of stubbornness. It is far past time for Cryptic to actually admit that they have ignored this class for about the last YEAR and start fixing it. I do, of course, not nominate myself as interlocutor since I am not really capable of being polite about it. But the fact is that even though they are plainly terrible at class balancing it is long past time that they give it another try and maybe even learn something in the process.